Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hmm...lets see what's new with me....

Uh well let me think about that, Natalie's getting a new tooth, we had a garage sale where I only made $35, my parents celebrated their 30th anniversary, and oh yeah, I'm pregnant!
Yup, that's right Natalie is going to be a big sister! I'm due on April 2, so if things go according to plan I will have 2 April babies....can you say diamonds. Now I just have to talk Dan into getting me a mother's ring.
So far I'm feeling pretty good, exhausted but overall pretty good. I have *knock on wood* not been sick yet, but have had a couple bouts of nausea. I'm hoping that I will get lucky and not be too sick this time. I had pretty mild morning sickness with Natalie and besides throwing up on the neighbors lawn I made it through pretty unscathed.
As for the due date, I WILL do everything in my power to NOT have this child on April 1st.
I'm anxiously awaiting my first prenatal appointment and getting to see that little bean on the ultrasound machine.
And I do think I'm nuts for entering the insane world of 2 under 2, but in all honesty we thought it would take a while to get pregnant this time considering how long it took to get pregnant with Natalie...but you can only plan so much I guess.


Reesha said...

Still very excited! Congrats!

crazigirl80 said...

I have been meaning to call you....April 2nd is Nic's b-day!!Great due date. I'm soooo happy for you guys!

Jamers said...

Congrats! And yes... you need diamonds. Lots of 'em. You gotta represent those babies of yours, right?!

janessa said...

congrats, congrats, congrats!!!