Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A sad day for California

Today is a sad sad day for California. To say that I am disgusted with the results of prop 8 would be a gross understatement. I am sad, angry, disgusted, scared, sick...the list goes on and on.
I am sad that in this day and age we as a state can vote for discrimination. We are called one of the most progressive states in the union, yet we allow our citizens to be stripped of rights and discriminated against. I am not proud to live in California today. I am not proud of the fact that scare tactics can sway an election, I am not proud that out of state funding can buy off another states constitution.
I asked someone last week who was a prop 8 supporter how prop 8 would really affect her, her church and her marriage. And guess what her answer was....."It doesn't"
That's right IT DOESN'T....IT DOESN'T affect you, your church, or your why the hell do you feel the need to discriminate and steal happiness from people it does affect. WHY?

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