Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday party shenanigans

First off I LOVE the word always reminds me of Super Troopers, a wonderful cinematic classic...but I digress.
Today is our office holiday party, and we've been asked to dress in our "holiday best" umm yeah right. I wear jeans to work everyday, there is no chance you're gonna get me in a dress or some other crazy outfit for an office holiday party at which there will be no booze...had they offered booze I may have entertained the idea of dressing up.
Anyhow, to rub it in even a bit more our party this year is a "cocktail party...with out the cocktails" WTF, I mean really WTF does that mean. I'll tell you, it means they were too cheap to provide lunch too the office so we get finger foods and punch.
So just to recap, they wanted us to get dressed up for punch and finger foods in the conference room....don't you want to come, it's gonna be a blast!


Anonymous said...

"If you act like a shenanigan you will have to live with Ms Hannigan" That is what Bella says all the time I think she got it from Annie LOL... PS why wasn't I invited LMAO

Jamers said...

Damn. That sucks. I know things are tight for lots of companies this year, but at least my office still had a nice, catered lunch today. We were recently bought out, so we thought we'd get squat! Oh, and they didn't dictate what we were to wear. That's REALLY lame. Throw me a fancy party & I'll think about dressing up. For what you described? Not so much.

SmartAssMom said...

They make punch without alcohol?