Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some people are just bitches.....

I've come to learn that in life some people are just plane old rhyme or reason to it just a fact. Now I don't know if these said bitches save their bitchiness for the Internet or if they are really just total bitches in life...I choose to believe the later.
I try to go through life just being myself, I tend to call it like I see it and I sure as hell won't back down from a's just not me. And if I see an injustice or someone being bullied I'll step up, because I think that kind of stuff is bullshit...but for the most part I don't go out of my way to be a bitch to anyone.....yet somehow I get people who feel the need to be a total bitch to me. Fine, if that's what makes you feel good knock yourself out.
But honestly after a while it gets old....especially when it wasn't warranted. If warranted I'll take it, I'm a firm believer in if you dish it out you had better be able to take I do. But when there is literally no reason for it I guess I just don't get it.
So to all you bitches out there who have literally no reason for it, isn't becoming on you.

1 comment:

crazigirl80 said...

hmmm-who might you be talking about here? :)