Until we find out if we're adding a little girl or a little boy to our family. I can not wait.
I've kept myself from speculating up to this point, but it's getting increasingly hard to ward off the speculation.
I had an appointment today with my OB, I convinced Dan to come along since I had a feeling I'd get another ultrasound....and sure enough I was right. I apparently have an anterior placenta so the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler. The nurse brought in a ultrasound machine, of course one of the super old ones since the new high tech one was in use, and we got to see the babe. After much inquisitive looking with his head cocked the doctor finally told us that he thinks the heartbeat was about 110 beats per minute...much lower than Natalie was at that time (she was about 150 through out my pregnancy). He seemed happy enough with that heartbeat but did mention that it was at the very low end of normal. Then he said "based on that I think you're having a boy...but the caveat to that rule is that it's only 50% accurate" The same joke he told me when he guessed that Natalie was a girl.
So now I wait 3 more weeks to find out for sure. I'm still trying to convince Dan to go in for one of those early gender screens but he's pretty against it.
Ugh 3 weeks isn't long at all...but it feels like forever!!!
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