Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rock the Vote!

So for those who know me you know that I don't usually get to invloved wth politics but OMG this election is a whole new story. I don't know if it is because of having Natalie but I am super passionate about certian issues. For example I am increadibly against prop 8, so much so that I can't even talk to my ILs about it without being on the verge of a breakdown. (for those who don't know my ILs are super conservitive born again Christians). Anyhow, I think prop 8 is discrimination, pure and simple. Stripping Californian's of their rights is something I can not stand for. So if you haven't decided how you are voting on prop 8, check out this site, they give a fact check about the ads that the "yes" on 8 people have been running...which are mostly scare tactics IMO...but whatever.

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things that suck about moving!!!
  1. umm...moving in general
  2. packing
  3. cleaning
  4. cleaning the new house that you are moving into...thanks CA foreclosure market.
  5. garbage cans that are too small for all the crap you don't need anymore
  6. figuring out what crap you don't need anymore
  7. removing the sentimental value goggles that cloud your decisions as to what crap you don't need anymore.
  8. living in two houses at once
  9. figuring out that you have a shopping compulsion
  10. lining shelves
  11. countless trips to home depot and Lowe's
  12. being broke from the trips to home depot and Lowe's
  13. umm...moving in general...again cause it's true.

Pictures courtsey of my BFF

So while Megan was stalking my blog she saw that I had blamed her for my lack of pictures and viola I had pictures in my inbox now there are some pics in my blog posts...see drunk people post and reunion post.
Thanks Meg!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am no longer the all time designated driver...

Dan can officially drive at night. He took his night time drivers test last week and passed with flying colors.
I can officially get my drink on after dark more day time drunkenness for me!

Drunk people are fun...sometimes

So we went to a Halloween party on Saturday night, our first party since Dan could drive at night so it was my turn to drink...yay!

So after taking Natalie to grandma's house we went off to A&M's party. We got there around 8pm and started having fun. It wasn't long before I realized that a lot of the people at the party were wasted, and it was only 8:30, pretty early to be sauced in my book...but hey whatever. Well around 10pm we were hanging out around the fire pit, and we realize that this guy is totally passed out, I mean drooling on himself passed 10pm. So of course since we are really mature adults in our late 20's and early 30's we start taking pictures of this guy, and pictures with him etc. (but of course Megan has the pics...I'll upload when she emails me). Sure enough the guy wakes up after about 100 flashes went off in his face, and grabs his keg cup (yup we were at a red cup party) and goes for another beer. What a champ!
But 11pm all of us parents were done and went home, I sort of miss those days of partying into the wee hours of the morning but when I woke up to a giggly baby at 7:30 am I was happy that I
don't party like a rock star anymore.

Dan's 10 year reunion

So a couple weeks ago we went to Dan's 10 year High School reunion. I have to say I wasn't entirely looking forward to it, we had to get a babysitter and because both of our parents were out of town that wasn't the easiest of tasks, plus the reunion was in the middle of the day. But our friend Jenn agreed to watch Natalie for us, and we were very thankful. I also had to go get an outfit. I thought this was pretty clear but Dan wanted to know why I needed new clothes, umm duh...did he really expect me to go to the reunion in some old duds....helloooo.
And Choosing clothes for a daytime ten year reunion that was to be held outside at a brewery in "hippy town" was a bit of a task, but I got some cute jeans and a top and the cutest ever wedges. Dan just wore some old clothes but whatever.

So we paid our $35 each...that's right $70 for a "buffet" cake and coffee. I didn't see any cake or coffee there and the "buffet" was LAME...hence the quotation marks. But it was at a brewery so there was lots of good beer to drink...and pay for.
We spent the entire time hanging out with people we see all the time and paying for our drinks...remind me how we needed to pay $35 each to do that. And then when it was over we still had to go get dinner, double LAME.

But we did win a raffle prize...unfortunately not the bong (remember it's "hippy" town) but we won a nice bottle of wine...which we gave to Jenn for putting up with our little brat.

All in all the day cost well over $200, I think we'll be seriously considering not going to the 25 year reunion....even though we'd get another chance to win a bong.

"This is going in my blog"

So my BFF Megan and I are both a bit new to the blog world, and when we are out together we find ourselves saying things like "this is going in my blog" so often. But she is much better about bringing her camera places than I am. So she has all the pictures of the stuff that is going in my blog. So maybe someday Megan will email me the pics and I can add them to my blog. But until then you will just get the stories.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So I went to Bingo last night for my second time and I won $200. It was super I have to figure out what to spend my winnings on.
And I only got shushed once. Apparently if you are super old (as most bingo goers are) there is not having fun at bingo...and if anyone has even the slightest bit of fun they must be shushed. Oh well, it was a great time and I can't wait to go again.

Monday, October 13, 2008

hmmm...maybe a new game for my blog

So I was just looking over the pictures that I have uploaded to my blog...and there is a common item in almost all of the photos....can you guess what it is?
A beer...that's right, in almost every photo there is a beer in the background....
If I had better photo editing skills I'd try to crop it out but I don't....or maybe I should make Dan move his beer when I have the camera out...nah that would be asking too much. so we'll make it a game.
Can you find the beer?

Natalie loves her doggies

And she loves to pull on their ears...which I find very amusing. But I have been impressed with my dogs as they have been quite good about not getting upset with her...they do run away and then glare at me for bringing that new thing into the house...oh well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bald is beautiful

So I swear Natalie is getting more hair...but I think her head is growing a a faster rate than her hair is coming in so she appears to still be bald. So no bows for her for a while.

Natalie's first trip to the pumpkin patch

So our friends were taking their daughter Alyssa to the pumpkin patch today so we tagged along. it was tons of fun...even if everything there cost an arm and a leg....ugh.
We got some great pictures and Natalie seemed to have a good time, although it is pretty hard to have a bad time when someone carries you around all day and all you have to do is look cute.
Anyhow here are the pics.
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Friday, October 3, 2008


Just a little Friday Funny for ya!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday Thriteen

I'm copying the fabulous Amanda S this week and doing Thirteen things I am looking forward to:
In no particular order.
1. Natalie's first Christmas
2. Natalie's first Thanksgiving
3. Natalie's first Halloween...are we sensing a theme ;)
4. Cold windy weather
5. Flannel Sheets
6. Moving into my new house.
7. decorating for Christmas
8. Christmas Shopping
9. New episodes of my favorite shows
10. The election
11. All the new babies that will be born this year
12. My brother's graduation from College
13. Natalie's milestones.

Natalie's first (sort of ) soccer game

It was actually her second soccer game, but because she was such a little pill at the last game (Chico vs Davis) I choose to ignore that game entirely and pretend that this was her first game.

She loved it, and she loves her Uncle Kevin.

She was a champ and didn't cry one bit through the whole game....and even slept a little bit.

The game was great, Kevin played a lot. She won't get to go to another game until Chico plays Sonoma State in November...cause I just can't bear to imagine driving all the way to Chico with her...oh well.