Monday, November 30, 2009

Feeling like I can't win...

Today I had an OB appt...with a nurse practitioner since my OB is on vacation (what else is new), I'm 22 weeks and 3 days. I thought I was doing pretty great, I'm down 4 lbs total this pregnancy, which I am happy with considering I was up 18 lbs from when I got pregnant with gaining less this time would be a good thing.
But of course, the nurse still had something to say about my weight...I got a lecture on eating fruits and veggies...I have been eating really healthy this pregnancy, and trying my hardest to eat things that I can keep down...since I'm still having morning sickness a few times a week.
So needless to say I left the appt irritated...I feel like I can't win. Had I gained 10 lbs she's have lectured me on my eating habits, but even having lost 1 lb (from my last appt) I still get a lecture.
I've decided I HATE seeing nurse practitioners!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I used to be so organized...

when I lived alone.
I was just thinking about this the other day, when I was in college I lived alone for a while, then I got a room mate who was never home so for about a year I was all by my lonesome. At times I hated it but overall it was freaking awesome. No one to clean up after, no one to complain about what you want to watch, no one to dirty your freshly cleaned home, no one to leave the seat up in the bathroom...etc etc etc.
My fondest memory of those times was how clean my apartment was. It was a cute little 2 bedroom apartment and my hobbit of a roommate never ventured outside his bedroom other than to use the it was all mine. And it was clean, not only clean, but uncluttered too. No piles of crap on the counters, tables, couch, chair and any other free space that anyone decides is just perfect for a pile. No dishes left out on the coffee table, no dishes in the sink for that matter. No coffee slopped on the counter, or crumbs trailing all over the counter. It was HEAVEN.
I also had a closet that I didn't have to share....and it was color coordinated, and I had a bed that was always made, oh how I miss those days.
I always find myself reminiscing about how organized I once was when we start to near the holidays. Way back when life was simple, I used to get all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving, and often I'd have it wrapped before then too...ahhh those were the days.
Last year I barely got everything purchased before the 23rd and then I forgot to take the gifts with me to a couple stops...ugh how the brain goes after kids.
This year, I had grand plans to begin shopping in October, well that came and went, so my next goal was the beginning of November....then that came and went. And now I will set an attainable goal of Christmas eve....
I really envy those people who are done shopping...unfortunately that ship has sailed for me I think.
Oh and have I mentioned that I haven't even put away my Halloween decorations yet...anyone up for a pumpkin themed New Years Party?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's a girl!

We were finally able to find out what baby #2 is on Tuesday....but considering she's my kid it wasn't without some drama.

Monday the 9th was our big ultrasound with Kaiser, Dan and I got up early and took Natalie to daycare and then went on to the new office building where they have all the new equipment for ultrasounds. We were very excited to find out if we'd be adding a sister or brother to our family. We checked in and sat down to wait to be called...considering we were a bit early I thought we'd get called in right away. Well about 20 minutes later and having read every magazine in the waiting room while eavesdropping on the receptionists conversation we were finally called in. I'd heard from the receptionists that the second ultrasound tech had called in sick that day and they were trying to reschedule all of the appointments. I was relieved as I'd have been pissed to get that call earlier in the morning...or so I thought.

Our tech came to get us and we proceeded into the brand new huge ultrasound room, a far cry from the broom closet our ultrasound was in with Natalie. Our tech was pleasant but clearly flustered...but I figured once we got into things she'd warm up...wrong again.

She flew through our ultrasound, barely stopping to point out what she was measuring.

At the end she was looking for gender and was obviously having a hard time, so he stopped and calculated my due date and all that, turns out baby is measuring a little ahead but only by about 3-4 my due date remains the same. She then say in an exasperated tone, I'll try to check for gender one more time. So she swipes the wand over my belly a couple more times and says "nope baby has it's feet in the way...sorry I can't tell you"

At which point I start to cry (damn pregnancy hormones) Dan starts asking if maybe we can try again, or maybe come back a little later in the morning. "Nope I'm booked all day, my partner called in sick...sorry"

Now the waterworks really start, like full on sobbing in the ultrasound room, which you'd think would tug at the heartstrings of this tech but nope, she was stone cold. As we were pushed out of the room with 2 pictures (we got about 10 with Natalie) I continued to sob. It literally took me like 3 hours to get it together.

So I told Dan we were going to the place where you pay and I didn't care how much it cost...he was smart enough to respond with "sounds good, whatever you want".

So on Tuesday, we went to prenatal peek for a gender peek ultrasound...and quick as can be the baby showed the goods. We're having another girl...which considering I had to drop $75 on the ultrasound ( a great deal in my opinion) is a good thing since I don't have to buy any new clothes for this baby....and we'll get more use out of Natalie's wardrobe.

Of course that's clearly a lie, I will be buying this kid clothing too, but likely in the form of matching outfits with Natalie.

Now let the name fights discussions begin.