New Years resolutions, always something I think about this time of year. For years I told myself that I wouldn't make any resolutions, primarily since I was never able to keep them. But this year I have many that I'd like to make, if I could keep them great, if not oh well. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
So this year I have put a lot of thought into my resolutions...I am making a few. Some may be easy to attain, others not so much but we'll see.
First, I'm going to make it a priority to be on time, mostly to work but in general. I am perpetually late...but I really need to put an end to the tardiness. I'd like to make sure not to pass my tardy tendencies on to Natalie.
Second, I'm going to try to stay on top of housework, primarily laundry. I don't want to put laundry off for days and then end up spending my entire Sunday doing laundry anymore. As for the rest of the housework, I will try to stay on top of that so I don't have to spend my weekends cleaning. If I just do a bit each day, I can have free weekends to spend with Natalie...oh and Dan too.
Third, do away with clutter. My house isn't ever dirty, but I do have my fair share of clutter, and then my clutter collects clutter, and before I know it I can't walk through the garage and the storage is overflowing (which ties into resolution 4). So my third resolution is to clear out the clutter, if I haven't used it, worn it or otherwise needed it in 3 months, than to goodwill it goes! I'm trying to take a minimalist approach to life...we'll see how that goes.
Fourth, is to stop buying so much. Three and four go hand in hand. I buy things at Target (it's the biggest culprit) or other places that I don't need, and don't use and these things end up cluttering up my house. With Natalie becoming more mobile I need to make sure that there aren't things lying around for her to get into. So if I don't buy it, than it won't be cluttering my house.
And last but not least, my fifth resolution this year is to be healthier. Of course that entails losing weight, but more importantly I'd like to live a healthier live, so exercising and eating better, and getting more rest, and all that good stuff. It wouldn't be New Years with out a weight loss I got to keep it consistent.
That's it. I think I can stick to some of my resolutions (I'd say all of them, but let's be realistic), we'll see. But just like in years past, if I don't stick to them, there's always next year.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tis the season....
...for being a biotch. Oh yeah, all that peace and joy and good will to where did that go. Everywhere I go, I see no good will to men, what I see is angry people who feel entitled and are not afraid to be an out right first class A-hole.
From the people running into others with their carts at Target, to the crazy parking spot thief's, the holiday spirit is out in full force.
So Merry Frickin Christmas.
From the people running into others with their carts at Target, to the crazy parking spot thief's, the holiday spirit is out in full force.
So Merry Frickin Christmas.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
cubicle woes
Life in cubicles is hard enough, I mean they're small and you don't have any privacy, and those foam walls don't help at all with noise control. But everyone knows that cubicles are small and they try to make things more comfortable for everyone by staying within their cube limits. In our office we have "mods" which are like two cubicles that are shared. I have two walls, and I use the term walls loosely, and then a filing cabinet to separate my cube from my mod mates cube. There is a small walkway between our cubes, but no one uses it. We all use the larger walk way that is between the two mods. In the little walk way is an alcove for trash and recycle cans and the mail bins and stuff like that. Well my new "mod mate" feels the need to walk through the tiny walk way rather than he large one. So he has to walk through my cube to get to the outside hallway. He could easily walk on the larger walkway to get to the hallway...actually this would probably be easier for him, but he insists on walking through my cube. This drives me crazy. So I put some boxes there, I told him I would be taking them home to pack with, but I never did. They have been a great barrier to keep him in his own cube. But now he has started asking about how long the boxes will stay (since I've already moved) and the safety committee is concerned about the boxes being in the walkway. So I have to move them. I know once I move them he'll start walking through my cube again. I don't know what else to do, I already tried leaving all the drawers open on that side of my desk to impede his path but he just squeezed around them. WTF, why must he walk through my cube, why must he invade my personal space.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Monday, December 15, 2008
It's done....well mostly done
We did it, finally we moved. It only took forever to actually happen but it's done. Thanks to the help of family and friends over the weekend we were finally able to move all of our stuff.
Thanks again to everyone for their help. And a big thanks to Jenn for the Kahlua and was not only yummy but motivating.
Now we just have to go back over to the old house to move all the stuff that we really don't want anymore but can't just leave there...oh yeah and the cat too.
I anticipate that some time in 2009 we'll actually be settled into the new house....any bets as to when it will be...March, maybe April.
Thanks again to everyone for their help. And a big thanks to Jenn for the Kahlua and was not only yummy but motivating.
Now we just have to go back over to the old house to move all the stuff that we really don't want anymore but can't just leave there...oh yeah and the cat too.
I anticipate that some time in 2009 we'll actually be settled into the new house....any bets as to when it will be...March, maybe April.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Have I mentioned how much packing sucks!!!
Umm cause it does, it sucks a fatty. I am shocked at how much useless crap I have accumulated over the past 3 years. And when I say useless crap I mean it. I have also come to realize that I am the worlds worst impulse buyer. I mean really who needs 4 bottles of nail polish remover, and 5 different types of hairspray. Um I don't wear nail polish or use hairspray....WTF. And don't get me started on clothing or the kitchen. I'm like a modern day bag lady, I just collect crap!
I think I need an intervention.....and what's the worst part you ask....
I'm packing it all and taking it with me to the new house, cause if I didn't need 4 bottles of nail polish remover in the old house I'm sure I really need to pack it and take it with me. Lord Help Me!!!
I think I need an intervention.....and what's the worst part you ask....
I'm packing it all and taking it with me to the new house, cause if I didn't need 4 bottles of nail polish remover in the old house I'm sure I really need to pack it and take it with me. Lord Help Me!!!
Unexpectedly emotional
As I pack up our house I find myself getting emotional. I didn't anticipate these emotions. I'm sad, really sad.
This was our first house, this was our first home, this is where we came home to after getting married, this is where Natalie came home to from the hospital. This is where she lived for the first almost 8 months of her life.....this is my house.
Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to the new house, it's bigger, in a better neighborhood and all that, but I never expected to be moving so soon. I never expected a lot of the things that happened in the last 7 months. Things did not go as we had planned when we bought this house, we anticipated living here until Natalie was at least 3 or 4, we thought we'd sell it and move on up...but that isn't what happened. We never thought we'd be tenants again.
I'm sad and angry, I thought I was past the feelings of anger and inadequacy with regard to the move but apparently I'm not.
I know we'll make memories in our new house, and soon this home will be a distant memory, but right now it hurts. I just hope that the next family who lives here has the same great experiences in this house as we did.
Sometimes life throws you an unexpected curve ball and sometimes emotions get the best of you, today my emotions have gotten the best of me.
This was our first house, this was our first home, this is where we came home to after getting married, this is where Natalie came home to from the hospital. This is where she lived for the first almost 8 months of her life.....this is my house.
Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to the new house, it's bigger, in a better neighborhood and all that, but I never expected to be moving so soon. I never expected a lot of the things that happened in the last 7 months. Things did not go as we had planned when we bought this house, we anticipated living here until Natalie was at least 3 or 4, we thought we'd sell it and move on up...but that isn't what happened. We never thought we'd be tenants again.
I'm sad and angry, I thought I was past the feelings of anger and inadequacy with regard to the move but apparently I'm not.
I know we'll make memories in our new house, and soon this home will be a distant memory, but right now it hurts. I just hope that the next family who lives here has the same great experiences in this house as we did.
Sometimes life throws you an unexpected curve ball and sometimes emotions get the best of you, today my emotions have gotten the best of me.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Holiday party shenanigans
First off I LOVE the word always reminds me of Super Troopers, a wonderful cinematic classic...but I digress.
Today is our office holiday party, and we've been asked to dress in our "holiday best" umm yeah right. I wear jeans to work everyday, there is no chance you're gonna get me in a dress or some other crazy outfit for an office holiday party at which there will be no booze...had they offered booze I may have entertained the idea of dressing up.
Anyhow, to rub it in even a bit more our party this year is a "cocktail party...with out the cocktails" WTF, I mean really WTF does that mean. I'll tell you, it means they were too cheap to provide lunch too the office so we get finger foods and punch.
So just to recap, they wanted us to get dressed up for punch and finger foods in the conference room....don't you want to come, it's gonna be a blast!
Today is our office holiday party, and we've been asked to dress in our "holiday best" umm yeah right. I wear jeans to work everyday, there is no chance you're gonna get me in a dress or some other crazy outfit for an office holiday party at which there will be no booze...had they offered booze I may have entertained the idea of dressing up.
Anyhow, to rub it in even a bit more our party this year is a "cocktail party...with out the cocktails" WTF, I mean really WTF does that mean. I'll tell you, it means they were too cheap to provide lunch too the office so we get finger foods and punch.
So just to recap, they wanted us to get dressed up for punch and finger foods in the conference room....don't you want to come, it's gonna be a blast!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 it a good deal now or were we just getting ripped off before
I went to costco on my lunch break to get gas. I filled up my empty gas tank for $25.96...and thought wow what a deal! But that got me thinking, when I was 16 gas was 0.99 a gallon, and over the past *cough* 11 *ahem* years it went to almost $5 a gallon and now back down to $1.63. So what's the deal, are we getting an amazing deal on gasoline now or were we just getting ripped off for the past few years?
I think I know the answer but I'd prefer to believe that I'm getting a screaming deal right now.
I think I know the answer but I'd prefer to believe that I'm getting a screaming deal right now.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Craptastic Saturday...the Finale
So I go home and eat the crappy sandwich and continue painting, I finished all the closet doors and moved on to lining shelves and some spackling. After about an hour of crawling on my hands and knees spackling, I decided to put up the new towel bar and toilet paper ring in the hall bathroom.
So, I'm working away, and get the ring up no problem....I am quite handy with the power tools, when Dan lets me use them. So on to the Toilet paper holder. This was tricky due to the angle but I got the brackets on there. So I am putting the fixture on the brackets and I was having a little trouble tightening the tiny screw that holds it in place...mostly due to the angle.
So I bend over a little more and twist to be able to see the screw and *POP* oh crap, my back pops.
Uh oh, I slowly get up from where I was working and stand there for a minute...I think I'm okay. I can move and I'm only a little sore...phew back spasm averted....I turn to go to the master bedroom and *BAM* there goes my back.
Now I'm stuck in the hallway, standing there and I can't move, I can't get down on the floor, I can't do anything. Luckily Dan was right there and helped me get on the floor....and so I 'm laying there unable to move pondering my awful day. The horrible borders manager who did me a favor, the inept sandwich maker, and the toilet paper holder that was my demise.
Ahhh...if ever there were a day that I should have stayed in bed....I think Saturday was it.
So, I'm working away, and get the ring up no problem....I am quite handy with the power tools, when Dan lets me use them. So on to the Toilet paper holder. This was tricky due to the angle but I got the brackets on there. So I am putting the fixture on the brackets and I was having a little trouble tightening the tiny screw that holds it in place...mostly due to the angle.
So I bend over a little more and twist to be able to see the screw and *POP* oh crap, my back pops.
Uh oh, I slowly get up from where I was working and stand there for a minute...I think I'm okay. I can move and I'm only a little sore...phew back spasm averted....I turn to go to the master bedroom and *BAM* there goes my back.
Now I'm stuck in the hallway, standing there and I can't move, I can't get down on the floor, I can't do anything. Luckily Dan was right there and helped me get on the floor....and so I 'm laying there unable to move pondering my awful day. The horrible borders manager who did me a favor, the inept sandwich maker, and the toilet paper holder that was my demise.
Ahhh...if ever there were a day that I should have stayed in bed....I think Saturday was it.
Craptastic Saturday part 2
So after my wonderful trip to Borders, I took Natalie to Dan's parent's house so that we might actually be able to get some things done on the house. Dan was finishing the closet organizers (a one day project that turned into 3 days...but what else is new)
So it was my job to paint the Closet doors and then Spackle the baseboards and do anything else that was needed so that we might actually be able to move in this coming weekend.
Paint, have I mentioned how much I hate paint, I hate paining, I hate the set up, the clean up and all the crap in between. I hate it! But I did it, and they turned out really well.
So at about 1:30 I went to the local sandwich shop for some lunch.
I order our sandwiches and pay and go home to eat. I get home and open my sandwich and low and behold there is no meat in it. Dan's sandwich is exactly as I ordered but mine is just veggies and some cheese...LAME.
So I decide that since the shop is close to the house I'll run back there and get some meat for my off I go.
I go into the store and tell the gal, that my sandwich has no meat on it. She looks at me funny and says "did you order meat"
Me: "um yeah, it says the kind of meat it should have on the outside of the wrapper but there is no meat inside"
Her: " but did you order it with no meat?"
Me: "yeah, if I ordered no meat, I wouldn't have come back"
Her: " Let me check the order..... okay it says meat right here"
Me: "Yup"
Her: "so do you want meat"
Me: "Yeah, please add the meat"
Her: "but you ordered meat"
Me: "Yeah, I did"
Her: "so do you want me to add meat"
Me: "*wondering if I'm in the twilight zone* yeah, please just add the meat"
Her: "okay you order meat, I give you meat"
Me: "thanks"
So it was my job to paint the Closet doors and then Spackle the baseboards and do anything else that was needed so that we might actually be able to move in this coming weekend.
Paint, have I mentioned how much I hate paint, I hate paining, I hate the set up, the clean up and all the crap in between. I hate it! But I did it, and they turned out really well.
So at about 1:30 I went to the local sandwich shop for some lunch.
I order our sandwiches and pay and go home to eat. I get home and open my sandwich and low and behold there is no meat in it. Dan's sandwich is exactly as I ordered but mine is just veggies and some cheese...LAME.
So I decide that since the shop is close to the house I'll run back there and get some meat for my off I go.
I go into the store and tell the gal, that my sandwich has no meat on it. She looks at me funny and says "did you order meat"
Me: "um yeah, it says the kind of meat it should have on the outside of the wrapper but there is no meat inside"
Her: " but did you order it with no meat?"
Me: "yeah, if I ordered no meat, I wouldn't have come back"
Her: " Let me check the order..... okay it says meat right here"
Me: "Yup"
Her: "so do you want meat"
Me: "Yeah, please add the meat"
Her: "but you ordered meat"
Me: "Yeah, I did"
Her: "so do you want me to add meat"
Me: "*wondering if I'm in the twilight zone* yeah, please just add the meat"
Her: "okay you order meat, I give you meat"
Me: "thanks"
Craptastic Saturday part one
So Saturday I was quite ambitious. I had some returns to make and was going to be taking Natalie to Dan's parents house. So off we went to Target, then to Baby News, then to Borders and Petco.
Everything was going fabulously until I got to Borders. Ahh Borders, a place I do enjoy, or should I say, I used to enjoy. So I needed to return a book on Sleep Habits for babies, I bought it when we decided to move Natalie into a crib and ended up not needing it as she transitioned perfectly.
So I go to the counter to return the book, the gal looks at my receipt and says "this isn't a receipt" and so ensues my craptastic borders goes:
Borders: "This isn't a receipt"
Me: "that's the receipt I was given with my purchase"
Borders: "well it isn't a receipt, it's the coupons that print after the receipt"
Me: "well that was all I was given, can I return the book?"
Borders: "Um I can only give you store credit."
Me: " I really don't want store credit, can you just credit back my card"
Borders: "Um no, this is a no receipt return"
Me: "But that's the only receipt I was given"
Borders "Well this isn't a receipt"
ME: *getting a little frustrated* "well that was the only receipt I was given, so can you please credit my card"
Borders: "Nope, I can only give you store credit"
Me: " can we ask a manager if there is anything else that could be done"
Borders "sure...*rolls eyes*"
Manager: "how can I help you"
Me: tells same story about this being only receipt I was given blah blah blah.
Manager "Well I don't think that's possible, we always give receipts"
Me: *now even more frustrated for being called a liar* "This is the only receipt I was given, I put it in the book and walked out the door, I'd really like to just return it"
Manager: " We can only give you store credit"
Me: " That's what she said, but I was hoping that you could credit back my card"
Manager : "Um no, all we can give you is store credit, and actually I'm doing you a favor by giving you store credit"
Me: "oh a favor I see....I'll take the store credit *now my blood is boiling*"
A FAVOR, seriously the manager said he's doing me a FAVOR, nice customer service Douche!!
And that was just the beginning of Saturday.
Everything was going fabulously until I got to Borders. Ahh Borders, a place I do enjoy, or should I say, I used to enjoy. So I needed to return a book on Sleep Habits for babies, I bought it when we decided to move Natalie into a crib and ended up not needing it as she transitioned perfectly.
So I go to the counter to return the book, the gal looks at my receipt and says "this isn't a receipt" and so ensues my craptastic borders goes:
Borders: "This isn't a receipt"
Me: "that's the receipt I was given with my purchase"
Borders: "well it isn't a receipt, it's the coupons that print after the receipt"
Me: "well that was all I was given, can I return the book?"
Borders: "Um I can only give you store credit."
Me: " I really don't want store credit, can you just credit back my card"
Borders: "Um no, this is a no receipt return"
Me: "But that's the only receipt I was given"
Borders "Well this isn't a receipt"
ME: *getting a little frustrated* "well that was the only receipt I was given, so can you please credit my card"
Borders: "Nope, I can only give you store credit"
Me: " can we ask a manager if there is anything else that could be done"
Borders "sure...*rolls eyes*"
Manager: "how can I help you"
Me: tells same story about this being only receipt I was given blah blah blah.
Manager "Well I don't think that's possible, we always give receipts"
Me: *now even more frustrated for being called a liar* "This is the only receipt I was given, I put it in the book and walked out the door, I'd really like to just return it"
Manager: " We can only give you store credit"
Me: " That's what she said, but I was hoping that you could credit back my card"
Manager : "Um no, all we can give you is store credit, and actually I'm doing you a favor by giving you store credit"
Me: "oh a favor I see....I'll take the store credit *now my blood is boiling*"
A FAVOR, seriously the manager said he's doing me a FAVOR, nice customer service Douche!!
And that was just the beginning of Saturday.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
A bit late but here it is:
Thirteen reasons why I feel like I'm living in the movie Office Space
Thirteen reasons why I feel like I'm living in the movie Office Space
- I have actually been asked if I'm having a case of the "Mondays"
- My boss somewhat resembles Lumbergh.
- I would love to take a baseball bat to the ever broken fax machine
- Um...did you see my clean hands week post.
- I tend to just "space out" at my desk, you know just looking at the computer screen.
- We've really had a Hawaiian shirt day
- We have reports for everything and the reports have cover sheets a la a TPS report
- We used to have swingline staplers but recently switched...I kept my stapler.
- The fire department was once called due to burned pop corn in the break room.
- We got about 10 memo's on how to cook popcorn as a result of number 9.
- When I worked at a chain restaurant I got "talked to" about my Flair.
- I have like 3 bosses...really
- And Finally....The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
It's been a long time coming...but here's the story or Natalie's birth...don't worry it's not graphic
Natalie was due on May 4th 2008. On April 23 I had an appointment with a midwife at Kaiser, since my OB was on vacation for like the 10th time in the 9.5 months that I had been pregnant.
The Midwife checked my progress and determined that I was 3 cm and about 75% effaced. She declared that I could “go at any time” which was exciting news for me as I was really really ready to meet this little one….and growing increasingly more uncomfortable with each day.
For the rest of the day I continued to have pretty good contractions but every time we’d start timing them they’d stop or stall so we knew it wasn’t time yet.
April 24, I had been scheduled to visit the State Prison for work but I backed out since I didn’t really feel like having this baby in the prison hospital. Thursday was work as usual, but with contractions on and off all day….and through the night. I had already called L&D a few times asking if they thought I should come in and every time they told me, that I could if I wanted to but they didn’t think I was in labor yet.
So Friday morning I woke up, still pregnant and really uncomfortable. I got up and decided to get ready for work, but my stomach was really bothering me so I called in and told my boss I’d be in later. He believed me, but none of my co-workers did. They all knew I wouldn’t come in…and had placed bets on my having the baby that day.
So I hung out at home with Dan, since he had the day off, and I decided I’d meet my mom for lunch and then go to work after lunch. I knew I’d be having this baby soon so I wanted to go to work to at least clear out my inbox and do a couple things.
Well at lunch the contractions really picked up and I decided I’d better head to the hospital; I called Dan and let him know to be ready when I got home.
We left for the hospital at about 2:30 and were in a room by about 3. The nurse and the midwife checked me out and determined that I was about 3 cm and 85% effaced, so those contractions were doing something.
We walked around the hospital trying to get me to make some progress. They came back and checked me at 5:30 and I was 4 cm and 95% effaced and they decided to admit me. The Midwife then tried to talk me into a c-section since I was going to have a “really large baby”…not a nice thing to tell a lady who is in labor.
I declined the c-section and the midwife finished checking me in and our family began arriving…although I had told them to stay home until I called and let them know it was time…but no one listens to me.
At 7:30 a new and much nicer midwife came in and checked me, not much progress but I was about 4.5 cm and 99% effaced…why they wouldn’t just call it 100 I don’t know.
So she asked if I’d like my water broken….um okay why not.
So my water was broken at 7:35 and then the contractions came like a freight train…one right after the next and super strong. I asked for meds and they gave me a shot of fentnyl as they were waiting for me to be ready for the epidural ( I needed to drain the IV fluids)….but the fentnyl made me sick. Throwing up with intense contractions was pretty crappy, until my knight in shining armor came in. Dr. Ng….oh how I loved Dr. Ng. He gave me an epidural and I was in heaven.
By the time he was done with the epi, my midwife was back, she checked me and I was 10 cm…YAY! It was about 9 pm at this point and they told me to take a rest. So I hung out feeling great and somewhat numb, watching a rerun of CSI.
At 10:15 pm I was ready to push, the nurse came in and I began pushing. At first it was tough getting into a rhythm for pushing but after a few pushes I was ready.
By 11pm my nurse called for the Midwife and all sorts of people came in a prepped my room for the baby. At 11:15pm Natalie was born.
It really was an amazing experience, I loved all of it…even when the epi wore off and I was pushing her out with no drugs. It was all worth it and I would do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat.
The Midwife checked my progress and determined that I was 3 cm and about 75% effaced. She declared that I could “go at any time” which was exciting news for me as I was really really ready to meet this little one….and growing increasingly more uncomfortable with each day.
For the rest of the day I continued to have pretty good contractions but every time we’d start timing them they’d stop or stall so we knew it wasn’t time yet.
April 24, I had been scheduled to visit the State Prison for work but I backed out since I didn’t really feel like having this baby in the prison hospital. Thursday was work as usual, but with contractions on and off all day….and through the night. I had already called L&D a few times asking if they thought I should come in and every time they told me, that I could if I wanted to but they didn’t think I was in labor yet.
So Friday morning I woke up, still pregnant and really uncomfortable. I got up and decided to get ready for work, but my stomach was really bothering me so I called in and told my boss I’d be in later. He believed me, but none of my co-workers did. They all knew I wouldn’t come in…and had placed bets on my having the baby that day.
So I hung out at home with Dan, since he had the day off, and I decided I’d meet my mom for lunch and then go to work after lunch. I knew I’d be having this baby soon so I wanted to go to work to at least clear out my inbox and do a couple things.
Well at lunch the contractions really picked up and I decided I’d better head to the hospital; I called Dan and let him know to be ready when I got home.
We left for the hospital at about 2:30 and were in a room by about 3. The nurse and the midwife checked me out and determined that I was about 3 cm and 85% effaced, so those contractions were doing something.
We walked around the hospital trying to get me to make some progress. They came back and checked me at 5:30 and I was 4 cm and 95% effaced and they decided to admit me. The Midwife then tried to talk me into a c-section since I was going to have a “really large baby”…not a nice thing to tell a lady who is in labor.
I declined the c-section and the midwife finished checking me in and our family began arriving…although I had told them to stay home until I called and let them know it was time…but no one listens to me.
At 7:30 a new and much nicer midwife came in and checked me, not much progress but I was about 4.5 cm and 99% effaced…why they wouldn’t just call it 100 I don’t know.
So she asked if I’d like my water broken….um okay why not.
So my water was broken at 7:35 and then the contractions came like a freight train…one right after the next and super strong. I asked for meds and they gave me a shot of fentnyl as they were waiting for me to be ready for the epidural ( I needed to drain the IV fluids)….but the fentnyl made me sick. Throwing up with intense contractions was pretty crappy, until my knight in shining armor came in. Dr. Ng….oh how I loved Dr. Ng. He gave me an epidural and I was in heaven.
By the time he was done with the epi, my midwife was back, she checked me and I was 10 cm…YAY! It was about 9 pm at this point and they told me to take a rest. So I hung out feeling great and somewhat numb, watching a rerun of CSI.
At 10:15 pm I was ready to push, the nurse came in and I began pushing. At first it was tough getting into a rhythm for pushing but after a few pushes I was ready.
By 11pm my nurse called for the Midwife and all sorts of people came in a prepped my room for the baby. At 11:15pm Natalie was born.
It really was an amazing experience, I loved all of it…even when the epi wore off and I was pushing her out with no drugs. It was all worth it and I would do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat.
Craigslist conundrum
I love craigslist, I have found some amazing deals there and have sold a lot of things that I would have otherwise thrown away. I think it is a great site that has the potential to help a lot of people, but that said...I think craigslist has made people really greedy.
I am currently looking for a computer desk, nothing fancy just a wooden desk to put a computer on and maybe a drawer for some of my junk. So I thought craigslist would be a wonderful place to look. I went to craigslist and searched my area for computer desks up to $250. I thought that by putting a reasonable price in there of $250 that I would get a good mix of nice stuff and some cheap stuff too and be able to find the perfect desk.
Well to my surprise there were tons and tons of desks, but as I started sorting through them I was appalled. People were selling the ugliest shit and calling it "mid-century".....mid century is just old, it's not antique so stop trying to pass it off as such. Then you have the Ikea specials, yeah I love Ikea, but if you only paid $200 for it new at Ikea, and you used the holy hell out of is not worth $175, not even $150. I mean if you aren't making it at least half priced, then why wouldn't I just drive to Ikea and get a new one.
Alas I am met with the beat up shit, that's right, stuff that has been "used" or my personal favorite "well loved"...why don't you just say "we beat the shit out of this desk, it served it's purpose for us and now I'm trying to make a buck off of it." At least be honest. Don't try to sell the desk your kid colored on with a sharpie for $200, cause it ain't worth it.
And don't even get me started on the couches....yuck!
Maybe I've outgrown craigslist...or as I lovingly call it CL. Am I too old for it, or too snobby for it? Who knows. But please people, if your selling crap, price it cheap cause if you don't want it anymore there is a high probability that no one else wants it either.
I am currently looking for a computer desk, nothing fancy just a wooden desk to put a computer on and maybe a drawer for some of my junk. So I thought craigslist would be a wonderful place to look. I went to craigslist and searched my area for computer desks up to $250. I thought that by putting a reasonable price in there of $250 that I would get a good mix of nice stuff and some cheap stuff too and be able to find the perfect desk.
Well to my surprise there were tons and tons of desks, but as I started sorting through them I was appalled. People were selling the ugliest shit and calling it "mid-century".....mid century is just old, it's not antique so stop trying to pass it off as such. Then you have the Ikea specials, yeah I love Ikea, but if you only paid $200 for it new at Ikea, and you used the holy hell out of is not worth $175, not even $150. I mean if you aren't making it at least half priced, then why wouldn't I just drive to Ikea and get a new one.
Alas I am met with the beat up shit, that's right, stuff that has been "used" or my personal favorite "well loved"...why don't you just say "we beat the shit out of this desk, it served it's purpose for us and now I'm trying to make a buck off of it." At least be honest. Don't try to sell the desk your kid colored on with a sharpie for $200, cause it ain't worth it.
And don't even get me started on the couches....yuck!
Maybe I've outgrown craigslist...or as I lovingly call it CL. Am I too old for it, or too snobby for it? Who knows. But please people, if your selling crap, price it cheap cause if you don't want it anymore there is a high probability that no one else wants it either.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Americans, are we stupid or just lazy?
I went to linens and things at lunch today, since I am still in search of some valances for my kitchen windows. So I thought that LNT might be a good choice as they are going out of business and I might get a good deal.
First off, 30% off of the original price is not a going out of business price cut...but I digress. And they didn't have any valances.
Anyhow, in a bunch of departments the stuff was 50% off, and there were signs everywhere telling you what 50% off would be. I noticed the same thing at Mervyns, signs telling you what 50% of the original price would be.
So here's my thought, WTH is wrong with Americans that we can't figure out what half of a number is. It isn't as though the starting price was some obscure amount or a ridiculously large amount. The sign literally had prices like $10, $20 etc. And then next to that the new price of $5 or $10. I mean really who can't figure out what half of 10 is.
Is it the education system or are we just that lazy that we can't even turn our brains on for one second.
Anyhow, that's my flame worthy vent today....well maybe one of many flame worthy vents today...stay tuned.
First off, 30% off of the original price is not a going out of business price cut...but I digress. And they didn't have any valances.
Anyhow, in a bunch of departments the stuff was 50% off, and there were signs everywhere telling you what 50% off would be. I noticed the same thing at Mervyns, signs telling you what 50% of the original price would be.
So here's my thought, WTH is wrong with Americans that we can't figure out what half of a number is. It isn't as though the starting price was some obscure amount or a ridiculously large amount. The sign literally had prices like $10, $20 etc. And then next to that the new price of $5 or $10. I mean really who can't figure out what half of 10 is.
Is it the education system or are we just that lazy that we can't even turn our brains on for one second.
Anyhow, that's my flame worthy vent today....well maybe one of many flame worthy vents today...stay tuned.
I'm pretty sure a guy in my office is wearing a womens jacket
I was just walking behind him and he is wearing a beige micro suede jacket, not like a coat but more like an casual jacket. It has a very tailored back with curved seams from the under arms to the waist and it has a sort of decorative zipper pull.
Now I can't stop laughing, and I don't what to say anything to anyone, just in case it is a mans jacket....and all I can think of is that episode of the office where Michael wears the women's suit with the hot pink satin lining, and no buttons on the jacket.
Now I can't stop laughing, and I don't what to say anything to anyone, just in case it is a mans jacket....and all I can think of is that episode of the office where Michael wears the women's suit with the hot pink satin lining, and no buttons on the jacket.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Black Friday re-cap
After two Thanksgiving dinners I was in need of some fresh air and some shopping. So my mom, my sister, my brother, my brother's girlfriend and I all went shopping. We began the trip at the Petaluma Outlet Mall at midnight.
We had a game plan, Off 5th, Carters, Gymboree, Gap, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, etc etc, and then ending at Coach. Last year we made the mistake of starting at Coach and the line was an hour and a half long just to get into the store. So this year we saved Coach for last and there was no line.
We did well at the outlets, Natalie got some new clothes (while she slept in her warm crib) including her 1st Birthday outfit...which Dan calls a costume. (I'll post some pics later).
Everyone got what they went for and then some. By the time we were done at the outlets it was 4:30...only an hour and a half until Target opened.
So we grabbed some breakfast at the only place open....Denny's. And let me tell you, the folks in Denny's at 4:30 in the morning are a bit odd...but then again we were there too.
We finished up breakfast, and 3 cups of coffee, just in time to hit Target exactly at opening. There Shawn got the door buster TV, which was a 26 inch LCD for $299. I got some DVDs and we call it a day....or so I thought.
Everyone was pretty tired, since we hadn't pulled an all nighter in years. So we went home to nap.
Three hours later, mom and I were at it again. This time to the Malls. We hit JC Penny, Macys, Gottschalks, Mervyns, Aeropostal, and the other Gymboree store ( I know, I have a problem).
All in all we had a great time. We got lots of Christmas shopping done and I officially stayed up later than my 21 year old brother.
We had a game plan, Off 5th, Carters, Gymboree, Gap, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, etc etc, and then ending at Coach. Last year we made the mistake of starting at Coach and the line was an hour and a half long just to get into the store. So this year we saved Coach for last and there was no line.
We did well at the outlets, Natalie got some new clothes (while she slept in her warm crib) including her 1st Birthday outfit...which Dan calls a costume. (I'll post some pics later).
Everyone got what they went for and then some. By the time we were done at the outlets it was 4:30...only an hour and a half until Target opened.
So we grabbed some breakfast at the only place open....Denny's. And let me tell you, the folks in Denny's at 4:30 in the morning are a bit odd...but then again we were there too.
We finished up breakfast, and 3 cups of coffee, just in time to hit Target exactly at opening. There Shawn got the door buster TV, which was a 26 inch LCD for $299. I got some DVDs and we call it a day....or so I thought.
Everyone was pretty tired, since we hadn't pulled an all nighter in years. So we went home to nap.
Three hours later, mom and I were at it again. This time to the Malls. We hit JC Penny, Macys, Gottschalks, Mervyns, Aeropostal, and the other Gymboree store ( I know, I have a problem).
All in all we had a great time. We got lots of Christmas shopping done and I officially stayed up later than my 21 year old brother.
Great Blog...Great Give away
Shoppings my Cardio is giving away a custom clutch...follow the link.
It would make a great gift for someone...or yourself of course
It would make a great gift for someone...or yourself of course
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I work in a medium sized office, there are about 140 of us. We have adjusters, attorneys, doctors, nurses, office assistants, etc.
But there is one person, who sits on the other side of the wall from me, (wall is an understatement since it's a cubicle wall) and apparently her job is to complain.
She is the assistant to the officer manager...she thinks she is the assistant office manager a la Dwight in The Office, but she is the assistant TO the office manager.
Anyhow, apparently her job is to complain. Today she called and complained, for about 15 minutes about how a box of supplies we got was dented, not the supplies themselves, but the box they came in....and due to this dent she sent the whole box back.
Then after lunch she calls the restaurant she went to and complained about that too.
Pretty much day in and day out she complains about it supplies, employees, lunch, money, her bike, or work loads...which I assume aren't that high considering how much free time she has to complain.
Sometimes I feel like I am living in the movie Office Space. Next she'll be asking me about my TPS reports.
But there is one person, who sits on the other side of the wall from me, (wall is an understatement since it's a cubicle wall) and apparently her job is to complain.
She is the assistant to the officer manager...she thinks she is the assistant office manager a la Dwight in The Office, but she is the assistant TO the office manager.
Anyhow, apparently her job is to complain. Today she called and complained, for about 15 minutes about how a box of supplies we got was dented, not the supplies themselves, but the box they came in....and due to this dent she sent the whole box back.
Then after lunch she calls the restaurant she went to and complained about that too.
Pretty much day in and day out she complains about it supplies, employees, lunch, money, her bike, or work loads...which I assume aren't that high considering how much free time she has to complain.
Sometimes I feel like I am living in the movie Office Space. Next she'll be asking me about my TPS reports.
7 months old today
Oh my how time flies. Natalie is 7 months old today. I can't believe that we are now more than half way to 1 year old...YIKES!
She amazes me more and more each day, she has mastered holding her bottle...although she likes to get us to hold it for her by faking that she can't do it. She can also get her Binky in her mouth the right way...most of the time. She is a rolling champ, and can roll to get to what she wants...and let me tell you she is a determined little thing.
She has started getting up on her hands and knees and crawling is in our near future.
She has started to get the hang of feeding herself, and she can get the puffs into her mouth pretty well...with only 4 or 5 stuck on her face.
She has two little pearly whites on the bottom and a top tooth about to come in.
For fun she likes to throw her bottle over and over and get mommy or daddy to pick it up for her. And when we are out she likes to throw her pacifier as far as she can.
She is a crowd stopper and thinks she is the official greeter where ever we go. It's getting hard to go places because she stops traffic and it takes forever to get through the stores cause she keeps smiling at everyone.
She is tons of fun, and I can't wait to see what she does next. I'll post pics later
She amazes me more and more each day, she has mastered holding her bottle...although she likes to get us to hold it for her by faking that she can't do it. She can also get her Binky in her mouth the right way...most of the time. She is a rolling champ, and can roll to get to what she wants...and let me tell you she is a determined little thing.
She has started getting up on her hands and knees and crawling is in our near future.
She has started to get the hang of feeding herself, and she can get the puffs into her mouth pretty well...with only 4 or 5 stuck on her face.
She has two little pearly whites on the bottom and a top tooth about to come in.
For fun she likes to throw her bottle over and over and get mommy or daddy to pick it up for her. And when we are out she likes to throw her pacifier as far as she can.
She is a crowd stopper and thinks she is the official greeter where ever we go. It's getting hard to go places because she stops traffic and it takes forever to get through the stores cause she keeps smiling at everyone.
She is tons of fun, and I can't wait to see what she does next. I'll post pics later
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wine tasting fun.
On Saturday we were invited to the Friends and Family event at Trione Winery. Dan has been working there for about 3 months.
I hadn't tried their wine yet and man have I been missing out. Dan had to work the event, pouring and talking about the winery, which was just built (well most of it) so I spent the day with his parents.
We left Natalie with my parents since I thought this was an adult event...but there ended up being tons of kids there and she would have had a blast. Oh well, maybe next year.
Anyhow, their pinot was amazing, as was the Cab and the Bordeaux blend. And I'm not a big fan of whites but the Chardonay was pretty great. I missed tasting the Sauvignon Blanc but I'm sure I'll get to try it some other time.
The winery is beautiful, and I told Dan that I am quite disapointed we are already married because I'd love to get married there.
So if you're looking for a beautiful winery to visit in Geyserville, or just want to drink some amazing Pinot...then you should check Trione out.
I hadn't tried their wine yet and man have I been missing out. Dan had to work the event, pouring and talking about the winery, which was just built (well most of it) so I spent the day with his parents.
We left Natalie with my parents since I thought this was an adult event...but there ended up being tons of kids there and she would have had a blast. Oh well, maybe next year.
Anyhow, their pinot was amazing, as was the Cab and the Bordeaux blend. And I'm not a big fan of whites but the Chardonay was pretty great. I missed tasting the Sauvignon Blanc but I'm sure I'll get to try it some other time.
The winery is beautiful, and I told Dan that I am quite disapointed we are already married because I'd love to get married there.
So if you're looking for a beautiful winery to visit in Geyserville, or just want to drink some amazing Pinot...then you should check Trione out.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday Thrirteen
Since it is finally feeling like Fall, I have been wanting to stay in at night and watch TV. We only get to watch an hour or so of TV a night since having Natalie. We used to be TV junkies and had a major line-up but we don't have that luxury anymore.
Anyhow, these are my thirteen favorite TV shows (that are on TV right now...I have lots of other "off season" favorites too)
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Sons of Anarchy
4. The Office
5. Worst Week
6. CSI: NY
7. CSI
8. How I Met Your Mother
9. New Adventures of Old Christine
10. Always Sunny in Philadelphia
11. Intervention
12. The Hills
13. 30 Rock
Now if you asked Dan what his favorite shows were the list would look a bit different...but I am not a fan of Terminator or Night Rider.
Anyhow, these are my thirteen favorite TV shows (that are on TV right now...I have lots of other "off season" favorites too)
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Sons of Anarchy
4. The Office
5. Worst Week
6. CSI: NY
7. CSI
8. How I Met Your Mother
9. New Adventures of Old Christine
10. Always Sunny in Philadelphia
11. Intervention
12. The Hills
13. 30 Rock
Now if you asked Dan what his favorite shows were the list would look a bit different...but I am not a fan of Terminator or Night Rider.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My little flower...
Isn't she just the cutest thing you have ever seen. She has started really hamming in up for the camera. Now when we get the camera out she is all smiles. It has gotten pretty bad, the other day I was texting and I noticed that she was all smiles and looking right at me...she must have thought I was taking her picture on my cell phone. Maybe we take too many pictures of her.
The best inventions
On the radio yesterday they were talking about the best inventions ever. I will preface my favorite by saying it is the best modern invention, I think the Tivo (or any other DVR) is the best modern invention. I love that I can watch an hour long show in only 40 minutes. I barely get 40 minutes a day to relax and there's no way I can devote an entire hour to any one thing these days so the Tivo is the most awesome thing in my house.
This got me to wondering what everyone else thinks is the best what is it? What do you think is the best modern invention?
This got me to wondering what everyone else thinks is the best what is it? What do you think is the best modern invention?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Some random thoughts on pregnancy and babies
I've been thinking about pregnancy a lot lately, maybe because Natalie is a little bigger and I miss being pregnant and having a brand new baby...although she is only 6 months old.
So here are my thoughts
So here are my thoughts
- A baby shower isn't as much for the gifts or the celebration as it is the last time that anyone will pay any attention to you...once you have that baby no one cares about you. It's all about the baby. If that baby could drive herself over to the grandparents house that would be just fine by are only a mode of transportation for people to see the baby.
- Maternity pants are button less not because they need to be stretchy and buttons hinder the stretch...but because you need to be able to take them off quickly as you run to the bathroom due to your incredibly shrunken bladder.
- Everyone wants to talk to you when you're pregnant...but this is just to prepare you for random strangers talking to you everywhere you go about your cute your baby is, how happy your baby is, how loud your baby is...blah blah blah.
- Waking every hour while pregnant to re-position or go to the bathroom is just another preparation for waking to feed a hungry newborn every hour or so.
- A king sized bed gets really small when you add all those pregnancy pillows and a flopping pregnant lady to the mix.
- But it gets even smaller when you add a tiny little baby flailing around the bed at all hours of the night as you plead for them to sleep.
- Everything you say "I'll never do...." you will do. This is true of being pregnant and being a mom. I can't begin to remember all the times I said "I'll never" that I now actually do....including let my kid make a huge mess in a restaurant.
- And'll never be able to just run out of the house. While pregnant you couldn't just run out of the house cause every time you got to the car you'd realize you forgot something. But once you have a kid, you can't just run out cause you have to get loaded down like a Sherpa to go anywhere.
It's all worth it, and I'd do it again in a heart beat but people should really tell you the truth.....maybe they do but you just can't remember it cause you're pregnant and you can't remember anything....who knows.
Hmmm...not much luck that we'll be moved in by turkey day
I had originally wanted to be moved in to the new house by Thanksgiving....but as you can see from the prior post that is NOT going to happen.
I'm currently hoping to be moved in by Christmas, well hopefully a week or so before so I can decorate for Christmas.
I'm currently hoping to be moved in by Christmas, well hopefully a week or so before so I can decorate for Christmas.
3 down only about 100 to go
Well we have officially finished 3 of the tasks at the new house. The title of this post should be 1 project 100% done, 2 projects 90% done and 100 projects in various other states of chaos...but who would want to read that post.
Anyhow, I finished painting the fireplace, which had previously had a hideous red and white paint job, which included fire engine red painted bricks and painted white grout...ugh it was pretty bad. It looked a lot like those toy bricks that kids these. *I don't know who that kid is*

But now it is a soothing neutral brown color. Which looks nice with the tan walls. In my house we do not do as Ikea commercials once said and "Live bold not beige" we very proudly live beige. Seriously if you don't like beige don't come to my house.
Dan, with the help of his dad put overhead lighting in all the rooms, which is fantastic, cause we hate lamps....I wish I could say a la Ron Burgundy "I love Lamp" but I can't.... I do how ever love scotch...scotch, scotch, scotch..I love scotch!!
Okay, back to the blog post...(ADD much) we also got the two bathrooms almost all the way painted, and I lined all the shelves and drawers in the kitchen and bathroom....but not the laundry room or the linen closet....see what I mean about various degrees of finished.
This week, we are going to try to at least finish one room...even if it is just a bathroom. I want one room done, I mean stick a fork in it DONE...wish me luck.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Great Grandma!
Great Grandma is 88
. We went over to Dan's grandfathers house last night for some pie to celebrate Dan's great grandmother's birthday, so this is a picture of Natalie with her great great
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Always be prepared
A while ago an email went out that was a parody on is a website that helps people to be prepared against a terrorist attack or pretty much any other horrible thing.
But the parody was awesome, so I'll share some of my case you want to see the whole thing here's the link

Do not drive a station wagon if a power pole is protruding from the hood.

Check the website's hilarious.
How does this stuff always happen to me
On our way to Home Depot last night my mom and I decided to swing by Starbucks. I love their pumpkin spice lattes. Well I thought I'd be a good wife and order Dan some coffee, since ya know I'm an amazing wife.
Well we went through the drive through, cause I didn't want to get Natalie out of the car. So I pull up to the window and my conversation with the Starbucks gal goes like this:
Sbux: "Um..Hi, if you wait a sec I'll be right with you"
Me: "Okay:
Sbux: "Um, okay what can I get for you"
Me: "We'll have a grande non-fat pumpkin spice latte with only 2 pumps (yeah I'm one of those annoying people who modifies their drink...whatever)...a grande hot water and a Vente Coffee with cream"
Sbux: "uhh okay, a grande PSL, and a hot water and ...oh wait can we start over"
Me: "sure, --repeat order--"
Sbux: "okay....what was the last drink..."
Me: "A vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " a vente what?"
Me (getting frustrated) " a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux" what"
Sbux "ohhhh coffee....ha ha"
Me: "um yea, coffee...." (you work at a coffee shop dumb ass)
Sbux: "um do you want milk cream or sugar in your coffee"
Me: "Um...yeah it was a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " oh yea...ha ha"
So I pull to the window all the while thinking, damn this girl had better be cute...cause brains aren't her thing
And she gives me my order....but it's missing the coffee.
This stuff only happens to me.
Well we went through the drive through, cause I didn't want to get Natalie out of the car. So I pull up to the window and my conversation with the Starbucks gal goes like this:
Sbux: "Um..Hi, if you wait a sec I'll be right with you"
Me: "Okay:
Sbux: "Um, okay what can I get for you"
Me: "We'll have a grande non-fat pumpkin spice latte with only 2 pumps (yeah I'm one of those annoying people who modifies their drink...whatever)...a grande hot water and a Vente Coffee with cream"
Sbux: "uhh okay, a grande PSL, and a hot water and ...oh wait can we start over"
Me: "sure, --repeat order--"
Sbux: "okay....what was the last drink..."
Me: "A vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " a vente what?"
Me (getting frustrated) " a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux" what"
Sbux "ohhhh coffee....ha ha"
Me: "um yea, coffee...." (you work at a coffee shop dumb ass)
Sbux: "um do you want milk cream or sugar in your coffee"
Me: "Um...yeah it was a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " oh yea...ha ha"
So I pull to the window all the while thinking, damn this girl had better be cute...cause brains aren't her thing
And she gives me my order....but it's missing the coffee.
This stuff only happens to me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I was so right.....
On Monday I posted that it was gonna be one of those weeks....and boy was I right.
I am done....just done.
At least I have Friday off....but crikey....I don't know how much more I can take.
So far this is how my day has gone...
I am done....just done.
At least I have Friday off....but crikey....I don't know how much more I can take.
So far this is how my day has gone...
- I was late this morning...whatever it happens all the time...but before I can even get my computer turned on my boss is asking me all kinds of questions about a file.
- I finally get my computer on and a sip of coffee just in time to deal with another problem ...which I apparently can not appease so that call gets escalated to management.
- Then I decide that I should see what will be on sale on the day after Thanksgiving...cause you know I deserved it after that I type in black Friday dot com (DON'T DO IT) ....which I thought was the name of the site that had been emailing me updates to sale fliers...but it was the wrong site and up pops some "hard core girl on girl action" I'm probably on the watch list with IT.
So in a nut shell by noon, I had pissed off a bunch of claimants, and visited restricted websites and had my work questioned by management....what does the rest of the day have in store for me.....I don't even want to know.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Why do I torture myself
Maybe it's just my Wal-mart, but ugh I have never been in more dirty store...well except maybe for Kmart (but that's another vent all together)
Is you Wal-mart dirty?
I should have known that Wal-mart was a bad idea when I was in the parking lot this crazy old person was stopped in the middle of the isle and proceeded to make a u-turn. not just a stop and put it in reverse to get to the desired parking spot an actual u-turn. Then there were the toddlers running alone in the parking lot....I mean really who lets their 3 year old run laps in the Wal-mart parking lot. And don't get me started on the seagulls and other random dirtiness. Ugh...apparently I'm an idiot for even trying to go there.
So I get inside and they were playing Christmas music...ugh it was November 7! I navigate to the back of the store, dodging homeless looking people and get to the baby department...where I am met with what you ask....oh I'll tell you. Flies, that's right flies. Mind you there is no produce department or even grocery department in this wal-mart, and I am standing among clothing and strollers and the like, and there are flies just hanging around. Now I know that they are about a penny or so cheaper on most things, and maybe that's enough for some people but I'd rather spend a little bit (and it's such a little bit) to shop at Target.
So after all that, navigating through the parking lot full of obstacles, and braving the dirty dirty store they didn't' even have what I went for.
Lesson learned again...until the next time I lose my mind.
Is you Wal-mart dirty?
I should have known that Wal-mart was a bad idea when I was in the parking lot this crazy old person was stopped in the middle of the isle and proceeded to make a u-turn. not just a stop and put it in reverse to get to the desired parking spot an actual u-turn. Then there were the toddlers running alone in the parking lot....I mean really who lets their 3 year old run laps in the Wal-mart parking lot. And don't get me started on the seagulls and other random dirtiness. Ugh...apparently I'm an idiot for even trying to go there.
So I get inside and they were playing Christmas music...ugh it was November 7! I navigate to the back of the store, dodging homeless looking people and get to the baby department...where I am met with what you ask....oh I'll tell you. Flies, that's right flies. Mind you there is no produce department or even grocery department in this wal-mart, and I am standing among clothing and strollers and the like, and there are flies just hanging around. Now I know that they are about a penny or so cheaper on most things, and maybe that's enough for some people but I'd rather spend a little bit (and it's such a little bit) to shop at Target.
So after all that, navigating through the parking lot full of obstacles, and braving the dirty dirty store they didn't' even have what I went for.
Lesson learned again...until the next time I lose my mind.
Holiday Season has begun
I got a red cup at Starbucks this morning. I mean everyone knows that the "Red Cup" is the universal sign of the Holiday Season....don't they?
Soon enough we'll be hearing Christmas songs on the radio.
Soon enough we'll be hearing Christmas songs on the radio.
My silly baby...
has begun kissing. If I kiss her on the cheek she turns to me with a wide open mouth and tries to kiss my face. It is quite possibly the cutest thing in the world...well except for the massive amounts of slobber that she leaves on my face.
It's gonna be one of those weeks....
I can just feel it. I came in this morning (late due to a Dr.s appointment...and some procrastination that included Starbucks) to four voicemail messages, I was only 2 hours late.
And they were all people complaining about something, no "Hi how ya doing" voice mails, just complaining griping, and general "poor Me's". Now usually I have sympathy for these folks but since it began so early in the week I can't use up all my sympathy so early on....sorry folks.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everyone...or in my case anyone this week.
And they were all people complaining about something, no "Hi how ya doing" voice mails, just complaining griping, and general "poor Me's". Now usually I have sympathy for these folks but since it began so early in the week I can't use up all my sympathy so early on....sorry folks.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everyone...or in my case anyone this week.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Something funny for your Saturday morning
I have begun a love affair with failblog, and from that stemmed a love affair with punditkitchen. People are so cleaver with their comments. I've tried, I look at the picture and I try to think of cleaver or witty comments but alas nothing...I guess there is no future for me as an Internet comedian. I guess I'll just stick to cracking myself up on a regular basis.
Anyhow, here it my current fave from
Hilarity at it's finest.

Anyhow, here it my current fave from
Hilarity at it's finest.

Christmas Shopping has already begun...
So I usually try to get most of my shopping done by Thanksgiving. Some years I have had it all done by Turkey day. Those years I sit back and relax while all the crazy procrastinators rush to the mall and try to find the "perfect" gift in a picked over store...but not me, my perfect gift is at home and already wrapped.
So this year, I am trying to be "done" by Turkey day again...I say done in quotes cause I know that even if I fulfil my list, as I near Christmas I'll see something that I just have to get for it's never really done.
Anyhow, it's the first weekend in November and I've already gotten my brother's gift and my Mother-in-law's gift. Two down only fourteen more to go....well fifteen if you count me cause I'm sure I'll end up buying my own gift again this year since Dan avoids shopping all together.
So this year, I am trying to be "done" by Turkey day again...I say done in quotes cause I know that even if I fulfil my list, as I near Christmas I'll see something that I just have to get for it's never really done.
Anyhow, it's the first weekend in November and I've already gotten my brother's gift and my Mother-in-law's gift. Two down only fourteen more to go....well fifteen if you count me cause I'm sure I'll end up buying my own gift again this year since Dan avoids shopping all together.
WTF 7:45 am on a saturday and I'm up and Natalie isn't
I used to be the queen of sleeping in, I would sleep all morning on Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday's too.
But not now. It's 8 am and I've already been up for over an hour, I fed Natalie got her back to sleep and now, here I 8 on a Saturday....for no real reason...WTF!
But not now. It's 8 am and I've already been up for over an hour, I fed Natalie got her back to sleep and now, here I 8 on a Saturday....for no real reason...WTF!
So much to do, so little motivation
If you recall, we're moving....and moving sucks. Especially with a 6 month old and especially into a house that needs some fixing up.
So today Dan and his dad and brother and installing overhead lighting in all the room and some ceiling fans in a few of the rooms too. I'm lucky to have a husband who is so handy. But that means that I should be doing something too...ugh.
My Mother-in-law offered to watch Natalie so that I can get some stuff done, but honestly Natalie is my excuse for not having to go over there and paint or clean....of heaven forbid clean at our current house.
Hmmm...would it be awful if I just blew it all off and went shopping? I mean Natalie is out of baby food and I can't deprive my kid of food...and if I go to Target I have to go to the Mall and if I go to Target and the Mall, I have to stop at Starbucks (duh) and if I go to Starbucks I'll have to go to Safeway cause...we'll I don't really know why...but you see where I'm going here.
I guess the responsible thing would be to take Natalie to Grandma's house so I can clean....but I think we all know what I'm really going to do.
Target here I come!
So today Dan and his dad and brother and installing overhead lighting in all the room and some ceiling fans in a few of the rooms too. I'm lucky to have a husband who is so handy. But that means that I should be doing something too...ugh.
My Mother-in-law offered to watch Natalie so that I can get some stuff done, but honestly Natalie is my excuse for not having to go over there and paint or clean....of heaven forbid clean at our current house.
Hmmm...would it be awful if I just blew it all off and went shopping? I mean Natalie is out of baby food and I can't deprive my kid of food...and if I go to Target I have to go to the Mall and if I go to Target and the Mall, I have to stop at Starbucks (duh) and if I go to Starbucks I'll have to go to Safeway cause...we'll I don't really know why...but you see where I'm going here.
I guess the responsible thing would be to take Natalie to Grandma's house so I can clean....but I think we all know what I'm really going to do.
Target here I come!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things I love about Fall
1. The changing colors
2. Starbucks red cups
3. Pumpkin spice lattes
4. Sweaters
5. Prime time TV
6. Thanksgiving
7. The crisp air
8. Windy days
9. Cooler nights
10. Rainy days
11. Extra blankets on the bed
12. Soup
13. It's almost Christmas!!
1. The changing colors
2. Starbucks red cups
3. Pumpkin spice lattes
4. Sweaters
5. Prime time TV
6. Thanksgiving
7. The crisp air
8. Windy days
9. Cooler nights
10. Rainy days
11. Extra blankets on the bed
12. Soup
13. It's almost Christmas!!
I've become one of those "Wackos"......
So I know I spend too much time on a certain message board, and mostly cause I like the gals and love to get input about parenting and all that stuff.
But I have officially become one of those "wackos" who is getting just too wrapped up in message board drama.
Most of it stems from the election and a difference of opinions which I think is great. Dan won't debate with me, and my friends all have the same political views so I was all about debating on said board....but alas it has gone too far.
So, it's time for an intervention. I need an intervention for my Message board usage.
Time to take the first step...
"My name is Kelly, and I'm addicted to the nest...and I need a break*"
*I think a break is easier said than done, but we'll see.
But I have officially become one of those "wackos" who is getting just too wrapped up in message board drama.
Most of it stems from the election and a difference of opinions which I think is great. Dan won't debate with me, and my friends all have the same political views so I was all about debating on said board....but alas it has gone too far.
So, it's time for an intervention. I need an intervention for my Message board usage.
Time to take the first step...
"My name is Kelly, and I'm addicted to the nest...and I need a break*"
*I think a break is easier said than done, but we'll see.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Okay, I'm all for debate and open conversations where people have differing opinions especially when it comes to politics.
But if you are going to argue with me, than get your facts straight....or STFU.
You know who you are.
But if you are going to argue with me, than get your facts straight....or STFU.
You know who you are.
A great day to be an American

Today (well actually Yesterday) is a great day to be an American. We rocked the vote and our voices were heard.
It is amazing to know that Natalie will never know a country in which only a white man can be president. I am proud of our decision, proud to be an American.
Things are about to change and I can't wait!
A sad day for California
Today is a sad sad day for California. To say that I am disgusted with the results of prop 8 would be a gross understatement. I am sad, angry, disgusted, scared, sick...the list goes on and on.
I am sad that in this day and age we as a state can vote for discrimination. We are called one of the most progressive states in the union, yet we allow our citizens to be stripped of rights and discriminated against. I am not proud to live in California today. I am not proud of the fact that scare tactics can sway an election, I am not proud that out of state funding can buy off another states constitution.
I asked someone last week who was a prop 8 supporter how prop 8 would really affect her, her church and her marriage. And guess what her answer was....."It doesn't"
That's right IT DOESN'T....IT DOESN'T affect you, your church, or your why the hell do you feel the need to discriminate and steal happiness from people it does affect. WHY?
I am sad that in this day and age we as a state can vote for discrimination. We are called one of the most progressive states in the union, yet we allow our citizens to be stripped of rights and discriminated against. I am not proud to live in California today. I am not proud of the fact that scare tactics can sway an election, I am not proud that out of state funding can buy off another states constitution.
I asked someone last week who was a prop 8 supporter how prop 8 would really affect her, her church and her marriage. And guess what her answer was....."It doesn't"
That's right IT DOESN'T....IT DOESN'T affect you, your church, or your why the hell do you feel the need to discriminate and steal happiness from people it does affect. WHY?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today's the day!!!
Get out there and vote people.
I dropped off my absentee ballot this morning and there were quite a few people there voting, but no long lines.
And make sure you rock your "I voted" sticker so you can get some free Starbucks.
I dropped off my absentee ballot this morning and there were quite a few people there voting, but no long lines.
And make sure you rock your "I voted" sticker so you can get some free Starbucks.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Rock the Vote!
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things that suck about moving!!!
- umm...moving in general
- packing
- cleaning
- cleaning the new house that you are moving into...thanks CA foreclosure market.
- garbage cans that are too small for all the crap you don't need anymore
- figuring out what crap you don't need anymore
- removing the sentimental value goggles that cloud your decisions as to what crap you don't need anymore.
- living in two houses at once
- figuring out that you have a shopping compulsion
- lining shelves
- countless trips to home depot and Lowe's
- being broke from the trips to home depot and Lowe's
- umm...moving in general...again cause it's true.
Pictures courtsey of my BFF
So while Megan was stalking my blog she saw that I had blamed her for my lack of pictures and viola I had pictures in my inbox now there are some pics in my blog posts...see drunk people post and reunion post.
Thanks Meg!!
Thanks Meg!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I am no longer the all time designated driver...
Dan can officially drive at night. He took his night time drivers test last week and passed with flying colors.
I can officially get my drink on after dark more day time drunkenness for me!
I can officially get my drink on after dark more day time drunkenness for me!
Drunk people are fun...sometimes
So we went to a Halloween party on Saturday night, our first party since Dan could drive at night so it was my turn to drink...yay!
So after taking Natalie to grandma's house we went off to A&M's party. We got there around 8pm and started having fun. It wasn't long before I realized that a lot of the people at the party were wasted, and it was only 8:30, pretty early to be sauced in my book...but hey whatever. Well around 10pm we were hanging out around the fire pit, and we realize that this guy is totally passed out, I mean drooling on himself passed 10pm. So of course since we are really mature adults in our late 20's and early 30's we start taking pictures of this guy, and pictures with him etc. (but of course Megan has the pics...I'll upload when she emails me). Sure enough the guy wakes up after about 100 flashes went off in his face, and grabs his keg cup (yup we were at a red cup party) and goes for another beer. What a champ!
But 11pm all of us parents were done and went home, I sort of miss those days of partying into the wee hours of the morning but when I woke up to a giggly baby at 7:30 am I was happy that I
So after taking Natalie to grandma's house we went off to A&M's party. We got there around 8pm and started having fun. It wasn't long before I realized that a lot of the people at the party were wasted, and it was only 8:30, pretty early to be sauced in my book...but hey whatever. Well around 10pm we were hanging out around the fire pit, and we realize that this guy is totally passed out, I mean drooling on himself passed 10pm. So of course since we are really mature adults in our late 20's and early 30's we start taking pictures of this guy, and pictures with him etc. (but of course Megan has the pics...I'll upload when she emails me). Sure enough the guy wakes up after about 100 flashes went off in his face, and grabs his keg cup (yup we were at a red cup party) and goes for another beer. What a champ!
But 11pm all of us parents were done and went home, I sort of miss those days of partying into the wee hours of the morning but when I woke up to a giggly baby at 7:30 am I was happy that I
don't party like a rock star anymore.
Dan's 10 year reunion
So a couple weeks ago we went to Dan's 10 year High School reunion. I have to say I wasn't entirely looking forward to it, we had to get a babysitter and because both of our parents were out of town that wasn't the easiest of tasks, plus the reunion was in the middle of the day. But our friend Jenn agreed to watch Natalie for us, and we were very thankful. I also had to go get an outfit. I thought this was pretty clear but Dan wanted to know why I needed new clothes, umm duh...did he really expect me to go to the reunion in some old duds....helloooo.
And Choosing clothes for a daytime ten year reunion that was to be held outside at a brewery in "hippy town" was a bit of a task, but I got some cute jeans and a top and the cutest ever wedges. Dan just wore some old clothes but whatever.
So we paid our $35 each...that's right $70 for a "buffet" cake and coffee. I didn't see any cake or coffee there and the "buffet" was LAME...hence the quotation marks. But it was at a brewery so there was lots of good beer to drink...and pay for.
We spent the entire time hanging out with people we see all the time and paying for our drinks...remind me how we needed to pay $35 each to do that. And then when it was over we still had to go get dinner, double LAME.
But we did win a raffle prize...unfortunately not the bong (remember it's "hippy" town) but we won a nice bottle of wine...which we gave to Jenn for putting up with our little brat.
All in all the day cost well over $200, I think we'll be seriously considering not going to the 25 year reunion....even though we'd get another chance to win a bong.

And Choosing clothes for a daytime ten year reunion that was to be held outside at a brewery in "hippy town" was a bit of a task, but I got some cute jeans and a top and the cutest ever wedges. Dan just wore some old clothes but whatever.
So we paid our $35 each...that's right $70 for a "buffet" cake and coffee. I didn't see any cake or coffee there and the "buffet" was LAME...hence the quotation marks. But it was at a brewery so there was lots of good beer to drink...and pay for.
We spent the entire time hanging out with people we see all the time and paying for our drinks...remind me how we needed to pay $35 each to do that. And then when it was over we still had to go get dinner, double LAME.
But we did win a raffle prize...unfortunately not the bong (remember it's "hippy" town) but we won a nice bottle of wine...which we gave to Jenn for putting up with our little brat.
All in all the day cost well over $200, I think we'll be seriously considering not going to the 25 year reunion....even though we'd get another chance to win a bong.
"This is going in my blog"
So my BFF Megan and I are both a bit new to the blog world, and when we are out together we find ourselves saying things like "this is going in my blog" so often. But she is much better about bringing her camera places than I am. So she has all the pictures of the stuff that is going in my blog. So maybe someday Megan will email me the pics and I can add them to my blog. But until then you will just get the stories.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So I went to Bingo last night for my second time and I won $200. It was super I have to figure out what to spend my winnings on.
And I only got shushed once. Apparently if you are super old (as most bingo goers are) there is not having fun at bingo...and if anyone has even the slightest bit of fun they must be shushed. Oh well, it was a great time and I can't wait to go again.
And I only got shushed once. Apparently if you are super old (as most bingo goers are) there is not having fun at bingo...and if anyone has even the slightest bit of fun they must be shushed. Oh well, it was a great time and I can't wait to go again.
Monday, October 13, 2008
hmmm...maybe a new game for my blog
So I was just looking over the pictures that I have uploaded to my blog...and there is a common item in almost all of the photos....can you guess what it is?
A beer...that's right, in almost every photo there is a beer in the background....
If I had better photo editing skills I'd try to crop it out but I don't....or maybe I should make Dan move his beer when I have the camera out...nah that would be asking too much. so we'll make it a game.
Can you find the beer?
A beer...that's right, in almost every photo there is a beer in the background....
If I had better photo editing skills I'd try to crop it out but I don't....or maybe I should make Dan move his beer when I have the camera out...nah that would be asking too much. so we'll make it a game.
Can you find the beer?
Natalie loves her doggies
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bald is beautiful
Natalie's first trip to the pumpkin patch
So our friends were taking their daughter Alyssa to the pumpkin patch today so we tagged along. it was tons of fun...even if everything there cost an arm and a leg....ugh.
We got some great pictures and Natalie seemed to have a good time, although it is pretty hard to have a bad time when someone carries you around all day and all you have to do is look cute.
Anyhow here are the pics.
We got some great pictures and Natalie seemed to have a good time, although it is pretty hard to have a bad time when someone carries you around all day and all you have to do is look cute.
Anyhow here are the pics.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday Thriteen
I'm copying the fabulous Amanda S this week and doing Thirteen things I am looking forward to:
In no particular order.
1. Natalie's first Christmas
2. Natalie's first Thanksgiving
3. Natalie's first Halloween...are we sensing a theme ;)
4. Cold windy weather
5. Flannel Sheets
6. Moving into my new house.
7. decorating for Christmas
8. Christmas Shopping
9. New episodes of my favorite shows
10. The election
11. All the new babies that will be born this year
12. My brother's graduation from College
13. Natalie's milestones.
In no particular order.
1. Natalie's first Christmas
2. Natalie's first Thanksgiving
3. Natalie's first Halloween...are we sensing a theme ;)
4. Cold windy weather
5. Flannel Sheets
6. Moving into my new house.
7. decorating for Christmas
8. Christmas Shopping
9. New episodes of my favorite shows
10. The election
11. All the new babies that will be born this year
12. My brother's graduation from College
13. Natalie's milestones.
Natalie's first (sort of ) soccer game

It was actually her second soccer game, but because she was such a little pill at the last game (Chico vs Davis) I choose to ignore that game entirely and pretend that this was her first game.
She loved it, and she loves her Uncle Kevin.
She was a champ and didn't cry one bit through the whole game....and even slept a little bit.
The game was great, Kevin played a lot. She won't get to go to another game until Chico plays Sonoma State in November...cause I just can't bear to imagine driving all the way to Chico with her...oh well.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I know my dog is a pain but seriously....
So we got the animal cops called on us...for Pita.
She totally lives up to her name but I never thought anyone would ever call animal control on her.
For those who don't know, Pita (which stands for pain in the ass) is a yappy chihuahua, who barks when a bird flies too low...but we love her anyway.
Well apparently our new neighbors don't love her and called animal control for "incessant chihuahua barking" and added that we don't have food or water for the animals....umm yes we do dumb ass just not outside.
Anyhow animal control came, according to my neighbor Crystal (who we do like) and peeked in my yard to check up on my animals.
Well animal cops Santa Rosa found our dogs to be fine and closed the complaint...but it does go on her record. I guess three complaints for barking and you have to re-home your dog.
So watch out Pita, you may be on borrowed time...kitty just went to the vet and never came home.....
She totally lives up to her name but I never thought anyone would ever call animal control on her.
For those who don't know, Pita (which stands for pain in the ass) is a yappy chihuahua, who barks when a bird flies too low...but we love her anyway.
Well apparently our new neighbors don't love her and called animal control for "incessant chihuahua barking" and added that we don't have food or water for the animals....umm yes we do dumb ass just not outside.
Anyhow animal control came, according to my neighbor Crystal (who we do like) and peeked in my yard to check up on my animals.
Well animal cops Santa Rosa found our dogs to be fine and closed the complaint...but it does go on her record. I guess three complaints for barking and you have to re-home your dog.
So watch out Pita, you may be on borrowed time...kitty just went to the vet and never came home.....
Natalie's wall letters
Monday, September 22, 2008

So this week is national clean hands week...who knew?
I was in my office restroom this morning and noticed a sign on the wall...and this was the sign.
Who knew there was a National clean hands week....and how gross is it hat there has to be a NATIONAL awareness campaign for this...gross!!!!!
So just in case you were planning on not washing your hands...this is not the week to do it!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Kristin's new camera
Dan + Costco = bad idea!
How is it that I can go to Costco and spend around $100 and get all the things we need, but if Dan goes we spend about $300. The same thing happens at Safeway, somehow he puts all these things in the cart that we don't need. Cinnamon Toast crunch....what self respecting adult feels the need to eat that stuff.
I swear sometimes I feel like I have two kids, and you'd think by looking at our cart that we had 5 kids at home. I mean eggos, cinnamon toast crunch, Wii games, cheez-its...
Ugh, I seriously had less than 10 things on my list.
Oh well, I guess it is my fault for not wanting to go grocery shopping by myself.
I swear sometimes I feel like I have two kids, and you'd think by looking at our cart that we had 5 kids at home. I mean eggos, cinnamon toast crunch, Wii games, cheez-its...
Ugh, I seriously had less than 10 things on my list.
Oh well, I guess it is my fault for not wanting to go grocery shopping by myself.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Long lost cousins.

We have a wacky family, as kids we never had any cousins or real family to speak of, so my parents friends were sort of our family. My mom had one brother and a few step siblings but we didn't see them much. We knew that my uncle had kids but we had never met them.
A few years ago my mom got into contact with her nephew Max and they began emailing eachother. Max got married in 2005 and my mom began emailing with his wife Kate. She is great. Well when I was getting married Kate and I started emailing each other, we invited Max and Kate to our wedding and finally got to meet this long lost cousin of mine. Since then we have been in contact with eachother over email. We tried to email each other about once a week or when I got pregnant I of course emailed her. She was so sweet and sent me flowers.
They were not planning on having kids for a few years but were super happy that Dan and I would be having a baby and couldn't wait to meet our little one.
Well one morning I get an email that says "guess what"...yup you guessed it Kate was pregnant...and due only 2 weeks after me.
So we had a great time emailing with eachother throughout our pregnancies.
Over the summerm while we were both out on maternity leave we finally got together and here are some of the pics.
It was great to see Max and Kate and Caitlyn and to get the girls together. I can't wait until they can play together.
"Baby Crack" AKA Baby Einstein
So I have been resisting the Baby Einstein DVDs cause I don't want to just plop Natalie in front of the TV all the time...but sometimes I need to get things done too.
So this morning while I was getting ready for work I put in Baby Van Gough...and she was hooked.
My friends Kristin and Chad refer to the Baby Einstein DVDs as "Baby Crack" and man is it true. She was watching so intently and really appeared to be enjoying the animals, colors and music.
And I got to dry and straighten my hair and put on make up with only a couple YAY! for Baby Crack.
(disclaimer...the author of this blog does not recommend giving babies crack or promoting crack in any way...unless it is convenient for mommy)
So this morning while I was getting ready for work I put in Baby Van Gough...and she was hooked.
My friends Kristin and Chad refer to the Baby Einstein DVDs as "Baby Crack" and man is it true. She was watching so intently and really appeared to be enjoying the animals, colors and music.
And I got to dry and straighten my hair and put on make up with only a couple YAY! for Baby Crack.
(disclaimer...the author of this blog does not recommend giving babies crack or promoting crack in any way...unless it is convenient for mommy)
What does that mean?
So I have a group of wonderful friends who like to email regularly while at work. We each work for different companies.
In our emails we often abbreviate things or talk in "IM" or text or message board lingo..whatever you want to call it.
Well our one friend doesn't frequent message boards so she often asks what things mean.
This got me I speak "IM" too much....and the answer is YES!!!
All too often I find myself saying things like "OMG" or "WTF" mod mate and I said these things so much that my super out of touch boss even began saying them.
So I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you,
Of course I love OMG and WTF but I also love HFS...which means "Ho fo sho" a la 40 year old virgin. Another fav of mine is "HTD" which my friend Andrea came up with and it means "Homies til death"
In our emails we often abbreviate things or talk in "IM" or text or message board lingo..whatever you want to call it.
Well our one friend doesn't frequent message boards so she often asks what things mean.
This got me I speak "IM" too much....and the answer is YES!!!
All too often I find myself saying things like "OMG" or "WTF" mod mate and I said these things so much that my super out of touch boss even began saying them.
So I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you,
Of course I love OMG and WTF but I also love HFS...which means "Ho fo sho" a la 40 year old virgin. Another fav of mine is "HTD" which my friend Andrea came up with and it means "Homies til death"
Monday, September 8, 2008
She is on the move
So Natalie rolled over on Saturday morning. I laid her on the bed while I took a shower and turned on Micky Mouse Playhouse...which she loves! She was just hanging out so I enjoyed my shower, when I came out I peeked around the corner and saw her laying on her stomach....wait what...I put her on her back. I had to double take but there she was smiling at me and babbling on her tummy. OMG, I missed her first roll over...but so did her dad so oh well.
So I put her back on her back and low and behold she immediately flipped over. She did it three times in a row.
I called Dan and told him that she rolled over while I was in the shower and he says "well at least you missed it too" I didn't bother to tell him that she did it three times so he thinks I haven't' seen her do it yet....oops.
So we spent the rest of the weekend waiting and watching for her to roll over but that little stinker wouldn't do it.
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