Monday, November 30, 2009
Feeling like I can't win...
Today I had an OB appt...with a nurse practitioner since my OB is on vacation (what else is new), I'm 22 weeks and 3 days. I thought I was doing pretty great, I'm down 4 lbs total this pregnancy, which I am happy with considering I was up 18 lbs from when I got pregnant with gaining less this time would be a good thing.
But of course, the nurse still had something to say about my weight...I got a lecture on eating fruits and veggies...I have been eating really healthy this pregnancy, and trying my hardest to eat things that I can keep down...since I'm still having morning sickness a few times a week.
So needless to say I left the appt irritated...I feel like I can't win. Had I gained 10 lbs she's have lectured me on my eating habits, but even having lost 1 lb (from my last appt) I still get a lecture.
I've decided I HATE seeing nurse practitioners!
But of course, the nurse still had something to say about my weight...I got a lecture on eating fruits and veggies...I have been eating really healthy this pregnancy, and trying my hardest to eat things that I can keep down...since I'm still having morning sickness a few times a week.
So needless to say I left the appt irritated...I feel like I can't win. Had I gained 10 lbs she's have lectured me on my eating habits, but even having lost 1 lb (from my last appt) I still get a lecture.
I've decided I HATE seeing nurse practitioners!
Monday, November 16, 2009
I used to be so organized...
when I lived alone.
I was just thinking about this the other day, when I was in college I lived alone for a while, then I got a room mate who was never home so for about a year I was all by my lonesome. At times I hated it but overall it was freaking awesome. No one to clean up after, no one to complain about what you want to watch, no one to dirty your freshly cleaned home, no one to leave the seat up in the bathroom...etc etc etc.
My fondest memory of those times was how clean my apartment was. It was a cute little 2 bedroom apartment and my hobbit of a roommate never ventured outside his bedroom other than to use the it was all mine. And it was clean, not only clean, but uncluttered too. No piles of crap on the counters, tables, couch, chair and any other free space that anyone decides is just perfect for a pile. No dishes left out on the coffee table, no dishes in the sink for that matter. No coffee slopped on the counter, or crumbs trailing all over the counter. It was HEAVEN.
I also had a closet that I didn't have to share....and it was color coordinated, and I had a bed that was always made, oh how I miss those days.
I always find myself reminiscing about how organized I once was when we start to near the holidays. Way back when life was simple, I used to get all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving, and often I'd have it wrapped before then too...ahhh those were the days.
Last year I barely got everything purchased before the 23rd and then I forgot to take the gifts with me to a couple stops...ugh how the brain goes after kids.
This year, I had grand plans to begin shopping in October, well that came and went, so my next goal was the beginning of November....then that came and went. And now I will set an attainable goal of Christmas eve....
I really envy those people who are done shopping...unfortunately that ship has sailed for me I think.
Oh and have I mentioned that I haven't even put away my Halloween decorations yet...anyone up for a pumpkin themed New Years Party?
I was just thinking about this the other day, when I was in college I lived alone for a while, then I got a room mate who was never home so for about a year I was all by my lonesome. At times I hated it but overall it was freaking awesome. No one to clean up after, no one to complain about what you want to watch, no one to dirty your freshly cleaned home, no one to leave the seat up in the bathroom...etc etc etc.
My fondest memory of those times was how clean my apartment was. It was a cute little 2 bedroom apartment and my hobbit of a roommate never ventured outside his bedroom other than to use the it was all mine. And it was clean, not only clean, but uncluttered too. No piles of crap on the counters, tables, couch, chair and any other free space that anyone decides is just perfect for a pile. No dishes left out on the coffee table, no dishes in the sink for that matter. No coffee slopped on the counter, or crumbs trailing all over the counter. It was HEAVEN.
I also had a closet that I didn't have to share....and it was color coordinated, and I had a bed that was always made, oh how I miss those days.
I always find myself reminiscing about how organized I once was when we start to near the holidays. Way back when life was simple, I used to get all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving, and often I'd have it wrapped before then too...ahhh those were the days.
Last year I barely got everything purchased before the 23rd and then I forgot to take the gifts with me to a couple stops...ugh how the brain goes after kids.
This year, I had grand plans to begin shopping in October, well that came and went, so my next goal was the beginning of November....then that came and went. And now I will set an attainable goal of Christmas eve....
I really envy those people who are done shopping...unfortunately that ship has sailed for me I think.
Oh and have I mentioned that I haven't even put away my Halloween decorations yet...anyone up for a pumpkin themed New Years Party?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's a girl!
We were finally able to find out what baby #2 is on Tuesday....but considering she's my kid it wasn't without some drama.
Monday the 9th was our big ultrasound with Kaiser, Dan and I got up early and took Natalie to daycare and then went on to the new office building where they have all the new equipment for ultrasounds. We were very excited to find out if we'd be adding a sister or brother to our family. We checked in and sat down to wait to be called...considering we were a bit early I thought we'd get called in right away. Well about 20 minutes later and having read every magazine in the waiting room while eavesdropping on the receptionists conversation we were finally called in. I'd heard from the receptionists that the second ultrasound tech had called in sick that day and they were trying to reschedule all of the appointments. I was relieved as I'd have been pissed to get that call earlier in the morning...or so I thought.
Our tech came to get us and we proceeded into the brand new huge ultrasound room, a far cry from the broom closet our ultrasound was in with Natalie. Our tech was pleasant but clearly flustered...but I figured once we got into things she'd warm up...wrong again.
She flew through our ultrasound, barely stopping to point out what she was measuring.
At the end she was looking for gender and was obviously having a hard time, so he stopped and calculated my due date and all that, turns out baby is measuring a little ahead but only by about 3-4 my due date remains the same. She then say in an exasperated tone, I'll try to check for gender one more time. So she swipes the wand over my belly a couple more times and says "nope baby has it's feet in the way...sorry I can't tell you"
At which point I start to cry (damn pregnancy hormones) Dan starts asking if maybe we can try again, or maybe come back a little later in the morning. "Nope I'm booked all day, my partner called in sick...sorry"
Now the waterworks really start, like full on sobbing in the ultrasound room, which you'd think would tug at the heartstrings of this tech but nope, she was stone cold. As we were pushed out of the room with 2 pictures (we got about 10 with Natalie) I continued to sob. It literally took me like 3 hours to get it together.
So I told Dan we were going to the place where you pay and I didn't care how much it cost...he was smart enough to respond with "sounds good, whatever you want".
So on Tuesday, we went to prenatal peek for a gender peek ultrasound...and quick as can be the baby showed the goods. We're having another girl...which considering I had to drop $75 on the ultrasound ( a great deal in my opinion) is a good thing since I don't have to buy any new clothes for this baby....and we'll get more use out of Natalie's wardrobe.
Of course that's clearly a lie, I will be buying this kid clothing too, but likely in the form of matching outfits with Natalie.
Now let the namefights discussions begin.
Monday the 9th was our big ultrasound with Kaiser, Dan and I got up early and took Natalie to daycare and then went on to the new office building where they have all the new equipment for ultrasounds. We were very excited to find out if we'd be adding a sister or brother to our family. We checked in and sat down to wait to be called...considering we were a bit early I thought we'd get called in right away. Well about 20 minutes later and having read every magazine in the waiting room while eavesdropping on the receptionists conversation we were finally called in. I'd heard from the receptionists that the second ultrasound tech had called in sick that day and they were trying to reschedule all of the appointments. I was relieved as I'd have been pissed to get that call earlier in the morning...or so I thought.
Our tech came to get us and we proceeded into the brand new huge ultrasound room, a far cry from the broom closet our ultrasound was in with Natalie. Our tech was pleasant but clearly flustered...but I figured once we got into things she'd warm up...wrong again.
She flew through our ultrasound, barely stopping to point out what she was measuring.
At the end she was looking for gender and was obviously having a hard time, so he stopped and calculated my due date and all that, turns out baby is measuring a little ahead but only by about 3-4 my due date remains the same. She then say in an exasperated tone, I'll try to check for gender one more time. So she swipes the wand over my belly a couple more times and says "nope baby has it's feet in the way...sorry I can't tell you"
At which point I start to cry (damn pregnancy hormones) Dan starts asking if maybe we can try again, or maybe come back a little later in the morning. "Nope I'm booked all day, my partner called in sick...sorry"
Now the waterworks really start, like full on sobbing in the ultrasound room, which you'd think would tug at the heartstrings of this tech but nope, she was stone cold. As we were pushed out of the room with 2 pictures (we got about 10 with Natalie) I continued to sob. It literally took me like 3 hours to get it together.
So I told Dan we were going to the place where you pay and I didn't care how much it cost...he was smart enough to respond with "sounds good, whatever you want".
So on Tuesday, we went to prenatal peek for a gender peek ultrasound...and quick as can be the baby showed the goods. We're having another girl...which considering I had to drop $75 on the ultrasound ( a great deal in my opinion) is a good thing since I don't have to buy any new clothes for this baby....and we'll get more use out of Natalie's wardrobe.
Of course that's clearly a lie, I will be buying this kid clothing too, but likely in the form of matching outfits with Natalie.
Now let the name
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
More and more these days I find myself shaking my head in disbelief of the crimes that people commit, but I don't know that I've read a story more heinous than this one.
A 15 year old girl gang raped on her High School campus, after leaving a Homecoming dance. When I think of my own homecoming dances years and years ago, I have fond memories of getting dressed up and taking pictures with my date, and hours of dancing with friends....but for this little girl homecoming will forever have a different memory.
What I am struggling with most is which is more disgusting, the fact that at least 6 people ranging from 15-21 years old raped and robbed her.....or the fact that at least 2 dozen people watched the event that lasted about 2 and a half hours, egging the monsters on, joining in on the attack, taking pictures with their phones...and not one of them, NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON, though hmm this is wrong maybe I should call the cops, or try to stop this.
A 15 year old girl gang raped on her High School campus, after leaving a Homecoming dance. When I think of my own homecoming dances years and years ago, I have fond memories of getting dressed up and taking pictures with my date, and hours of dancing with friends....but for this little girl homecoming will forever have a different memory.
What I am struggling with most is which is more disgusting, the fact that at least 6 people ranging from 15-21 years old raped and robbed her.....or the fact that at least 2 dozen people watched the event that lasted about 2 and a half hours, egging the monsters on, joining in on the attack, taking pictures with their phones...and not one of them, NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON, though hmm this is wrong maybe I should call the cops, or try to stop this.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Blog Challenge #4
What was your (or your child's) "best" Halloween costume ever? (Bonus points for photos!)
This was a tough one for me, since I can hardly remember most of my Halloween's past...they must have been really good!
Way back in 1999, I went to a Halloween party with my then boyfriend as Mary from Something about Mary. I had pretty much the exact same haircut as Cameron Diaz did in the movie and I used hairspray and gel to get that ever memorable stuck straight up look that Mary got when she used some of Ben Stiller's "gel". It was a huge hit and super super easy.
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures from that they were probably destroyed or maybe too incriminating...either way no bonus pictures from me!
This was a tough one for me, since I can hardly remember most of my Halloween's past...they must have been really good!
Way back in 1999, I went to a Halloween party with my then boyfriend as Mary from Something about Mary. I had pretty much the exact same haircut as Cameron Diaz did in the movie and I used hairspray and gel to get that ever memorable stuck straight up look that Mary got when she used some of Ben Stiller's "gel". It was a huge hit and super super easy.
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures from that they were probably destroyed or maybe too incriminating...either way no bonus pictures from me!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pregnancy Rage...
So I've always been a little "high strung" and had a hot temper...I blame it on my Irish heritage, but pregnancy brings out a whole new level of crazy in me.
When I was pregnant with Natalie most of my rage was directed at Dan. One night in particular I was up for like the 10th time to go to the bathroom, as I come back to bed Dan is snoring and has totally invaded my side of the bed. This set me off. Here I am carrying your child and you have the audacity to encroach on my space....I was ready to pummel him in his sleep. But luckily my rational side took over and instead of hitting him I loudly flopped back into bed and punched my pillow...he startled awake groggily asking "what's wrong" to which I replied...nothing I didn't say anything. ...but Ha he was awake now and could feel my pain!
Well this time I've kept my crazy in check for over 16 weeks...until yesterday. A co-worker who drives me crazy with her "I'm better than everyone" attitude, attempted to "fix" something that I had just spent an hour teaching someone, explaining and re-explaining and walking this person though an entire process. I was correct in my explanation and process, which I know for a fact as I had already run it by a more senior adjuster.
Well I spend an hour of my day helping this gal, walk away and then little Mrs. I'm better than everyone has to come over and completely undermine me....when I was right! I pretty much lost it and said some unkind things. Luckily I was able to keep my rage in check and didn't punch her in the face like I wanted to...but don't worry her day will come....okay I'm sure I won't hit her....
When I was pregnant with Natalie most of my rage was directed at Dan. One night in particular I was up for like the 10th time to go to the bathroom, as I come back to bed Dan is snoring and has totally invaded my side of the bed. This set me off. Here I am carrying your child and you have the audacity to encroach on my space....I was ready to pummel him in his sleep. But luckily my rational side took over and instead of hitting him I loudly flopped back into bed and punched my pillow...he startled awake groggily asking "what's wrong" to which I replied...nothing I didn't say anything. ...but Ha he was awake now and could feel my pain!
Well this time I've kept my crazy in check for over 16 weeks...until yesterday. A co-worker who drives me crazy with her "I'm better than everyone" attitude, attempted to "fix" something that I had just spent an hour teaching someone, explaining and re-explaining and walking this person though an entire process. I was correct in my explanation and process, which I know for a fact as I had already run it by a more senior adjuster.
Well I spend an hour of my day helping this gal, walk away and then little Mrs. I'm better than everyone has to come over and completely undermine me....when I was right! I pretty much lost it and said some unkind things. Luckily I was able to keep my rage in check and didn't punch her in the face like I wanted to...but don't worry her day will come....okay I'm sure I won't hit her....
T minus 3 weeks...
Until we find out if we're adding a little girl or a little boy to our family. I can not wait.
I've kept myself from speculating up to this point, but it's getting increasingly hard to ward off the speculation.
I had an appointment today with my OB, I convinced Dan to come along since I had a feeling I'd get another ultrasound....and sure enough I was right. I apparently have an anterior placenta so the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler. The nurse brought in a ultrasound machine, of course one of the super old ones since the new high tech one was in use, and we got to see the babe. After much inquisitive looking with his head cocked the doctor finally told us that he thinks the heartbeat was about 110 beats per minute...much lower than Natalie was at that time (she was about 150 through out my pregnancy). He seemed happy enough with that heartbeat but did mention that it was at the very low end of normal. Then he said "based on that I think you're having a boy...but the caveat to that rule is that it's only 50% accurate" The same joke he told me when he guessed that Natalie was a girl.
So now I wait 3 more weeks to find out for sure. I'm still trying to convince Dan to go in for one of those early gender screens but he's pretty against it.
Ugh 3 weeks isn't long at all...but it feels like forever!!!
I've kept myself from speculating up to this point, but it's getting increasingly hard to ward off the speculation.
I had an appointment today with my OB, I convinced Dan to come along since I had a feeling I'd get another ultrasound....and sure enough I was right. I apparently have an anterior placenta so the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler. The nurse brought in a ultrasound machine, of course one of the super old ones since the new high tech one was in use, and we got to see the babe. After much inquisitive looking with his head cocked the doctor finally told us that he thinks the heartbeat was about 110 beats per minute...much lower than Natalie was at that time (she was about 150 through out my pregnancy). He seemed happy enough with that heartbeat but did mention that it was at the very low end of normal. Then he said "based on that I think you're having a boy...but the caveat to that rule is that it's only 50% accurate" The same joke he told me when he guessed that Natalie was a girl.
So now I wait 3 more weeks to find out for sure. I'm still trying to convince Dan to go in for one of those early gender screens but he's pretty against it.
Ugh 3 weeks isn't long at all...but it feels like forever!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Blog Challenge week 3
What is a specific moment/event that made you realize you were truly "a grown-up"?
For me there were a few different moments/events that made me feel like I was truly a grown up, but the first was probably buying our first home. Buying a house has a way of really making you feel like you've hit a milestone. Sitting there signing the papers was an intense feeling, like there was no going back from here...I had to be a responsible adult from her on out. I could no longer blow my paycheck on shopping...I had responsibities.
The second one was when I got rid of the last of our hand me down furniture, it was a computer desk that Dan had gotten from a friends mom, it was nice but it wasn't ever really mine. Once it was gone and I realized that we had bought everything ourselves, shopped, picked it out and purchased it I felt like we were really grown ups. Grown ups in a home full of our own furniture.
Of course having Natalie really made me feel like I was a grown up. When you're a kid you think of parents as grown ups, I still think of my parents and their friends as "adults" while we're still kids. But once I had Natalie, my role had to change. I was one of them, obligated to bring things to holiday dinners rather than just show up with beer. And now with mentions of us hosting a holiday at our makes that all the more real.
I miss the days of being a kid, the freedom that we had even if we thought it was awful that we couldn't do all the things adults did. Life was so carefree and easy.
For me there were a few different moments/events that made me feel like I was truly a grown up, but the first was probably buying our first home. Buying a house has a way of really making you feel like you've hit a milestone. Sitting there signing the papers was an intense feeling, like there was no going back from here...I had to be a responsible adult from her on out. I could no longer blow my paycheck on shopping...I had responsibities.
The second one was when I got rid of the last of our hand me down furniture, it was a computer desk that Dan had gotten from a friends mom, it was nice but it wasn't ever really mine. Once it was gone and I realized that we had bought everything ourselves, shopped, picked it out and purchased it I felt like we were really grown ups. Grown ups in a home full of our own furniture.
Of course having Natalie really made me feel like I was a grown up. When you're a kid you think of parents as grown ups, I still think of my parents and their friends as "adults" while we're still kids. But once I had Natalie, my role had to change. I was one of them, obligated to bring things to holiday dinners rather than just show up with beer. And now with mentions of us hosting a holiday at our makes that all the more real.
I miss the days of being a kid, the freedom that we had even if we thought it was awful that we couldn't do all the things adults did. Life was so carefree and easy.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I don't know how single parents do it.
I'm on day 5 of 10 of Dan being out of town, and all I can say is hats off to those single parents.
It's really hard to be the only one full time, granted I work so Natalie is at daycare during the day but when we're home, I have no buffer, I feel like I have no time to even go to the bathroom without her either following me in there or knocking on the door. Scheduling showers is a pain in the ass too.
I may complain about Dan from time to time, and how I feel like I do most things for Natalie, but man his presence is missed. Not to mention that Natalie misses him too, last night she brought me the phone and said "dada, hi dada" so we called him but of course she didn't have much to say once he was on the phone.
It's really hard to be the only one full time, granted I work so Natalie is at daycare during the day but when we're home, I have no buffer, I feel like I have no time to even go to the bathroom without her either following me in there or knocking on the door. Scheduling showers is a pain in the ass too.
I may complain about Dan from time to time, and how I feel like I do most things for Natalie, but man his presence is missed. Not to mention that Natalie misses him too, last night she brought me the phone and said "dada, hi dada" so we called him but of course she didn't have much to say once he was on the phone.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Blog Challenge week 2
Do you enjoy reading? What do you read and when? What's your favorite book ever?
For me this is a bit of a loaded question. Yes I like to read, but I never make time for it because I like to do other things vege on the couch and do nothing. And lately reading has really taken a back seat to everything, Natalie, cooking, cleaning, TV, Dan, etc etc etc.
When I do read I like to read things that are relatively mindless. I enjoy chick lit like all of the Shopaholic series, and most recently Twilight...although it is taking me forever to finish the series.
As for favorite book ever, I don't think I have one, I'm not one for reading books over and over so even if I liked it I don't love anything enough to read it again.
But this post has made me think that I really need to read more, there are a lot of books out there that I'd like to read and at the rate I'm going I'm never going to read any of them. Dan is out of town this week so maybe with him away I can complete the Twilight series and move on to some of the other books collecting dust in my room. We'll see.
For me this is a bit of a loaded question. Yes I like to read, but I never make time for it because I like to do other things vege on the couch and do nothing. And lately reading has really taken a back seat to everything, Natalie, cooking, cleaning, TV, Dan, etc etc etc.
When I do read I like to read things that are relatively mindless. I enjoy chick lit like all of the Shopaholic series, and most recently Twilight...although it is taking me forever to finish the series.
As for favorite book ever, I don't think I have one, I'm not one for reading books over and over so even if I liked it I don't love anything enough to read it again.
But this post has made me think that I really need to read more, there are a lot of books out there that I'd like to read and at the rate I'm going I'm never going to read any of them. Dan is out of town this week so maybe with him away I can complete the Twilight series and move on to some of the other books collecting dust in my room. We'll see.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Money does buy happiness...
So my cousin, who is fabulous and funny but refuses to blog emailed me something about this the other an "Idea for my blog", see she's already thinking of things to blog about...that's the first step. So just create a blog already!
Anyhow, she sent me this email that said basically that money could buy you happiness, because she'd be happy if she could buy a boat, a house with a pool, etc. But that money doesn't make you rich, because for her being rich is about having a great family, great friends, health etc.
I completely agree. I think money can buy happiness. I'd be happier if I had a boat, a house with a pool, no need to ever balance my checkbook, a new car, fab furniture, a housekeeper, a cook and so on. But that I am rich...even though I'm a PBH (that's po' broke ho...for those of you who don't create acronyms for everything). I have a fabulous daughter, a great husband, a wonderful family, health, a comfortable home, a job...really I have many riches.
So I thought I'd remind myself of all my riches while I lament about my hoopty ride and my old clothes, and my burning desire to redecorate my house....because well it's true.
Anyhow, she sent me this email that said basically that money could buy you happiness, because she'd be happy if she could buy a boat, a house with a pool, etc. But that money doesn't make you rich, because for her being rich is about having a great family, great friends, health etc.
I completely agree. I think money can buy happiness. I'd be happier if I had a boat, a house with a pool, no need to ever balance my checkbook, a new car, fab furniture, a housekeeper, a cook and so on. But that I am rich...even though I'm a PBH (that's po' broke ho...for those of you who don't create acronyms for everything). I have a fabulous daughter, a great husband, a wonderful family, health, a comfortable home, a job...really I have many riches.
So I thought I'd remind myself of all my riches while I lament about my hoopty ride and my old clothes, and my burning desire to redecorate my house....because well it's true.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I'm ready for fall!
I know we live in Sunny California, and we should be happy that it's not snowing blah blah blah. But I am really freaking ready for some mild fall weather.
This past weekend on the face of the sun AKA Santa Rosa, it was a nice 100+ on Saturday and Sunday. Of course I had a "sick-ish" toddler on Saturday who wanted to lay on me all day...needless to say I was melting on the couch.
Sunday was equally as hot..or so it felt but at least we got to cool down with a nice trip to the lake. Our friends Shaun & Amy got a boat earlier this summer so we were lucky enough to be asked to go out to the lake yesterday. Lemme tell you this pregnant lady was all too happy to jump into the freezing waters to cool off.
Natalie had a great time too, well except for the two times she fell off the back deck of the boat face first into the lake....but luckily for her we have slacked on breaking the binky so she had that plug in her mouth and didn't swallow any of the lake water. She didn't even cry...what a champ!
And did I mention that my kid only got car naps yesterday....she was an angel considering her lack of sleep. She loved watching Shaun wake board and loved waving to him although he didn't wave back.
So I will consider that a great close to summer and nature can now move on to the regularly scheduled crisp air, winds, and cool weather...
This past weekend on the face of the sun AKA Santa Rosa, it was a nice 100+ on Saturday and Sunday. Of course I had a "sick-ish" toddler on Saturday who wanted to lay on me all day...needless to say I was melting on the couch.
Sunday was equally as hot..or so it felt but at least we got to cool down with a nice trip to the lake. Our friends Shaun & Amy got a boat earlier this summer so we were lucky enough to be asked to go out to the lake yesterday. Lemme tell you this pregnant lady was all too happy to jump into the freezing waters to cool off.
Natalie had a great time too, well except for the two times she fell off the back deck of the boat face first into the lake....but luckily for her we have slacked on breaking the binky so she had that plug in her mouth and didn't swallow any of the lake water. She didn't even cry...what a champ!
And did I mention that my kid only got car naps yesterday....she was an angel considering her lack of sleep. She loved watching Shaun wake board and loved waving to him although he didn't wave back.
So I will consider that a great close to summer and nature can now move on to the regularly scheduled crisp air, winds, and cool weather...
Friday, September 25, 2009
So I've been ditched tonight, Dan is going to the lake with his friends and while I thought we had plans to go out to dinner and then catch up on some DVR...he apparently says we had no plans. So I'm all alone with Natalie tonight. Generally I don't mind when he wants to do something with the guys, it doesn't happen often so it really isn't a big deal but in addition to him being gone my parents are out of town watching my brother play there goes my back up.
I emailed the wife of one of the guys going tonight but she is babysitting and then heading to bed early...she's pregnant too. And while going to bed early sounds great...I really want something to do tonight.
Hmmph. I hate being ditched, even if our plan was just to watch TV.
At least I'm not as emotional as I was when he first told me...I about cried...damn pregnancy hormones.
And don't even get me started on the fact that he's leaving for a 10 day hunting trip in a couple weeks...uh yea that should be fun trying to entertain myself while he's off gallivanting around Idaho. Bastard doesn't even have a to top it off I am paying for the hunting trip. ARRRGGG!
I already told him I'm planning a spa weekend with the girls (aka my mom) and he's not going to bitch about having Natalie to himself for the whole weekend!
I emailed the wife of one of the guys going tonight but she is babysitting and then heading to bed early...she's pregnant too. And while going to bed early sounds great...I really want something to do tonight.
Hmmph. I hate being ditched, even if our plan was just to watch TV.
At least I'm not as emotional as I was when he first told me...I about cried...damn pregnancy hormones.
And don't even get me started on the fact that he's leaving for a 10 day hunting trip in a couple weeks...uh yea that should be fun trying to entertain myself while he's off gallivanting around Idaho. Bastard doesn't even have a to top it off I am paying for the hunting trip. ARRRGGG!
I already told him I'm planning a spa weekend with the girls (aka my mom) and he's not going to bitch about having Natalie to himself for the whole weekend!
Blog Challenge week one.
Lately I've been struggling with bloggers block, not only do I feel like I have nothing to write about but I generally blog at work (I know it's awful) so I don't even really have many pictures to upload here.
But luckily for me one of the gals in the online community I am active member of posted a blog challenge and I quickly jumped at the opportunity to have someone else come up with the ideas for me and I could just write...perfect!
So the the challenge for week one is "Why do you blog? What do you hope to get out of participating in this challenge?"
Hmm...a deep question for the first week, lets hope they become more superficial in the future...lord knows I love superficial crap. But I'm up for the challenge.
Why do I blog? Well I began blogging while I was home on maternity leave with Natalie, I wanted a place to put pictures of her and updates on her latest milestones, with the hope of using it in lieu of a baby book. I have a friend who did this and made a blurb book with her blog, it was so cute...and I thought "hey I could do that"...well apparently I can't do that. Only a couple posts into this blog it stopped being all about Natalie, don't get me wrong but I felt like this blog was MY blog, and while she is a huge part of my life I wanted to be able to put down my feelings. It turned into almost therapy, being able to get my feelings out there. For a long time I don't think anyone was reading my blog, and that was fine I was still getting it out and dealing with stuff. Then I thought it was a great place to put funny stories...which I guess people like cause I got some followers after that. And while I crack myself up daily I was glad that I could make other people laugh too. So over the year plus that I've blogged I've changed my reason a few times, and now I blog for me...anything on my mind that I want to get out of my head goes in the's still like therapy and much cheaper than counseling.
What do I hope to get out of participating in this challenge? Hmm...well since I've had blogger block I hope that it gets me back to blogging. For quite some time I was blogging regularly and it was great. But life gets in the way, a super mobile kid and being pregnant doesn't help. Plus I was actually trying to get some work done. But getting back to it is a good thing. I also hope that with these questions it will make my blog more well rounded, things about me, about Natalie, and funny stories about my sister (cause really they're always about her). And maybe I'll gain some readership with this challenge, having some followers makes me feel like I have to be accountable and I can't just give up or quit.
So stay tuned for weekly challenge updates, hopefully I can blog more than just once a week...but for now I'll take it.
But luckily for me one of the gals in the online community I am active member of posted a blog challenge and I quickly jumped at the opportunity to have someone else come up with the ideas for me and I could just write...perfect!
So the the challenge for week one is "Why do you blog? What do you hope to get out of participating in this challenge?"
Hmm...a deep question for the first week, lets hope they become more superficial in the future...lord knows I love superficial crap. But I'm up for the challenge.
Why do I blog? Well I began blogging while I was home on maternity leave with Natalie, I wanted a place to put pictures of her and updates on her latest milestones, with the hope of using it in lieu of a baby book. I have a friend who did this and made a blurb book with her blog, it was so cute...and I thought "hey I could do that"...well apparently I can't do that. Only a couple posts into this blog it stopped being all about Natalie, don't get me wrong but I felt like this blog was MY blog, and while she is a huge part of my life I wanted to be able to put down my feelings. It turned into almost therapy, being able to get my feelings out there. For a long time I don't think anyone was reading my blog, and that was fine I was still getting it out and dealing with stuff. Then I thought it was a great place to put funny stories...which I guess people like cause I got some followers after that. And while I crack myself up daily I was glad that I could make other people laugh too. So over the year plus that I've blogged I've changed my reason a few times, and now I blog for me...anything on my mind that I want to get out of my head goes in the's still like therapy and much cheaper than counseling.
What do I hope to get out of participating in this challenge? Hmm...well since I've had blogger block I hope that it gets me back to blogging. For quite some time I was blogging regularly and it was great. But life gets in the way, a super mobile kid and being pregnant doesn't help. Plus I was actually trying to get some work done. But getting back to it is a good thing. I also hope that with these questions it will make my blog more well rounded, things about me, about Natalie, and funny stories about my sister (cause really they're always about her). And maybe I'll gain some readership with this challenge, having some followers makes me feel like I have to be accountable and I can't just give up or quit.
So stay tuned for weekly challenge updates, hopefully I can blog more than just once a week...but for now I'll take it.
Fun giveaway
I love giveaways and I love jewelry so what could be better than a jewelry giveaway!
H over at Angel Face Designs, makes amazing jewelry, I have a couple of her pieces and love them, not to mention I always get compliments on them.
If you'd like a chance to win, head on over to her blog and check it out, not only does she make fabulous jewelry but her blog is super fun!
H over at Angel Face Designs, makes amazing jewelry, I have a couple of her pieces and love them, not to mention I always get compliments on them.
If you'd like a chance to win, head on over to her blog and check it out, not only does she make fabulous jewelry but her blog is super fun!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Long time no blog...
I know I've been a bit MIA lately, I while I really have no excuse other than wicked morning sickness...err All.Freakin.Day sickness to blame for it I still appologize.
The morning sickness has really kicked my ass this time around, I mean laid out on the couch while I pray for my kid to remain entertained with the books, boxes, dolls that she is playing with..sick.
But still that is no excuse for also having not a damn thing to blog about. I have tried really I swear but nothing...I think the throwing up has ruined my brain.
So all I have to share today is a sort of funny story about my involves throwing up so if you don't want to know about that stop reading....
Yesterday while Dan was out shooting guns and leaving his sick as a dog wife home alone to deal with a feisty toddler (yeah I'm still bitter) I decided to give Natalie some oatmeal...and since hers looked delicious I decided to have some as well. Mistake #1. I finished off my oatmeal and began to clean the kitchen while N was still eating hers....well really trying to feed it to the dogs. I get all the dishes in the dishwasher and begin to clean up the counters and here it comes. Time to get sick, my kid was strapped in the highchair and I didn't want to leave her stranded in the kitchen, AND I really didn't think I could make it to the I threw up in the kitchen sink...gross! Well it was a marathon puking session lasting about 15 minutes. I was trying to remain calm thinking I would scare Natalie if things got too bad, but then mid puke I hear "ha ha ha ha Roooaaarrrrr ha ha ha" I look over to see my sweet angel pointing and laughing at me while I vomit into the sink, all the while adding some nice "roar" sounds in the mix. She thought I was roaring into the sink...she found this hilarious. I will be the first to admit that I am not a quiet sick person, I can not throw up silently...I try trust me I try...but no such luck. Apparently my loud throwing up sounds like roaring to my kid.
I guess it was a good think that it didn't scar her, better to have a toddler laughing at you while you throw up than to be scared shitless and screaming bloody murder while you can't pull your head out of the kitchen sink.
The morning sickness has really kicked my ass this time around, I mean laid out on the couch while I pray for my kid to remain entertained with the books, boxes, dolls that she is playing with..sick.
But still that is no excuse for also having not a damn thing to blog about. I have tried really I swear but nothing...I think the throwing up has ruined my brain.
So all I have to share today is a sort of funny story about my involves throwing up so if you don't want to know about that stop reading....
Yesterday while Dan was out shooting guns and leaving his sick as a dog wife home alone to deal with a feisty toddler (yeah I'm still bitter) I decided to give Natalie some oatmeal...and since hers looked delicious I decided to have some as well. Mistake #1. I finished off my oatmeal and began to clean the kitchen while N was still eating hers....well really trying to feed it to the dogs. I get all the dishes in the dishwasher and begin to clean up the counters and here it comes. Time to get sick, my kid was strapped in the highchair and I didn't want to leave her stranded in the kitchen, AND I really didn't think I could make it to the I threw up in the kitchen sink...gross! Well it was a marathon puking session lasting about 15 minutes. I was trying to remain calm thinking I would scare Natalie if things got too bad, but then mid puke I hear "ha ha ha ha Roooaaarrrrr ha ha ha" I look over to see my sweet angel pointing and laughing at me while I vomit into the sink, all the while adding some nice "roar" sounds in the mix. She thought I was roaring into the sink...she found this hilarious. I will be the first to admit that I am not a quiet sick person, I can not throw up silently...I try trust me I try...but no such luck. Apparently my loud throwing up sounds like roaring to my kid.
I guess it was a good think that it didn't scar her, better to have a toddler laughing at you while you throw up than to be scared shitless and screaming bloody murder while you can't pull your head out of the kitchen sink.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Screw you cancer...
What I really want to say is Fuck you cancer, fuck you! But that seemed like a harsh title, and I didn't want to shock people who may just see a title in their google reader.
But really, I fucking hate cancer. I hate what it does to people, to families, to friends.
Dan's grandmother has been battling cancer for years, my memory is crap right now but I think it's been about 7 years. I grew up without grandparents (long story, I've got them but they weren't really a part of my life) and when I met Dan and his close family I was immediately welcomed by his grandparents. They are amazing and have shown me what it is to have loving caring involved grandparents. Something I didn't really know I was missing until I found it.
But now, Dan's beloved grandmother is struggling with this fight, for so long she was so strong. She went into remission and stayed healthy for 4.5 years before the bastard made it's reappearance everywhere. But even then she fought, she wouldn't give up, trying new treatments even when she knew how awful they'd make her feel, but she was hopeful.
Then came the news that those treatments weren't helping, in fact they were just making her quality of life worse. So began the journey of no treatment. For a while she was doing okay, some radiation here and there but no chemo, and she was feeling a bit better.
We all knew it couldn't last, we knew that the end of her road was near. We did our best to mentally prepare for it, we visited often, and made sure to take lots of pictures.
But nothing prepares you for the call that there are only days left, and that you really have to get out there one more time.
The "last visit" will be the hardest, she's such a different person now than she once was, just a shell of the once lively woman, too weak to even talk much, clearly in pain.
At this point I just hope we can get one more visit in, our lives are busy, it's hard to schedule visits etc etc, but I know that we will never forgive ourselves if we don't make the effort.
So once again, fuck you cancer, fuck you for taking people too young, fuck you.
But really, I fucking hate cancer. I hate what it does to people, to families, to friends.
Dan's grandmother has been battling cancer for years, my memory is crap right now but I think it's been about 7 years. I grew up without grandparents (long story, I've got them but they weren't really a part of my life) and when I met Dan and his close family I was immediately welcomed by his grandparents. They are amazing and have shown me what it is to have loving caring involved grandparents. Something I didn't really know I was missing until I found it.
But now, Dan's beloved grandmother is struggling with this fight, for so long she was so strong. She went into remission and stayed healthy for 4.5 years before the bastard made it's reappearance everywhere. But even then she fought, she wouldn't give up, trying new treatments even when she knew how awful they'd make her feel, but she was hopeful.
Then came the news that those treatments weren't helping, in fact they were just making her quality of life worse. So began the journey of no treatment. For a while she was doing okay, some radiation here and there but no chemo, and she was feeling a bit better.
We all knew it couldn't last, we knew that the end of her road was near. We did our best to mentally prepare for it, we visited often, and made sure to take lots of pictures.
But nothing prepares you for the call that there are only days left, and that you really have to get out there one more time.
The "last visit" will be the hardest, she's such a different person now than she once was, just a shell of the once lively woman, too weak to even talk much, clearly in pain.
At this point I just hope we can get one more visit in, our lives are busy, it's hard to schedule visits etc etc, but I know that we will never forgive ourselves if we don't make the effort.
So once again, fuck you cancer, fuck you for taking people too young, fuck you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Reunion conundrum.
To go or not to go...that is the question. My 10 year High School Reunion is coming up this October, and I need to get off the pot and decide if I'm going to go ASAP. I've already missed the deadline for the discount tickets and if I go now I must pay an additional $15 per person...
Here's my dilemma, I loved high school, it was great I had a great time etc etc...but I have sucked at keeping in touch with anyone I went to school with. Then I joined facebook...ah the amazing time suck known as facebook. Now I've become "friends" with almost all of my old high school friends, I keep up on what they're up to, I see pictures of their kids and all I sort of feel like what's the point of going to the reunion.
Also, I'm pregnant, so I won't be boozing it up at the reunion, I'll have to find something to fit my even fatter now ass into to go, and drunk people annoy me when I'm sober.
Really the second point there is the major one, I am appalled by the amount of weight I've gained since high school and I don't really want to even show my face there....I know I shouldn't care and that everyone looks different blah blah blah...but it's tough when you used to be a pretty thin girl and now...well not so much.
I fear that I'll regret not going, but wonder if I'll regret more spending $130 on tickets not to mention shelling out $ for the new clothes I'll buy to not have fun....or worse be uncomfortable.
Decisions, decisions.
Here's my dilemma, I loved high school, it was great I had a great time etc etc...but I have sucked at keeping in touch with anyone I went to school with. Then I joined facebook...ah the amazing time suck known as facebook. Now I've become "friends" with almost all of my old high school friends, I keep up on what they're up to, I see pictures of their kids and all I sort of feel like what's the point of going to the reunion.
Also, I'm pregnant, so I won't be boozing it up at the reunion, I'll have to find something to fit my even fatter now ass into to go, and drunk people annoy me when I'm sober.
Really the second point there is the major one, I am appalled by the amount of weight I've gained since high school and I don't really want to even show my face there....I know I shouldn't care and that everyone looks different blah blah blah...but it's tough when you used to be a pretty thin girl and now...well not so much.
I fear that I'll regret not going, but wonder if I'll regret more spending $130 on tickets not to mention shelling out $ for the new clothes I'll buy to not have fun....or worse be uncomfortable.
Decisions, decisions.
Monday, August 10, 2009
An award?!? For me?!?

You read that right, I got an award. Really I'm shocked, flattered but shocked. I was just working aka wasting time reading through my blog list checking out what's new with all my "Internet friends" as my husband so fondly refers to them...when I stumble upon an award I've received from Smartass Mom whom I adore for many reasons not the least of which is her wit.
So now I will dutifully pass this award along to three more of my "Internet friends" who I feel are deserving and who's blogs you really shouldn't miss.
On being mommy is a great blog by written by my dear friend and college room mate, she is refreshingly raw and funny about all things mommy.
A, B and Baby C is another great blog about navigating motherhood while maintaining a sense of self. Which is easier said than done.
O Baby This blog is great, tons of super cute baby pictures and a really fresh honest perspective on motherhood.
So thank's Smartass mom! I loooove your blog and am flattered that you like me...uh I mean mine too.
So now I will dutifully pass this award along to three more of my "Internet friends" who I feel are deserving and who's blogs you really shouldn't miss.
On being mommy is a great blog by written by my dear friend and college room mate, she is refreshingly raw and funny about all things mommy.
A, B and Baby C is another great blog about navigating motherhood while maintaining a sense of self. Which is easier said than done.
O Baby This blog is great, tons of super cute baby pictures and a really fresh honest perspective on motherhood.
So thank's Smartass mom! I loooove your blog and am flattered that you like me...uh I mean mine too.
Friday, August 7, 2009
If you know me at all you know about my intense love of all things beer. I love beer! All kinds of beer, micro brews, good old Coors lights, Mexican beers, German beers...basically all beer.
But, while pregnant I must take a temporary break from my love of's sad really. I salivate when Dan orders a beer at a restaurant or when someone updates their Facebook status about cracking a nice cold beer...oh how I miss beer.
But lucky for me I have been able to quench my thirst with a pseudo beer, or should I say faux beer...really those sound better than "non-alcoholic".
So I've decided to become a faux beer connoisseur for the next 9 months.
So far I've tried St Paulie Girl, and Clausthaler...I much prefer Clausthaler to St Paulie Girl.
Anyhow if you've ever wondered which faux beer was best than tune in because I plan to make it my mission to try every non-alcoholic beer I can get my hands on.
Crazy...maybe, but really I'm doing it in the name of research.
But, while pregnant I must take a temporary break from my love of's sad really. I salivate when Dan orders a beer at a restaurant or when someone updates their Facebook status about cracking a nice cold beer...oh how I miss beer.
But lucky for me I have been able to quench my thirst with a pseudo beer, or should I say faux beer...really those sound better than "non-alcoholic".
So I've decided to become a faux beer connoisseur for the next 9 months.
So far I've tried St Paulie Girl, and Clausthaler...I much prefer Clausthaler to St Paulie Girl.
Anyhow if you've ever wondered which faux beer was best than tune in because I plan to make it my mission to try every non-alcoholic beer I can get my hands on.
Crazy...maybe, but really I'm doing it in the name of research.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hmm...lets see what's new with me....
Uh well let me think about that, Natalie's getting a new tooth, we had a garage sale where I only made $35, my parents celebrated their 30th anniversary, and oh yeah, I'm pregnant!
Yup, that's right Natalie is going to be a big sister! I'm due on April 2, so if things go according to plan I will have 2 April babies....can you say diamonds. Now I just have to talk Dan into getting me a mother's ring.
So far I'm feeling pretty good, exhausted but overall pretty good. I have *knock on wood* not been sick yet, but have had a couple bouts of nausea. I'm hoping that I will get lucky and not be too sick this time. I had pretty mild morning sickness with Natalie and besides throwing up on the neighbors lawn I made it through pretty unscathed.
As for the due date, I WILL do everything in my power to NOT have this child on April 1st.
I'm anxiously awaiting my first prenatal appointment and getting to see that little bean on the ultrasound machine.
And I do think I'm nuts for entering the insane world of 2 under 2, but in all honesty we thought it would take a while to get pregnant this time considering how long it took to get pregnant with Natalie...but you can only plan so much I guess.
Yup, that's right Natalie is going to be a big sister! I'm due on April 2, so if things go according to plan I will have 2 April babies....can you say diamonds. Now I just have to talk Dan into getting me a mother's ring.
So far I'm feeling pretty good, exhausted but overall pretty good. I have *knock on wood* not been sick yet, but have had a couple bouts of nausea. I'm hoping that I will get lucky and not be too sick this time. I had pretty mild morning sickness with Natalie and besides throwing up on the neighbors lawn I made it through pretty unscathed.
As for the due date, I WILL do everything in my power to NOT have this child on April 1st.
I'm anxiously awaiting my first prenatal appointment and getting to see that little bean on the ultrasound machine.
And I do think I'm nuts for entering the insane world of 2 under 2, but in all honesty we thought it would take a while to get pregnant this time considering how long it took to get pregnant with Natalie...but you can only plan so much I guess.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Coupons....are they really a money saving tool?
I know that in theory they are a money saving tool, and if I were talking about coupons for items I regularly purchase I would agree with their money saving super powers.
BUT in my life coupons only cause me to buy things that I didn't really in "oh I had a coupon for it so I had to get it"....LAME.
So this month when I opened my August issue of Parents magazine and found a Gymboree coupon I was both excited and nervous. Excited because having a coupon meant that I just had to go there to use it, but nervous about how much I'd spend under the guise of saving money. So off to Gymboree I went because not only did I have a coupon but I also had gymbucks! So I spent an ass load of money and Natalie has an entire summer wardrobe for next long as she doesn't all of a sudden have a huge growth spurt.
Then yesterday, my awesome coworker brought me another Gymboree coupon that she plucked from her Family Circle magazine.
It is currently sitting on my desk taunting me....I have checked the gymboree website like 3 times today adding things to my bag, taking things out...back and forth.
I just have to use the coupon, it would be sacrilegious for me to let it go to waste. Oh have I mentioned that I also have 2 coupon codes waiting for me on my email....CRAP.
I'm going to go broke saving money.
BUT in my life coupons only cause me to buy things that I didn't really in "oh I had a coupon for it so I had to get it"....LAME.
So this month when I opened my August issue of Parents magazine and found a Gymboree coupon I was both excited and nervous. Excited because having a coupon meant that I just had to go there to use it, but nervous about how much I'd spend under the guise of saving money. So off to Gymboree I went because not only did I have a coupon but I also had gymbucks! So I spent an ass load of money and Natalie has an entire summer wardrobe for next long as she doesn't all of a sudden have a huge growth spurt.
Then yesterday, my awesome coworker brought me another Gymboree coupon that she plucked from her Family Circle magazine.
It is currently sitting on my desk taunting me....I have checked the gymboree website like 3 times today adding things to my bag, taking things out...back and forth.
I just have to use the coupon, it would be sacrilegious for me to let it go to waste. Oh have I mentioned that I also have 2 coupon codes waiting for me on my email....CRAP.
I'm going to go broke saving money.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The waaaaiiiting is the hardest part....
I'm channeling my inner Tom Petty with that title as I sit her and wait (until tomorrow morning) for my beta results....and then I will have to wait until Thursday morning for the next rounds results.
I hate the gray area...
I hate not knowing the answer, I need things to be yes or no, true or false, right or wrong, black or white...none of this gray area shit.
You know that old saying "No such thing as a little bit pregnant".....well if your name is Kelly you can be.
So for the 3rd time in 2 years, and the second time in 2 months I'm searching for answers....and not only the "simple" answer of am I or aren't I...but answers to the bigger why, how, and WTF....
It's hard not to lose hope....and not to be today I will just be all the things I want to be F*ck it why not.
Today I'm bitter, sad, angry, hurt, out of hope, selfish, cynical and don't pity me pity those who come into contact with me...because I can guarantee you it won't be a pleasant experience for them.
You know that old saying "No such thing as a little bit pregnant".....well if your name is Kelly you can be.
So for the 3rd time in 2 years, and the second time in 2 months I'm searching for answers....and not only the "simple" answer of am I or aren't I...but answers to the bigger why, how, and WTF....
It's hard not to lose hope....and not to be today I will just be all the things I want to be F*ck it why not.
Today I'm bitter, sad, angry, hurt, out of hope, selfish, cynical and don't pity me pity those who come into contact with me...because I can guarantee you it won't be a pleasant experience for them.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I've always had vivid dreams, like crazy, intense, can remember every detail the next day dreams. I'll go through phases where I'll have a lot of crazy dreams then a phase where the dreams are nothing too exciting...but every once in a while I'll have a dream that I can't shake. This happened last night, and it's been with me all day. I dreamt about an old high school boyfriend...not super uncommon as I tend to have dreams about people from the past...weird I know.
But this dream was about someone who was no good for me, just a bad relationship from the begining...and while I thought I had completely forgotten about the bad that was that relationship this dream has completely brought it all back to the surface. I keep replaying the dream in my mind, it was strange like he was trying to tell me something but never spoke....
Dreams are weird...and WTF why couldn't I have dreamt about a different high school boyfriend...that at least might have been enjoyable.
But this dream was about someone who was no good for me, just a bad relationship from the begining...and while I thought I had completely forgotten about the bad that was that relationship this dream has completely brought it all back to the surface. I keep replaying the dream in my mind, it was strange like he was trying to tell me something but never spoke....
Dreams are weird...and WTF why couldn't I have dreamt about a different high school boyfriend...that at least might have been enjoyable.
Wordless Wednesday Part II
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What a sucker...
As you know Dan is currently unemployed, so he spends his days leisurely watching TV, and hanging around the house....mind you Natalie is at Daycare all day....but that's an entirely different post.
So the other day I'm at work and I get a call from Dan telling me that he just talked to a telemarketer (apparently the highlight of his day as it was imperative to share with me right away rather than wait until I got home but whatever) and he has made an appointment with a salesman to come to our house to discuss some sort of lifetime guarantee paint. Hmmmm....the red flag should have been "lifetime guarantee" but he was hooked, he was all chatty about how great it would be and blah blah blah. So I reminded him that some people are actually working and that if we want to eat I had better get back to that little thing called a job.
Fast forward to last night, I get home from work after working overtime...which means I've put in about 10 hours of work plus my commute and dropping Natalie off a I've been out of the house going on 12 hours now, and Dan reminds me that we have our appointment with the salesman that evening.
Now let me take a break to tell you that Dan was supposed to cook dinner last night, but when I got home he hadn't started dinner yet. Natalie had eaten cupcakes at daycare because they had some type of birthday party, so her hair was standing on end from wiping frosting in it and she was coming down from her sugar melting down. So I had to cook dinner, eat dinner and hopefully bathe a sticky baby all before the guy got to our house at 8....uh yeah right.
So, at 8 on the dot the salesman gets there, Natalie is still eaten and I'm feverishly trying to clean up the kitchen and whatnot.
The guys sits down and begins to lay out his stuff, yeah that's right he had a whole display going on. He wanted to wait for me to sit down but I couldn't do that so I "listened" from the kitchen. I KNEW I wasn't buying any lifetime guaranteed paint....
Blah blah blah I'll spare you his HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTE presentation....all the while I have to keep taking breaks to do things like bathe a kid, and put said kid to bed....but Dan is listening intently to the entire presentation.
And then we get to the bottom line.....$21,000....BUT if you act now you can get it for the low low price of $14,500.....yeah FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!
Uh sure guy lemme just whip out my check book.
After about 15 minutes of us saying no and him trying to come up with financing options etc he finally about 10pm.
Needless to say I've banned Dan from answering the door, the phone, mail and any other soliciting means.
Oh and did I mention that this is the second time I've come home to him having salespeople in our house.....last time it was Kirby...ugh!
So the other day I'm at work and I get a call from Dan telling me that he just talked to a telemarketer (apparently the highlight of his day as it was imperative to share with me right away rather than wait until I got home but whatever) and he has made an appointment with a salesman to come to our house to discuss some sort of lifetime guarantee paint. Hmmmm....the red flag should have been "lifetime guarantee" but he was hooked, he was all chatty about how great it would be and blah blah blah. So I reminded him that some people are actually working and that if we want to eat I had better get back to that little thing called a job.
Fast forward to last night, I get home from work after working overtime...which means I've put in about 10 hours of work plus my commute and dropping Natalie off a I've been out of the house going on 12 hours now, and Dan reminds me that we have our appointment with the salesman that evening.
Now let me take a break to tell you that Dan was supposed to cook dinner last night, but when I got home he hadn't started dinner yet. Natalie had eaten cupcakes at daycare because they had some type of birthday party, so her hair was standing on end from wiping frosting in it and she was coming down from her sugar melting down. So I had to cook dinner, eat dinner and hopefully bathe a sticky baby all before the guy got to our house at 8....uh yeah right.
So, at 8 on the dot the salesman gets there, Natalie is still eaten and I'm feverishly trying to clean up the kitchen and whatnot.
The guys sits down and begins to lay out his stuff, yeah that's right he had a whole display going on. He wanted to wait for me to sit down but I couldn't do that so I "listened" from the kitchen. I KNEW I wasn't buying any lifetime guaranteed paint....
Blah blah blah I'll spare you his HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTE presentation....all the while I have to keep taking breaks to do things like bathe a kid, and put said kid to bed....but Dan is listening intently to the entire presentation.
And then we get to the bottom line.....$21,000....BUT if you act now you can get it for the low low price of $14,500.....yeah FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!
Uh sure guy lemme just whip out my check book.
After about 15 minutes of us saying no and him trying to come up with financing options etc he finally about 10pm.
Needless to say I've banned Dan from answering the door, the phone, mail and any other soliciting means.
Oh and did I mention that this is the second time I've come home to him having salespeople in our house.....last time it was Kirby...ugh!
Friday, July 17, 2009
How is it that
every time I go to Target I I end up spending $100. It doesn't matter how long I'm in the store, if I bring a list or not, if I go alone or with's always $100.
Today, for example, I ran to Target on my lunch. I only take a 30 minute lunch so in reality after I drive to Target I only have like 15 minutes to spend there before I have to take off to get back to work on time....which rarely happens. So I hit Target, I need like 3 things...oh but I have to stop in the clothing section for Natalie to see if they have anything good on sale...which of course they did. Then off to get my 3 things that I need, oh yeah lets swing by the other baby section and get Natalie some new cups.....oh and some more binkies, oh yeah and some food and snacks....oh and maybe a pacifier leash thingy.....Crap!
Then I rush to get my final "necessities" and head up to the checkout.
What do ya know...$100. CRAP!
At least I've been avoiding going to Target more than once a week...that really wasn't good.
Today, for example, I ran to Target on my lunch. I only take a 30 minute lunch so in reality after I drive to Target I only have like 15 minutes to spend there before I have to take off to get back to work on time....which rarely happens. So I hit Target, I need like 3 things...oh but I have to stop in the clothing section for Natalie to see if they have anything good on sale...which of course they did. Then off to get my 3 things that I need, oh yeah lets swing by the other baby section and get Natalie some new cups.....oh and some more binkies, oh yeah and some food and snacks....oh and maybe a pacifier leash thingy.....Crap!
Then I rush to get my final "necessities" and head up to the checkout.
What do ya know...$100. CRAP!
At least I've been avoiding going to Target more than once a week...that really wasn't good.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
For the second time in a week I picked plums off the tree in our yard. Last week I got two huge bowls of fruit, but didn't feel like getting the ladder out. Today I decided I'd better get the fruit off the tree before it got eaten by birds and bugs...or just fell off the tree and made a mess.
So now I have like 20 lbs of plums in my kitchen and no freaking idea what to do with them. I also have a mad back ache but that's because I had to do this on my own, including lugging around the huge ladder, while my "crippled" husband watched me from out the window.
I guess I'll now be forced to go make friends with some of the neighbors and deliver some plums to them...or risk getting sick from feeling like I have to eat them all on my own....hmm I wonder if that would be a good diet, the "plum diet". Hmm......
Friday, July 10, 2009
First time using a spoon...
We've been working on Natalie using spoons and forks for a while but generally all she wants to do is bang them against the plates or high chair. So we decided to try again with yogurt since I thought that would be easier. She's getting the hang of it.

Until she decided that it was much more fun to tip the bowl up and attempt to lick the yogurt out of the bowl.
Until she decided that it was much more fun to tip the bowl up and attempt to lick the yogurt out of the bowl.
As you can see it wasn't really a success...but we keep trying, plus it makes for great photos!
New kicks!
Natalie got these super cool new Vans from her Uncle Kevin & Auntie Rachelle for her birthday, and now they finally fit. I think they are awesome and now I want some hot pink Vans too.
I can't wait to get her some Top Siders too!
Patience with my patient
So Dan had surgery on Tuesday, they thought he had a torn meniscus but it turned out that was not the case and they still don't know what is wrong with him....wonderful.
So for 3 days he was unable to put any weight on his right leg, which meant that he had to basically sit on the couch and be waited on. So on Wednesday I went to work...because I'm a bitch like that. But, in my defense I got him all set up in the morning with phones, pillows, coffee, I had lunches in the house that were really easy etc etc. He was able to hobble around on his crutches. So I was feeling bad for him and waiting on him while I was home...until I found out that he had been able to go out to his truck with no assistance...down stairs. Uh yeah guy if you can manage stairs than you can fend for yourself buddy.
But he is finally able to get around more and play with Natalie a bit more which is a huge help for me. And hopefully we'll get the results from the tissue samples soon.
But man I tell ya, I am not cut out for this nurse maid stuff...sympathy isn't my strong suit.
So for 3 days he was unable to put any weight on his right leg, which meant that he had to basically sit on the couch and be waited on. So on Wednesday I went to work...because I'm a bitch like that. But, in my defense I got him all set up in the morning with phones, pillows, coffee, I had lunches in the house that were really easy etc etc. He was able to hobble around on his crutches. So I was feeling bad for him and waiting on him while I was home...until I found out that he had been able to go out to his truck with no assistance...down stairs. Uh yeah guy if you can manage stairs than you can fend for yourself buddy.
But he is finally able to get around more and play with Natalie a bit more which is a huge help for me. And hopefully we'll get the results from the tissue samples soon.
But man I tell ya, I am not cut out for this nurse maid stuff...sympathy isn't my strong suit.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Remote Control...
Dan was gone for the weekend and I got to be in control of the remote for the whole weekend....Woo Hoo!
I got to watch Bravo And it was glorious. I love all things bravo, really I think it's the best channel on TV. I love all the Real Housewives seasons, Millionaire Matchmaker, Shear Genius, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, Top Chef...etc etc.
But now I have found NYC Prep....OMG! Those "kids" are crazy! But I love it! LOVE IT!
Dan laughs at me and says things like "who watches this shit" but there must be more people out there who enjoy it because I highly doubt Bravo rolled this new show out for just me....
So next time you get control of the remote check it's pretty great...if you like watching DRAMA unfold.
And as a side note, you know you're a TV junkie when the title of this post makes you think of that old MTV (or was it VH1) game show "Remote Control"...come on you know you remember it.
I got to watch Bravo And it was glorious. I love all things bravo, really I think it's the best channel on TV. I love all the Real Housewives seasons, Millionaire Matchmaker, Shear Genius, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, Top Chef...etc etc.
But now I have found NYC Prep....OMG! Those "kids" are crazy! But I love it! LOVE IT!
Dan laughs at me and says things like "who watches this shit" but there must be more people out there who enjoy it because I highly doubt Bravo rolled this new show out for just me....
So next time you get control of the remote check it's pretty great...if you like watching DRAMA unfold.
And as a side note, you know you're a TV junkie when the title of this post makes you think of that old MTV (or was it VH1) game show "Remote Control"...come on you know you remember it.
Friday, June 26, 2009
This post might not stay up long but I needed to get it out....
So on earlier in the week I was pregnant and today I'm not...I know that I was only pregnant for a short while but that doesn't make the loss any less difficult to deal with.
I lost a pregnancy in June 2007, but was able to get pregnant with Natalie in August 2007. Now it's June 2009 and I'm feeling a bit like I'm stuck in a bad rerun.
When I had my last loss I was devastated, after many months of trying I was hopeful, but that hope was gone as soon as it began. To add insult to injury the miscarriage lasted a ridiculously long time. I had to go in for blood work every other day for 3 weeks then bi-weekly for another 2 weeks....every time I went in for blood work the phlebotomist would look all cheerful while reading my orders...."Oh an HCG test, congratulations" to which I'd have to reply while choking back tears that congratulations were not in order. Thank God for the sweet phlebotomist who remembered me after a few visits...and who was kind enough to make idle chatter with me while drawing my blood. So after all that, and a healthy pregnancy I thought I'd be spared anymore heartache. I felt as though I'd earned my stripes.
But now I sit here feeling the same as I did 2 years ago....the only difference is that now on top of the pain I feel guilty. Guilty because I have a beautiful daughter whom I love dearly and wouldn't trade for the world....who I wished for and hoped for month after month. And all the while I'd tell myself "just one healthy baby...that's all I want". So now, I feel guilty for being so distraught over my selfishness of wanting 2 healthy babies. And what is worse is that I have dear friends who are in the position I was 2 years ago of wishing for just one healthy baby....
But even with all the blessings that I have and knowing how very lucky I am, I can't help but be sad. I had a due date, I had hope, I had excitement....and now I feel empty.
So on earlier in the week I was pregnant and today I'm not...I know that I was only pregnant for a short while but that doesn't make the loss any less difficult to deal with.
I lost a pregnancy in June 2007, but was able to get pregnant with Natalie in August 2007. Now it's June 2009 and I'm feeling a bit like I'm stuck in a bad rerun.
When I had my last loss I was devastated, after many months of trying I was hopeful, but that hope was gone as soon as it began. To add insult to injury the miscarriage lasted a ridiculously long time. I had to go in for blood work every other day for 3 weeks then bi-weekly for another 2 weeks....every time I went in for blood work the phlebotomist would look all cheerful while reading my orders...."Oh an HCG test, congratulations" to which I'd have to reply while choking back tears that congratulations were not in order. Thank God for the sweet phlebotomist who remembered me after a few visits...and who was kind enough to make idle chatter with me while drawing my blood. So after all that, and a healthy pregnancy I thought I'd be spared anymore heartache. I felt as though I'd earned my stripes.
But now I sit here feeling the same as I did 2 years ago....the only difference is that now on top of the pain I feel guilty. Guilty because I have a beautiful daughter whom I love dearly and wouldn't trade for the world....who I wished for and hoped for month after month. And all the while I'd tell myself "just one healthy baby...that's all I want". So now, I feel guilty for being so distraught over my selfishness of wanting 2 healthy babies. And what is worse is that I have dear friends who are in the position I was 2 years ago of wishing for just one healthy baby....
But even with all the blessings that I have and knowing how very lucky I am, I can't help but be sad. I had a due date, I had hope, I had excitement....and now I feel empty.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday Thirteen...
Thirteen things that are annoying me right now....
- Being volunteered for things without anyone asking me.
- Being attacked for things that I had no control over....namely #1.
- Having to keep secrets.
- Having to wear more hats than I have time to deal with.
- When Tivo doesn't record my shows.
- Figuring out what to cook for dinner.
- Incompetence.
- Passing the buck.
- Unbalanced budgets.
- Taking #9 out on the state workers.
- When plans get changed
- Confusing test results.
- This headache that is trying to ruin my afternoon.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
I want a do over.....
This week has sucked and I want a do over!
Monday my kid decided 5 am was a fabulous wake up time, then I missed a Drs appt because I shut off my alarm in my infinite 5 am wisdom. Get to work an hour late...bah!
Then Wednesday I had to go to the rescheduled Drs appointment. Talk about awkward. I was seeing a dermatologist about a curious mole on my chest, well they decided that I should have a "mole mapping" uh okay whatever. So I go into the room and the nurse tells me to get undressed to my underwear and put on the gown...uh the mole in just on my chest lady. So I do as I'm told...mind you the gowns are made for children (or so it seems) and I am not petite. So I'm sitting there in all my naked glory with about 18 inches of some paper fabric crap wrapped around me that I am desperately trying to make cover my business....needless to say I was feeling a bit exposed. Then just as I'm getting a bit more comfortable in my new blue crepe duds the Dr comes in.....with these huge freaking magnifying goggles on and a head lamp....oh this is going to be fun.
She proceeds to look me over while making small talk and then proclaims "I'm going to get my camera to take pictures of some of these" Uh....WTF! So then she comes back and takes a shit load of pictures of all these different moles all the while telling me how she'll be discrete and how only the other Drs will be able to see these pictures. At this point I don't even care I just want to put my freaking clothes back on. So after the inspection, she stands back and starts chatting wit me, I am still standing there disrobed and trying to use my arms to strategically cover myself....ugh.
Then on Thursday my kid decides that since 5 am was so fun on Monday she'll try 3 am. She wakes up at 3 and decides she just wants to stay awake until about 5:30....WTF!!!
So after being awake for 2.5 hours I had to go into work late on Thursday again. Thank God my boss is such a nice guy! The whole drive in to work I'm telling myself that I will go in early on Friday to make up for all the issues this week...I'm going to set my alarm for earlier and get in there early!
So Friday morning rolls around, and my kid starts crying, I get up to get her and think "man it's really light out this morning, and my alarm hasn't gone off yet so it's still early" I change her diaper and bring her into my room, check the clock and CRAP! it's already 7:30....I'm supposed to be at work at 7:45. So after a mad dash to get ready I made it to work by 8:05.
So, after all that I am demanding a re-do!
Monday my kid decided 5 am was a fabulous wake up time, then I missed a Drs appt because I shut off my alarm in my infinite 5 am wisdom. Get to work an hour late...bah!
Then Wednesday I had to go to the rescheduled Drs appointment. Talk about awkward. I was seeing a dermatologist about a curious mole on my chest, well they decided that I should have a "mole mapping" uh okay whatever. So I go into the room and the nurse tells me to get undressed to my underwear and put on the gown...uh the mole in just on my chest lady. So I do as I'm told...mind you the gowns are made for children (or so it seems) and I am not petite. So I'm sitting there in all my naked glory with about 18 inches of some paper fabric crap wrapped around me that I am desperately trying to make cover my business....needless to say I was feeling a bit exposed. Then just as I'm getting a bit more comfortable in my new blue crepe duds the Dr comes in.....with these huge freaking magnifying goggles on and a head lamp....oh this is going to be fun.
She proceeds to look me over while making small talk and then proclaims "I'm going to get my camera to take pictures of some of these" Uh....WTF! So then she comes back and takes a shit load of pictures of all these different moles all the while telling me how she'll be discrete and how only the other Drs will be able to see these pictures. At this point I don't even care I just want to put my freaking clothes back on. So after the inspection, she stands back and starts chatting wit me, I am still standing there disrobed and trying to use my arms to strategically cover myself....ugh.
Then on Thursday my kid decides that since 5 am was so fun on Monday she'll try 3 am. She wakes up at 3 and decides she just wants to stay awake until about 5:30....WTF!!!
So after being awake for 2.5 hours I had to go into work late on Thursday again. Thank God my boss is such a nice guy! The whole drive in to work I'm telling myself that I will go in early on Friday to make up for all the issues this week...I'm going to set my alarm for earlier and get in there early!
So Friday morning rolls around, and my kid starts crying, I get up to get her and think "man it's really light out this morning, and my alarm hasn't gone off yet so it's still early" I change her diaper and bring her into my room, check the clock and CRAP! it's already 7:30....I'm supposed to be at work at 7:45. So after a mad dash to get ready I made it to work by 8:05.
So, after all that I am demanding a re-do!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I couldn't decide if I should title this post "A little nagging goes a long way" or "I posted too soon" or even "who's the douche now"
But at any rate, my attempting to redeem himself husband just called to let me know that he has scheduled our final inspection with the city....of course they're scheduling a month out, and considering I've been asking him to make this call for 3 weeks.....well I guess I should be thankful for the small things right?
So maybe in 12 weeks (since the city takes 6-8 weeks to cut a check) we'll be $500 richer....
But at any rate, my attempting to redeem himself husband just called to let me know that he has scheduled our final inspection with the city....of course they're scheduling a month out, and considering I've been asking him to make this call for 3 weeks.....well I guess I should be thankful for the small things right?
So maybe in 12 weeks (since the city takes 6-8 weeks to cut a check) we'll be $500 richer....
Seriously WTF?!?!
As you know my dear husband is currently unemployed, I've vented here about him before in case you missed it here is the link . Well anyhow, I quickly learned that I can't really expect him to do much by way of household chores while he's home because he has this serious addiction to stupid programs that the Tivo randomly records. So my new approach was to just give him a small task each day...something easy that he could take care of during commercials or whatever....well clearly that was a failure!
Today I asked (for the millionth time) to call the city about our cash for grass completion. A few months ago we took out our front lawn as part of the city's cash for grass program and we have quite a bit of money coming to us when we have our final inspection. Simple, call the city (I left the card out with all the information for him) and schedule an inspection. It makes more sense that he would schedule the inspection since he is the one who will be there for it....I know this will cut into his daily Tivo love fest but whatever!
So I just get a call from him asking if he needs to pick Natalie up from daycare (yup you read that right....he sits on the couch and takes the kid to daycare....ugh) I can tell he doesn't want to pick her up so I tell him nope, I'll get her and take her with me to my meeting tonight so he can do whatever it is he has planned.
Then I made the fatal error of asking what he did today (earlier in the day I had talked to him while he was driving so I knew he went out), he says he helped his brother with something. Hmm, why so secretive aye? So I ask what he did, he goes on to tell me that his brother needed a jump....weird considering his brother doesn't have a car let alone a drivers license, but that's a different story. Being the masochist that I am I have to keep asking, so I prod to find out who's car he jumped....turns out it was his brothers friends roommates girlfriend's car.
So I'm trying to wrap my head around driving all the way across town today to jump some perfect strangers car as a favor to your douche bag brother....okaaaay.
Then I really push my luck and ask if he called the city.....silence....
I was fully expecting this response but I was still pissed. So I say not so calmly "so you can drive your happy ass all over town jumping strangers cars because your brother asks you to but you can't call the fucking city to get our money....maybe I should have your brother ask you to call the city...then it might happen"
His response "uh yeah maybe"
Seriously WTF! And he wonders why I'm not Suzie Fucking Sunshine all the time!
Today I asked (for the millionth time) to call the city about our cash for grass completion. A few months ago we took out our front lawn as part of the city's cash for grass program and we have quite a bit of money coming to us when we have our final inspection. Simple, call the city (I left the card out with all the information for him) and schedule an inspection. It makes more sense that he would schedule the inspection since he is the one who will be there for it....I know this will cut into his daily Tivo love fest but whatever!
So I just get a call from him asking if he needs to pick Natalie up from daycare (yup you read that right....he sits on the couch and takes the kid to daycare....ugh) I can tell he doesn't want to pick her up so I tell him nope, I'll get her and take her with me to my meeting tonight so he can do whatever it is he has planned.
Then I made the fatal error of asking what he did today (earlier in the day I had talked to him while he was driving so I knew he went out), he says he helped his brother with something. Hmm, why so secretive aye? So I ask what he did, he goes on to tell me that his brother needed a jump....weird considering his brother doesn't have a car let alone a drivers license, but that's a different story. Being the masochist that I am I have to keep asking, so I prod to find out who's car he jumped....turns out it was his brothers friends roommates girlfriend's car.
So I'm trying to wrap my head around driving all the way across town today to jump some perfect strangers car as a favor to your douche bag brother....okaaaay.
Then I really push my luck and ask if he called the city.....silence....
I was fully expecting this response but I was still pissed. So I say not so calmly "so you can drive your happy ass all over town jumping strangers cars because your brother asks you to but you can't call the fucking city to get our money....maybe I should have your brother ask you to call the city...then it might happen"
His response "uh yeah maybe"
Seriously WTF! And he wonders why I'm not Suzie Fucking Sunshine all the time!
Remember those magazine "articles"....
That were called "What you say, what he hears" and they'd have all these sayings that seemed innocuous but when translated into "man-ese" meant something completely different. Don't pretend you weren't an avid reader of Seventeen....or for that matter Cosmo since often they had the same content.....
Anyhow, I have this acquaintance who is a bit of a everyone. No one, save an older man who may be able to help her career advancement, is safe from her condescending bitchery.
Well I've decided to compile a little list of "what she says, what everyone else hears" in her honor....
She says
Anyhow, I have this acquaintance who is a bit of a everyone. No one, save an older man who may be able to help her career advancement, is safe from her condescending bitchery.
Well I've decided to compile a little list of "what she says, what everyone else hears" in her honor....
She says
- "Maam....Maam.....Maam....let me finish", what everyone else hears "Hey you dumb bitch shut the F up and listen to me"
- "You're veeeery welcome", what everyone else hears "You are privileged to have my knowledge imparted on thankful"
- "Ooooh *insert name* you're so funny" what everyone else hears "maybe if we hit the sack I'll get a promotion"
- "I don't know why it's so hard for these people to understand what I'm telling them", what everyone else hears " I am the smartest person in the room, you are all so lucky to be here with me"
The list goes on and on.....these phrases in addition to her gross misuse of the English language and ridiculous propensity to mispronounce half the words that come out of her mouth are just one of the reasons I wake up could I pass up an opportunity to snicker under my breath at her. But hey I'm a bitch like that, I'm pretty sure we've already established that fact.
*disclaimer....I am fully aware that I have made up various words in this post, know that it was intentional and not my "gross misuse of the English language".
Monday, June 15, 2009
I should have gone back to bed....
As if I wasn't already dreading going back to work on turns out the day just had it in for me.
At about 4:45 I'm woken up by a crying kid, this is very out of the norm for my excellent sleeper, I figure she'll go back to sleep and lay there listening to her fuss for a few minutes before I get up and check on her. Well it turns out that we left her window open last night so she woke up because she was then I feel like a major ass. I get her up change her and get her all snuggled into bed with me. Problem solved.
Well at 7:25 I wake up and realize that I have slept through my alarm and that the cup of milk Dan made for Natalie has leaked all over my bed....awesome. So I slip my arm out from underneath my sleeping beauty and sneak to the phone to call work to let them know that I'll be late.
Back to my room to find a very happy very awake one year old rummaging through my nightstand....great.
Finally I get ready for work, and take Natalie to daycare, hit the Starbucks and things are looking up. I make it into work only an hour late...not to shabby right?!?
Well as I'm walking into work it dawns on me....I think I have a Dr.s appointment today...hmm maybe not today, maybe it's tomorrow.....
Uh, nope, it was today at 8:45 in Santa Rosa.....UGH! I had to drive past my Dr.s office to get to work today, right at about 8:30.....Damn!
After rescheduling the appt, and realizing I now have to take another morning off work...I finally got logged into my computer....but all motivation was shot by that time.
So the day is a bust to say the least.....right now I'm counting down the minutes until I can get home and crack a beer.
At about 4:45 I'm woken up by a crying kid, this is very out of the norm for my excellent sleeper, I figure she'll go back to sleep and lay there listening to her fuss for a few minutes before I get up and check on her. Well it turns out that we left her window open last night so she woke up because she was then I feel like a major ass. I get her up change her and get her all snuggled into bed with me. Problem solved.
Well at 7:25 I wake up and realize that I have slept through my alarm and that the cup of milk Dan made for Natalie has leaked all over my bed....awesome. So I slip my arm out from underneath my sleeping beauty and sneak to the phone to call work to let them know that I'll be late.
Back to my room to find a very happy very awake one year old rummaging through my nightstand....great.
Finally I get ready for work, and take Natalie to daycare, hit the Starbucks and things are looking up. I make it into work only an hour late...not to shabby right?!?
Well as I'm walking into work it dawns on me....I think I have a Dr.s appointment today...hmm maybe not today, maybe it's tomorrow.....
Uh, nope, it was today at 8:45 in Santa Rosa.....UGH! I had to drive past my Dr.s office to get to work today, right at about 8:30.....Damn!
After rescheduling the appt, and realizing I now have to take another morning off work...I finally got logged into my computer....but all motivation was shot by that time.
So the day is a bust to say the least.....right now I'm counting down the minutes until I can get home and crack a beer.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I'm a mean mom....
I always knew I'd be the kind of mom who laughed at her kids...I laugh at everything. I'm always the one who laughs at the inappropriate parts of movies (ya know when the guy gets hit by the train...things like that), it's embarrassing for my friends and family but's just my sick sense of humor.
Well today I was dying laughing at my kid.
Our dogs (2 chihuahuas) have citronella bark collars...they are annoying yappy dogs and it's necessary. So today Natalie was sitting in front of Pita playing, and started to cry, well apparently the collars are pretty sensitive to any loud noise not only barking. The collar sprayed Natalie in the face, which of course made her cry even more. I, being the mean mom I am, was laughing hysterically...this of course pissed Natalie off even more.
For those of you who are worried, I did call Kaiser and they checked with poison control and we now know that it is non-toxic....I'm pretty sure she didn't actually ingest any of it anyhow.
So FYI if you are thinking of getting citronella collars for your may want to keep your distance while crying or yelling...
Well today I was dying laughing at my kid.
Our dogs (2 chihuahuas) have citronella bark collars...they are annoying yappy dogs and it's necessary. So today Natalie was sitting in front of Pita playing, and started to cry, well apparently the collars are pretty sensitive to any loud noise not only barking. The collar sprayed Natalie in the face, which of course made her cry even more. I, being the mean mom I am, was laughing hysterically...this of course pissed Natalie off even more.
For those of you who are worried, I did call Kaiser and they checked with poison control and we now know that it is non-toxic....I'm pretty sure she didn't actually ingest any of it anyhow.
So FYI if you are thinking of getting citronella collars for your may want to keep your distance while crying or yelling...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A fine line....
Lately I've had a difficult time walking that fine line between being supportive of Dan while he is unemployed and giving those gentle nudges (read nagging) to get him to be more proactive in his job search.
I know that it must be difficult for him to be unemployed and that he would really like to find a job quickly, but from the outside it appears that he is just living this life of leisure. Sleeping in until Natalie wakes up (on the days that I don't just take her to day care early), having breakfast, watching TV, taking Natalie to day care, and of course job searching on the Internet...with some shopping and "research" added in there, lunch, TV, more job searching (?), TV, etc etc.
I had grand plans of him being a "house husband" for lack of better term, I thought I'd come home to a clean house, and maybe some laundry done...nothing too extravagant just simple little things.....but nope, the house is actually more of a disaster since he's been home, I get to see everything he's eaten all day (because the plates are either on the table still or in the sink), Natalie's stuff is everywhere, no laundry done...nothing.
So, the question is posed, how do I still be supportive of his feelings while unemployed, while being irritated by his lack of household's a difficult task.
I know that it must be difficult for him to be unemployed and that he would really like to find a job quickly, but from the outside it appears that he is just living this life of leisure. Sleeping in until Natalie wakes up (on the days that I don't just take her to day care early), having breakfast, watching TV, taking Natalie to day care, and of course job searching on the Internet...with some shopping and "research" added in there, lunch, TV, more job searching (?), TV, etc etc.
I had grand plans of him being a "house husband" for lack of better term, I thought I'd come home to a clean house, and maybe some laundry done...nothing too extravagant just simple little things.....but nope, the house is actually more of a disaster since he's been home, I get to see everything he's eaten all day (because the plates are either on the table still or in the sink), Natalie's stuff is everywhere, no laundry done...nothing.
So, the question is posed, how do I still be supportive of his feelings while unemployed, while being irritated by his lack of household's a difficult task.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Phone skills people....learn them...use them....
I have to talk on the phone frequently for my job, it isn't the best part of my job but generally it isn't the worst part.
BUT today it has sucked. Let me share with you, in case you don't know, some things that are ridiculously annoying to the person on the other end of that thingy you have in your hand.....oh and not only are these things annoying, but they make you sound like a total idiot.
1. If you ask a question DO NOT start talking again as soon as the person starts answering the question....because, and I know this is a shocker, you can't hear me if you are talking.
2. When taking down a phone number, it is not completely necessary to repeat each number immediately after I say it. I've taken down numbers, I KNOW this is true. And in case you missed it, as I said in #1 you CAN NOT hear me if you are talking. It is beyond annoying to have to repeat my phone number 3 times because you are an idiot.
3. Don't cry. I can't understand you when you are crying.....sorry, but if I can't understand you I can't really answer your question....or even know if you were asking a question.
4. This sort of piggy backs on #3, I'm not your shrink.....I'm sorry that things aren't all puppies and rainbows for you right now but I have work to do so I can't really sit here on the phone with you for an hour while I listen to all of the drama going on in your life right now.
5. Do NOT eat while on the phone with me. You called to ask a simple question, our conversation will last 5 minutes maximum....can you not curb your hunger for just 5 minutes. I'm all for multi-tasking but good lord to hear someone chew on the other end of the line is beyond disgusting.
6. If you have a chihuahua, a parrot, a monkey or an small child who will inevitable start squawking the moment I answer the phone...try, really try to step out of the room that said squawker is in....somehow that high pitched noise is amplified when it is funneled through your phone...just FYI.
7. An appropriate time to call me is NOT when you are in the bathroom....I can tell. Bathrooms have a very distinctive acoustic. Just DON'T do it.
8. Try really hard to just do nothing else while on the phone with me....washing pots and pans is noisy no? so why would you do it while on the phone. This goes for Vacuuming, crushing cans, popping balloons, playing the drums etc etc.
9. Roll up your window. I don't care if you want to call me while you are driving, whatever I'm in a safe office building not on the highway with you while you blab on the phone...fine whatever. But PLEASE roll up your window, I can't hear you through that wind tunnel okay!
10. Last but not least....just because you can't hear me due to your craptastic cell phone coverage in BFE, doesn't mean that I can't hear you. There is no need to yell. And while I'm at it, there is no need to yell at me ever, do you really think yelling at me will make me magically expedite your service needs...uh just pisses me off and you question goes to the end of the pile.
So there ya have it folks....simple really. Just don't be a total douche bag while on the's easy.
BUT today it has sucked. Let me share with you, in case you don't know, some things that are ridiculously annoying to the person on the other end of that thingy you have in your hand.....oh and not only are these things annoying, but they make you sound like a total idiot.
1. If you ask a question DO NOT start talking again as soon as the person starts answering the question....because, and I know this is a shocker, you can't hear me if you are talking.
2. When taking down a phone number, it is not completely necessary to repeat each number immediately after I say it. I've taken down numbers, I KNOW this is true. And in case you missed it, as I said in #1 you CAN NOT hear me if you are talking. It is beyond annoying to have to repeat my phone number 3 times because you are an idiot.
3. Don't cry. I can't understand you when you are crying.....sorry, but if I can't understand you I can't really answer your question....or even know if you were asking a question.
4. This sort of piggy backs on #3, I'm not your shrink.....I'm sorry that things aren't all puppies and rainbows for you right now but I have work to do so I can't really sit here on the phone with you for an hour while I listen to all of the drama going on in your life right now.
5. Do NOT eat while on the phone with me. You called to ask a simple question, our conversation will last 5 minutes maximum....can you not curb your hunger for just 5 minutes. I'm all for multi-tasking but good lord to hear someone chew on the other end of the line is beyond disgusting.
6. If you have a chihuahua, a parrot, a monkey or an small child who will inevitable start squawking the moment I answer the phone...try, really try to step out of the room that said squawker is in....somehow that high pitched noise is amplified when it is funneled through your phone...just FYI.
7. An appropriate time to call me is NOT when you are in the bathroom....I can tell. Bathrooms have a very distinctive acoustic. Just DON'T do it.
8. Try really hard to just do nothing else while on the phone with me....washing pots and pans is noisy no? so why would you do it while on the phone. This goes for Vacuuming, crushing cans, popping balloons, playing the drums etc etc.
9. Roll up your window. I don't care if you want to call me while you are driving, whatever I'm in a safe office building not on the highway with you while you blab on the phone...fine whatever. But PLEASE roll up your window, I can't hear you through that wind tunnel okay!
10. Last but not least....just because you can't hear me due to your craptastic cell phone coverage in BFE, doesn't mean that I can't hear you. There is no need to yell. And while I'm at it, there is no need to yell at me ever, do you really think yelling at me will make me magically expedite your service needs...uh just pisses me off and you question goes to the end of the pile.
So there ya have it folks....simple really. Just don't be a total douche bag while on the's easy.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tales of a misguided waist line....
So today I'm wearing this new shirt, I like it it's cute etc etc....but apparently the empire waist on this top is putting of an "I'm pregnant" vibe. Now no one has come right out and asked or said anything about my maternity status...but I have been getting inquisitive looks all day.....well I guess I won't be wearing this shirt again.....damn those flatter but deceiving empire waist lines....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Some people are just bitches.....
I've come to learn that in life some people are just plane old rhyme or reason to it just a fact. Now I don't know if these said bitches save their bitchiness for the Internet or if they are really just total bitches in life...I choose to believe the later.
I try to go through life just being myself, I tend to call it like I see it and I sure as hell won't back down from a's just not me. And if I see an injustice or someone being bullied I'll step up, because I think that kind of stuff is bullshit...but for the most part I don't go out of my way to be a bitch to anyone.....yet somehow I get people who feel the need to be a total bitch to me. Fine, if that's what makes you feel good knock yourself out.
But honestly after a while it gets old....especially when it wasn't warranted. If warranted I'll take it, I'm a firm believer in if you dish it out you had better be able to take I do. But when there is literally no reason for it I guess I just don't get it.
So to all you bitches out there who have literally no reason for it, isn't becoming on you.
I try to go through life just being myself, I tend to call it like I see it and I sure as hell won't back down from a's just not me. And if I see an injustice or someone being bullied I'll step up, because I think that kind of stuff is bullshit...but for the most part I don't go out of my way to be a bitch to anyone.....yet somehow I get people who feel the need to be a total bitch to me. Fine, if that's what makes you feel good knock yourself out.
But honestly after a while it gets old....especially when it wasn't warranted. If warranted I'll take it, I'm a firm believer in if you dish it out you had better be able to take I do. But when there is literally no reason for it I guess I just don't get it.
So to all you bitches out there who have literally no reason for it, isn't becoming on you.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Talk dirty to me.....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Vacationing National Lampoons style...part dos
After our three nights at the train depot aka "oceanside condo" we went to San Diego for one night and stayed with our gracious host Dan's BFF.
Finally some real beaches...we had a great time visiting Dan's friends in San Diego and then it was on to Morro Bay.
Well of course we don't have navigation so we had to get a map....yeah we were kickin it old school.
So, I map out our travels up I-5 an then over on Hwy 166 to Hwy 101.....sounds easy right.
Well Hwy 166 comes into I-5 at just north of the the middle of BFE. But my trusty map indicates that in just 27 miles there will be a doubt they'll have a diner of some sort.
About 10 miles into the drive I start to worry, there is no sign of civilization...there are farms and fields but no one working in them and no one on the road...hmmm. Finally we cruise into the one town on the map...Maricopa. Ahh Maricopa, not to be confused with Mariposa (which I did) Maricopa, is a tiny little town, with approximately one stop I tell Dan, there must be a diner here...while desperately hoping for something resembling a Dennys so we can at least be somewhat safe....uh wrong again.
We drive down the main street and see a sign, "Tina's Diner"...hmm alright how bad can it be right?
As we get out of the car, we notice that all the other shops on the road are boarded up and gone, there are no other cars, no other people....nothing....
By this time we had already gotten Natalie out of the car so there was no turning back, as we entered the diner we were ENTHUSIASTICALLY greeted by who I can only assume was turing back now.
After much senseless banter about how cute my kid is (which she really is) we sit down and start to look over the menu. I'm sort of freaking out at this point, since this place is about 100 years was clean but freaking old and somewhat dilapidated.
We decided on some hamburgers...well done (just incase) and salads.
The salads come one what can only be described as platters, and Dan digs in....and then says "There's a potato in my salad" at which point we realize that our salad is a green salad over potato salad, macaroni salad and carrot salad...sneaky.
The food was fine, although I was too nervous to eat much of it.....but don't worry Tina had pleanty to say to keep me from actually eating. She must have been thrilled to have people stop by because she actually sat down with us while we ate and told us all about Maricopa and their industry...which is apparently oil and mining kitty litter (who knew right?!!?)
So finally at a break in the conversation *read monologue* we informed Tina that we needed to hit the road and were able to get out of dodge.
After another 80 miles of desolate scenery and 2 more boarded up towns we were finally at Hwy 101...and let me tell you I was never so happy to see traffic in all my life...civilation!
Our last stop was Morro Bay, a cute little town just north of San Luis Obispo....great shops, on the water, and tons of bars...what could be better.
All in all a good vacation, but I'm starting to believe that we cannot go on a vacation without some ridiculous travel of these days I'll have to tell out about our SWAT run in in Jacksonville FL.....
Finally some real beaches...we had a great time visiting Dan's friends in San Diego and then it was on to Morro Bay.
Well of course we don't have navigation so we had to get a map....yeah we were kickin it old school.
So, I map out our travels up I-5 an then over on Hwy 166 to Hwy 101.....sounds easy right.
Well Hwy 166 comes into I-5 at just north of the the middle of BFE. But my trusty map indicates that in just 27 miles there will be a doubt they'll have a diner of some sort.
About 10 miles into the drive I start to worry, there is no sign of civilization...there are farms and fields but no one working in them and no one on the road...hmmm. Finally we cruise into the one town on the map...Maricopa. Ahh Maricopa, not to be confused with Mariposa (which I did) Maricopa, is a tiny little town, with approximately one stop I tell Dan, there must be a diner here...while desperately hoping for something resembling a Dennys so we can at least be somewhat safe....uh wrong again.
We drive down the main street and see a sign, "Tina's Diner"...hmm alright how bad can it be right?
As we get out of the car, we notice that all the other shops on the road are boarded up and gone, there are no other cars, no other people....nothing....
By this time we had already gotten Natalie out of the car so there was no turning back, as we entered the diner we were ENTHUSIASTICALLY greeted by who I can only assume was turing back now.
After much senseless banter about how cute my kid is (which she really is) we sit down and start to look over the menu. I'm sort of freaking out at this point, since this place is about 100 years was clean but freaking old and somewhat dilapidated.
We decided on some hamburgers...well done (just incase) and salads.
The salads come one what can only be described as platters, and Dan digs in....and then says "There's a potato in my salad" at which point we realize that our salad is a green salad over potato salad, macaroni salad and carrot salad...sneaky.
The food was fine, although I was too nervous to eat much of it.....but don't worry Tina had pleanty to say to keep me from actually eating. She must have been thrilled to have people stop by because she actually sat down with us while we ate and told us all about Maricopa and their industry...which is apparently oil and mining kitty litter (who knew right?!!?)
So finally at a break in the conversation *read monologue* we informed Tina that we needed to hit the road and were able to get out of dodge.
After another 80 miles of desolate scenery and 2 more boarded up towns we were finally at Hwy 101...and let me tell you I was never so happy to see traffic in all my life...civilation!
Our last stop was Morro Bay, a cute little town just north of San Luis Obispo....great shops, on the water, and tons of bars...what could be better.
All in all a good vacation, but I'm starting to believe that we cannot go on a vacation without some ridiculous travel of these days I'll have to tell out about our SWAT run in in Jacksonville FL.....
Lately it seems I've been continuously disappointed with my State's government...and this latest turn of events has me even more disappointed.
I've got so much to say but I am sure that it will turn into a rant that I doubt many want to read here.
So instead I will share some wonderful artwork from the talented Stinkerpants, whose blog you can check out here she has made some fabulous badges for all you bloggers out check it out!

Vacationing National Lampoons style....part uno
is an adventure to say the least....and when you add my parents in the mix it's down right crazy.
But a vacation is a vacation and I would be crazy to ever pass one up....
So we left bright and 6 am on Saturday headed for Sunny Southern California...which was actually great timing since the temps were in the 100s in Nor Cal.
Our plan was to leave ridiculously early so that Natalie would sleep and we could get pretty far out of the bay area...mission accomplished....but she slept so well that we ended up almost half way to LA before she woke up...ahh breakfast at a diner in the middle of nowhere...nice.
So after a nice glorified truck stop breakfast we headed towards LA...actually Calabassas to be exact.
Calabassas is much nicer than Los Angeles...or so we've been told. Uh the Kardashians live must be nice...hello they're the Kardashaians...
Acutally it was quite nice, clean and beautiful. It's one of those places that can *almost* entice you into living in So Cal....almost...of course the median home price is like 1.5 million..but whatev.
So we check into our hotel, wihtout seeing one me I was on look out, and decide to take Natalie swimming. We get her all greased up with sunscreen and gets ourselfs ready aka me getting Natalie ready while Dan watches TV.
And all of a sudden *POP* the TV goes black...weird. Dan is feverishly working to get the TV working again, because heaven forbid we be without a TV for even one night...and all of a sudden I realize that the TV is plumes of smoke coming out of the back of the TV.
So I tell him to unplug the TV and I call the front desk and tell them that our TV is on fire (I know a bit dramatic...sue me) after some crappy translation by me I am able to let the housekeeping staff working next door that our "television esta en fuego" which then sends her into a tissy.
Finally the maintenence guy comes and we try again to talk about the TV....but it wasn't going well. The manager comes and moves us to another room "a very nice room with a plasma." she says, like we won the lotto.....
(in hindsight I should have taken the TV fire as an omen for the direction the trip would take but I was being optomistic)
Luckily the remainder of the Calabassas stay was uneventful, no Kardashians, no more fires...just regular old vacation stuff.
Then it was on to San Diego...or so we thought. My mom reserved us an "oceanside condo....Ocean Beach CA" Now I think anyone would think that that Condo would be beachfront in Ocean Beach CA...right? was a condo, near an ocean and a beach in Oceanside CA....NOT San Diego....
Now if you're familiar with is NOT the same as Ocean Beach....not at all. Oceanside is about 40 miles north of San Diego, and is right at Camp has beaches but they aren't quite the same as San Diego....
Okay, so we deal with this and we figure, hey theres a beach there, it will be fine....yeah...the website for the condo failed to mention the FREIGHT TRAIN that runs 100 feet from the condo 24 hours a day...blowing it's whistle at EVERY intersection.
Hmm...another sign...maybe.
But a vacation is a vacation and I would be crazy to ever pass one up....
So we left bright and 6 am on Saturday headed for Sunny Southern California...which was actually great timing since the temps were in the 100s in Nor Cal.
Our plan was to leave ridiculously early so that Natalie would sleep and we could get pretty far out of the bay area...mission accomplished....but she slept so well that we ended up almost half way to LA before she woke up...ahh breakfast at a diner in the middle of nowhere...nice.
So after a nice glorified truck stop breakfast we headed towards LA...actually Calabassas to be exact.
Calabassas is much nicer than Los Angeles...or so we've been told. Uh the Kardashians live must be nice...hello they're the Kardashaians...
Acutally it was quite nice, clean and beautiful. It's one of those places that can *almost* entice you into living in So Cal....almost...of course the median home price is like 1.5 million..but whatev.
So we check into our hotel, wihtout seeing one me I was on look out, and decide to take Natalie swimming. We get her all greased up with sunscreen and gets ourselfs ready aka me getting Natalie ready while Dan watches TV.
And all of a sudden *POP* the TV goes black...weird. Dan is feverishly working to get the TV working again, because heaven forbid we be without a TV for even one night...and all of a sudden I realize that the TV is plumes of smoke coming out of the back of the TV.
So I tell him to unplug the TV and I call the front desk and tell them that our TV is on fire (I know a bit dramatic...sue me) after some crappy translation by me I am able to let the housekeeping staff working next door that our "television esta en fuego" which then sends her into a tissy.
Finally the maintenence guy comes and we try again to talk about the TV....but it wasn't going well. The manager comes and moves us to another room "a very nice room with a plasma." she says, like we won the lotto.....
(in hindsight I should have taken the TV fire as an omen for the direction the trip would take but I was being optomistic)
Luckily the remainder of the Calabassas stay was uneventful, no Kardashians, no more fires...just regular old vacation stuff.
Then it was on to San Diego...or so we thought. My mom reserved us an "oceanside condo....Ocean Beach CA" Now I think anyone would think that that Condo would be beachfront in Ocean Beach CA...right? was a condo, near an ocean and a beach in Oceanside CA....NOT San Diego....
Now if you're familiar with is NOT the same as Ocean Beach....not at all. Oceanside is about 40 miles north of San Diego, and is right at Camp has beaches but they aren't quite the same as San Diego....
Okay, so we deal with this and we figure, hey theres a beach there, it will be fine....yeah...the website for the condo failed to mention the FREIGHT TRAIN that runs 100 feet from the condo 24 hours a day...blowing it's whistle at EVERY intersection.
Hmm...another sign...maybe.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I wish I were crafty....
I mean I guess I am crafty, just not in the Martha Stewart sense....but that's a differ net story.
I wish I had some skill that would allow me to have a hobby outside of talking shit and shopping....a skill that I could put to good use like being able to make things to sell at craft fairs. I see things that people on Etsy make, and I have a few friends who are really crafty (in the traditional sense of the word) who could make good money if they sold some of their stuff....but me...uh no..not crafty.
I can sew....but I'm not creative enough to come up with a cute idea that people would want.
I need a hobby, again outside of the previously mentioned hobbies...oh and drinking, but what.....
I also know that if I did get involved in a hobby, I'd be bitching about never having the time to do said hobby, and then I'd have all this money invested into something (uh something else) that I don't do....
Maybe I should stick to my tried and true hobbies.
I wish I had some skill that would allow me to have a hobby outside of talking shit and shopping....a skill that I could put to good use like being able to make things to sell at craft fairs. I see things that people on Etsy make, and I have a few friends who are really crafty (in the traditional sense of the word) who could make good money if they sold some of their stuff....but me...uh no..not crafty.
I can sew....but I'm not creative enough to come up with a cute idea that people would want.
I need a hobby, again outside of the previously mentioned hobbies...oh and drinking, but what.....
I also know that if I did get involved in a hobby, I'd be bitching about never having the time to do said hobby, and then I'd have all this money invested into something (uh something else) that I don't do....
Maybe I should stick to my tried and true hobbies.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Guilty Pleasure.....
I LOVE the Real Housewives of New York! I loved the OC wives, and the Atlanta gals were alright, I know I'll love New Jersey too....but NY is the best.

So, on my birthday I got to catch up on some episodes I had on Tivo....and holy hell what the F was Simon wearing on the Finale. And he says he's straight...Bah!

Damn I hope they do a season 3.....that shit is too hilarious to stop!
Oh and BTW, I'm totally buying their book on parenting...LMAO!
Birthday fun....
Yesterday was my birthday, so I decided to take the day off and spend it with my little one. She was actually quite the angel yesterday. She woke up early but then went back to sleep with me...nothing better than a snuggly baby...especially since she's getting to big to want to snuggle these days. So I got to sleep in, then we watched a bit of the Today show. Lame I know but it's my little endulgence on my days off. I love Matt Lauer!
After breakfast Natalie was playing happily while I was able to play on facebook....yay. Then my sleepy baby needed another nap....and she went down like a champ. So during nap time I got to watch TWO episodes of Real Housewifes of New York...Holla! I'm super bummed that the season is over, but freaking excited for the New Jersy season to start!
Then it was time to have lunch with one of my BFFs Megan...yay for Mary's pizza.
More playing with my kid and finally dinner at Outback. It was a fab day! The only thing that could have made it better was if Dan had been home....although then I probably wouldn't have been able to watch RHoNY....
And BTW did you see Simon's outfit...Holy Hell!
After breakfast Natalie was playing happily while I was able to play on facebook....yay. Then my sleepy baby needed another nap....and she went down like a champ. So during nap time I got to watch TWO episodes of Real Housewifes of New York...Holla! I'm super bummed that the season is over, but freaking excited for the New Jersy season to start!
Then it was time to have lunch with one of my BFFs Megan...yay for Mary's pizza.
More playing with my kid and finally dinner at Outback. It was a fab day! The only thing that could have made it better was if Dan had been home....although then I probably wouldn't have been able to watch RHoNY....
And BTW did you see Simon's outfit...Holy Hell!
Monday, May 11, 2009
A great giveaway!
Heather over at Angel Face Designs has a great giveaway on her blog. She makes amazing jewelry, I have a few of her pieces and they always get major compliments....
Check it out.
And cause I suck at links here's the url
Check it out.
And cause I suck at links here's the url
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Our first trip to the ER.....
As we were wrapping up Natalie's birthday weekend extravaganza and she was playing happily with her new toys (aka the boxes the toys came in) my mom was blabbing on and on about how we need to corral off the fire place and how she's going to hurt herself on the fireplace etc etc. I told my mother that I doubted that she'd hurt herself on the one brick high hearth and that I'd worry about that when she started walking. So we're playing and not 30 seconds later *bam* Natalie face plants into the fireplace....she had apparently gotten her leg caught in the box she was sitting in....I scoop her up and realize she's bleeding. I take her to the sink to get her cleaned up and reveal a half inch long cut on her forehead. Now a half an inch seems really small but on a kid who's forehead span is only about 4 or 5 inches total...that's a pretty big cut.
So after much deliberation we decided to take her to the this time she was fine, playing happily again as long as we didn't try to ice her head.
So off to the ER we about 9:15 on Sunday evening....yeah a weekend night in the can only imagine the type of people who were there.
But luckily for us, the urgent care was still open, so they sent us up there and we were seen by a great nurse and then a great doctor in no time and had a plan...they would glue the cut closed. This is supposedly better for scaring and we don't have to take her back to get any stitches out.
So the nice Dr tells me that I'll need to hold her down while the nurse pulls the cut closed and he will apply the glue. Okay, no problem I think I can handle holding my 19 lb kid down......I think.
It literally took all three of us holding her down, me laying across her body and the nurse keeping her head still in some sort of half nelson type move.....but after much screaming and protesting from Natalie we were done....
I picked her up from the table, and of course she wanted my mom...who was smart and didn't hold her down...since I was now the enemy. And no sooner does she get into my mom's arms than she's waving and smiling at the nurse and doctor....I was still getting dirty looks.
All in all we were there for less than an hour...not to bad for our first trip to the ER. I have a feeling I'll be back at the ER with this kid...she's pretty spunky.
So after much deliberation we decided to take her to the this time she was fine, playing happily again as long as we didn't try to ice her head.
So off to the ER we about 9:15 on Sunday evening....yeah a weekend night in the can only imagine the type of people who were there.
But luckily for us, the urgent care was still open, so they sent us up there and we were seen by a great nurse and then a great doctor in no time and had a plan...they would glue the cut closed. This is supposedly better for scaring and we don't have to take her back to get any stitches out.
So the nice Dr tells me that I'll need to hold her down while the nurse pulls the cut closed and he will apply the glue. Okay, no problem I think I can handle holding my 19 lb kid down......I think.
It literally took all three of us holding her down, me laying across her body and the nurse keeping her head still in some sort of half nelson type move.....but after much screaming and protesting from Natalie we were done....
I picked her up from the table, and of course she wanted my mom...who was smart and didn't hold her down...since I was now the enemy. And no sooner does she get into my mom's arms than she's waving and smiling at the nurse and doctor....I was still getting dirty looks.
All in all we were there for less than an hour...not to bad for our first trip to the ER. I have a feeling I'll be back at the ER with this kid...she's pretty spunky.
Natalie's one year stats....
So today was Natalie's one year appointment...she was a champ as always, although she was a bit more leery of the Dr considering her Sunday night trip to the ER...which I will blog about next.
She is currently tipping the scales at 19 lbs 14.7 oz...which puts her in the 30% She's 2 feet 4 inches tall (17%) and her head a whopping 45cm in circumference.
All that and she is still wearing 6-9 month clothes....oh well.
She is currently tipping the scales at 19 lbs 14.7 oz...which puts her in the 30% She's 2 feet 4 inches tall (17%) and her head a whopping 45cm in circumference.
All that and she is still wearing 6-9 month clothes....oh well.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
They should have a birthday song.....
Yup, that's exactly what my sister said last night at 25 year old sister. The convo when something like Olive Garden.
Mom: "I'm going to start singing to Natalie now so she isn't scared when all 90 people start singing tomorrow"
Me: "uh okay"
Mom: "...singing happy birthday..."
Sister: "They should have a birthday song"
**silence falls on the table**
Mom: "uh they's called Happy Birthday....I think you've heard it"
Sister: "oh yeah...well they should have one you can like download off the Internet"
Me: "uh you mean like any of the versions that are currently on the Internet..."
Singing of many famous artists renditions of Happy Birthday begins...including by not limited to The Beetles, and NKOTB.'s true....I don't think I could make this stuff up.
Mom: "I'm going to start singing to Natalie now so she isn't scared when all 90 people start singing tomorrow"
Me: "uh okay"
Mom: "...singing happy birthday..."
Sister: "They should have a birthday song"
**silence falls on the table**
Mom: "uh they's called Happy Birthday....I think you've heard it"
Sister: "oh yeah...well they should have one you can like download off the Internet"
Me: "uh you mean like any of the versions that are currently on the Internet..."
Singing of many famous artists renditions of Happy Birthday begins...including by not limited to The Beetles, and NKOTB.'s true....I don't think I could make this stuff up.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The calm before the storm....
So as you know Natalie's first birthday and part are on Saturday...only 2 days away. So last night I decided I'd do a trial run of the cupcake bites for the party. I saw these great cupcake pops on the bakerella blog She does some amazing stuff with these cute cupcake I thought I'd try my hand at being Suzy Homemaker....well I failed. The pops are a bit time consuming and starting at almost 8 pm was my first mistake. Then not really reading all the key steps was my second mistake...and I think the fatal error was assuming that since it looks so easy on her blog that it would really be super easy. Well I was wrong. So there will be no cupcake bites at Natalie's party...although I doubt anyone will really notice since there will be a plethora of cupcakes in various sizes...maybe next year.
So that's my first failure in this birthday party challenge...we'll see how the rest of my tasks go. I'm feeling okay right now but I'm quite sure that tomorrow afternoon I will be a stress case...and on Saturday morning it would behove everyone to just avoid me.
So that's my first failure in this birthday party challenge...we'll see how the rest of my tasks go. I'm feeling okay right now but I'm quite sure that tomorrow afternoon I will be a stress case...and on Saturday morning it would behove everyone to just avoid me.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I love lists, I should say I love making lists...the completing things on the list is another story. I have lists at work of different projects that I'm working on, and lists of things I can do when I'm caught up on other things...uh yeah like that happens. At home I have lists of things to get done, to buy, and things I want to do...but the one list I don't have is a "honey-do" list. I don't know why, I just don't. I guess I assume he knows what needs to be done and will get it done....does this happen, not usually. So with Natalie's party coming up in less than one week...I've decided to enact the honey-do list...we'll see how that goes.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
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