Monday, June 15, 2009

I should have gone back to bed....

As if I wasn't already dreading going back to work on turns out the day just had it in for me.
At about 4:45 I'm woken up by a crying kid, this is very out of the norm for my excellent sleeper, I figure she'll go back to sleep and lay there listening to her fuss for a few minutes before I get up and check on her. Well it turns out that we left her window open last night so she woke up because she was then I feel like a major ass. I get her up change her and get her all snuggled into bed with me. Problem solved.
Well at 7:25 I wake up and realize that I have slept through my alarm and that the cup of milk Dan made for Natalie has leaked all over my bed....awesome. So I slip my arm out from underneath my sleeping beauty and sneak to the phone to call work to let them know that I'll be late.
Back to my room to find a very happy very awake one year old rummaging through my nightstand....great.
Finally I get ready for work, and take Natalie to daycare, hit the Starbucks and things are looking up. I make it into work only an hour late...not to shabby right?!?
Well as I'm walking into work it dawns on me....I think I have a Dr.s appointment today...hmm maybe not today, maybe it's tomorrow.....
Uh, nope, it was today at 8:45 in Santa Rosa.....UGH! I had to drive past my Dr.s office to get to work today, right at about 8:30.....Damn!
After rescheduling the appt, and realizing I now have to take another morning off work...I finally got logged into my computer....but all motivation was shot by that time.
So the day is a bust to say the least.....right now I'm counting down the minutes until I can get home and crack a beer.

1 comment:

MiamiLaw said...

Well I'm glad I'm not the ony one who has "daze" like these. Welcome to the human race, right?! Great post(s)!