Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog Challenge week one.

Lately I've been struggling with bloggers block, not only do I feel like I have nothing to write about but I generally blog at work (I know it's awful) so I don't even really have many pictures to upload here.
But luckily for me one of the gals in the online community I am active member of posted a blog challenge and I quickly jumped at the opportunity to have someone else come up with the ideas for me and I could just write...perfect!
So the the challenge for week one is "Why do you blog? What do you hope to get out of participating in this challenge?"

Hmm...a deep question for the first week, lets hope they become more superficial in the future...lord knows I love superficial crap. But I'm up for the challenge.
Why do I blog? Well I began blogging while I was home on maternity leave with Natalie, I wanted a place to put pictures of her and updates on her latest milestones, with the hope of using it in lieu of a baby book. I have a friend who did this and made a blurb book with her blog, it was so cute...and I thought "hey I could do that"...well apparently I can't do that. Only a couple posts into this blog it stopped being all about Natalie, don't get me wrong but I felt like this blog was MY blog, and while she is a huge part of my life I wanted to be able to put down my feelings. It turned into almost therapy, being able to get my feelings out there. For a long time I don't think anyone was reading my blog, and that was fine I was still getting it out and dealing with stuff. Then I thought it was a great place to put funny stories...which I guess people like cause I got some followers after that. And while I crack myself up daily I was glad that I could make other people laugh too. So over the year plus that I've blogged I've changed my reason a few times, and now I blog for me...anything on my mind that I want to get out of my head goes in the's still like therapy and much cheaper than counseling.

What do I hope to get out of participating in this challenge? Hmm...well since I've had blogger block I hope that it gets me back to blogging. For quite some time I was blogging regularly and it was great. But life gets in the way, a super mobile kid and being pregnant doesn't help. Plus I was actually trying to get some work done. But getting back to it is a good thing. I also hope that with these questions it will make my blog more well rounded, things about me, about Natalie, and funny stories about my sister (cause really they're always about her). And maybe I'll gain some readership with this challenge, having some followers makes me feel like I have to be accountable and I can't just give up or quit.

So stay tuned for weekly challenge updates, hopefully I can blog more than just once a week...but for now I'll take it.


the thorntons said...

I find writing to be an outlet as well. Good job!

Alison said...

Its amazing how therapeutic blogging is!

Lizz said...

I think it's important that the blog be able to change to fit what we need at an individual moment.
Thanks for participating!
(Oh, and I've been working on the future questions for the challenge; they aren't all so thought provoking as this one! LOL)

KK @ Running Through Life said...

Blogging for yourself...a perfect reason to blog!!!

Brakes and Gas said...

OMG! I love your blog title! (Did you watch last night? Hilarious!) It is nice, after sharing everything from your body to your breast-milk with a baby, to have something of your own. I get that too!

Anonymous said...

i want more to write about too, i feel like i got funny crap to share but i dont know where to put it. Hope this blogging challenge helps us both. ~falynn