Monday, November 17, 2008

Some random thoughts on pregnancy and babies

I've been thinking about pregnancy a lot lately, maybe because Natalie is a little bigger and I miss being pregnant and having a brand new baby...although she is only 6 months old.
So here are my thoughts
  • A baby shower isn't as much for the gifts or the celebration as it is the last time that anyone will pay any attention to you...once you have that baby no one cares about you. It's all about the baby. If that baby could drive herself over to the grandparents house that would be just fine by are only a mode of transportation for people to see the baby.
  • Maternity pants are button less not because they need to be stretchy and buttons hinder the stretch...but because you need to be able to take them off quickly as you run to the bathroom due to your incredibly shrunken bladder.
  • Everyone wants to talk to you when you're pregnant...but this is just to prepare you for random strangers talking to you everywhere you go about your cute your baby is, how happy your baby is, how loud your baby is...blah blah blah.
  • Waking every hour while pregnant to re-position or go to the bathroom is just another preparation for waking to feed a hungry newborn every hour or so.
  • A king sized bed gets really small when you add all those pregnancy pillows and a flopping pregnant lady to the mix.
  • But it gets even smaller when you add a tiny little baby flailing around the bed at all hours of the night as you plead for them to sleep.
  • Everything you say "I'll never do...." you will do. This is true of being pregnant and being a mom. I can't begin to remember all the times I said "I'll never" that I now actually do....including let my kid make a huge mess in a restaurant.
  • And'll never be able to just run out of the house. While pregnant you couldn't just run out of the house cause every time you got to the car you'd realize you forgot something. But once you have a kid, you can't just run out cause you have to get loaded down like a Sherpa to go anywhere.

It's all worth it, and I'd do it again in a heart beat but people should really tell you the truth.....maybe they do but you just can't remember it cause you're pregnant and you can't remember anything....who knows.


Stefanie K. said...

My friends were visiting over the weekend with their one-year-old. They were on the way to visit her (mom's) parents and brother and family. We offered to take the baby for the afternoon/evening...take her to the zoo, give them all a break. They both looked at me and laughed..."the second we showed up at the house without the baby - they would send. us. home." No one wants to see them's all about the baby. Can't say I blame them though...I didn't offer them to stay the afternoon/evening...just the baby. haha :)

Nick and Crystal's Family Blog! said...

LOL! I love this entry. So true