IS my final count for the year!
After I wrote this post about how I had amazed myself with having read 20 books this year, I continued to plug away at my To Be Read (TBR) list...and low and behold I finished 3 more books and am almost done with one more.
I read
Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich
The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson
The Right Address by Carrie Karasyov and Jill Kargman
And I'm currently finishing up
Reunion by J.L. Penn
I'm shocked, that's an average of 2 books a month...which I find amazing considering I work full time and have two little kids.
One of my goals for 2011 is to read at least 25 books...I plan to put my kindle to good use!
Okay enough tooting my own horn!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
You know your kids are spoiled when they want to stop opening presents in the middle of Christmas morning because they are "tired of presents". After I got past my initial shock, questioned if Natalie was really my kid...I forced her to keep opening presents...because really who gets tired of presents!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Recap...
Christmas was awesome, truly great! We spent time with family, the girls got amazing gifts, everyone was spoiled. The food was delicious, the drinks were plentiful, and the desserts were divine. But....oh and it's a big BUT...the poop and barf sort of overshadowed the day.
Yup, poop AND barf. And yes this is a TMI stop now if you don't want to read about poop and barf.
Natalie woke up on Christmas morning at about 6:45 covered in poop. She is potty trained but wears pull-ups at night time...well pull-ups as I've learned do not have the same holding shit in power that diapers have. So my lovely daughter comes into our room crying and saying "I'm soaking wet" okay, no problem we've had pee leaks here and there and it's nothing I can't deal with...even on Christmas. But as I turned on the light in her room I was greeted with the HORROR of poop EVERYWHERE! Seriously it looked like a poop bomb had exploded all over Natalie and her bed. So I decided that my evil plan of changing her pj's and putting her back to bed would have to be trashed in favor of a shower, Lysol, and a gas mask.
Not only was it disgusting, but my grand plan of the girls on Christmas morning opening presents in matching pajamas was ruined!
After I chiseled the shit off of my kid (really who shits themselves in the middle of the night and doesn't notice until the morning) and got her settled in my bed with some Mickey mouse, I tackled stripping her bed and showering the stench off of myself....all in time to begin cooking breakfast for the 12 people who were due at our house...just an hour later.
Breakfast was delicious, I made a yummy strata and a delightfully fattening hash brown casserole and my mom made an amazing French toast bake.
We spend HOURS opening gifts, it took so long that Natalie had to take a break because she was "tired of presents".....sometimes I wonder if she is really my kid.
After we finished presents, we ran out the door to Christmas #2, where my girls got their first pairs of diamond earrings..*cough* spoiled *cough*, after opening more presents and visiting we had to run to Christmas #3 (and thankfully the final destination )
We had an intimate dinner at my parents house, with only 10 people in attendance...which is a far cry from the dinners where we had 20+ attendees.
We had Fillet, and delicious wine and then played an fun game of Left Right Center....if you haven't must try it. SO fun!
Then more friends came for my parents annual Christmas Dessert party where guests buried their Christmas drama under servings of cheese cake and wine!
Finally I pry my kids away from the fun they were having with their Aunts and Uncles and coax them into going home. No sooner do we make it home than does Addison barf all over herself and her car seat.
Poop in the morning and now barf in the evening....and that set the tone for the day after Christmas and the 2 days following. The girls took turns vomiting on me, and or shitting all over everything....and I spent 3 days doing laundry and spraying everything with Lysol....
Oh and I almost forgot....Sunday morning we (Dan and I) spend 4 hours in the ER where we learned that his giant kidney stone, which had been blasted into many many smaller kidney stones had decided to get stuck in his ureter and was causing pee to back up into his kidneys and cause excruciating pain.
As sympathetic as I am towards him, I was totally pissed that this left me alone to clean barf and shit while he laid passed out on the couch from all the "great pain meds" they gave him in the hospital.
So, as awesome as Christmas was....I'm glad it's over and hope that our household can remain shit free for the foreseeable future.
Yup, poop AND barf. And yes this is a TMI stop now if you don't want to read about poop and barf.
Natalie woke up on Christmas morning at about 6:45 covered in poop. She is potty trained but wears pull-ups at night time...well pull-ups as I've learned do not have the same holding shit in power that diapers have. So my lovely daughter comes into our room crying and saying "I'm soaking wet" okay, no problem we've had pee leaks here and there and it's nothing I can't deal with...even on Christmas. But as I turned on the light in her room I was greeted with the HORROR of poop EVERYWHERE! Seriously it looked like a poop bomb had exploded all over Natalie and her bed. So I decided that my evil plan of changing her pj's and putting her back to bed would have to be trashed in favor of a shower, Lysol, and a gas mask.
Not only was it disgusting, but my grand plan of the girls on Christmas morning opening presents in matching pajamas was ruined!
After I chiseled the shit off of my kid (really who shits themselves in the middle of the night and doesn't notice until the morning) and got her settled in my bed with some Mickey mouse, I tackled stripping her bed and showering the stench off of myself....all in time to begin cooking breakfast for the 12 people who were due at our house...just an hour later.
Breakfast was delicious, I made a yummy strata and a delightfully fattening hash brown casserole and my mom made an amazing French toast bake.
We spend HOURS opening gifts, it took so long that Natalie had to take a break because she was "tired of presents".....sometimes I wonder if she is really my kid.
After we finished presents, we ran out the door to Christmas #2, where my girls got their first pairs of diamond earrings..*cough* spoiled *cough*, after opening more presents and visiting we had to run to Christmas #3 (and thankfully the final destination )
We had an intimate dinner at my parents house, with only 10 people in attendance...which is a far cry from the dinners where we had 20+ attendees.
We had Fillet, and delicious wine and then played an fun game of Left Right Center....if you haven't must try it. SO fun!
Then more friends came for my parents annual Christmas Dessert party where guests buried their Christmas drama under servings of cheese cake and wine!
Finally I pry my kids away from the fun they were having with their Aunts and Uncles and coax them into going home. No sooner do we make it home than does Addison barf all over herself and her car seat.
Poop in the morning and now barf in the evening....and that set the tone for the day after Christmas and the 2 days following. The girls took turns vomiting on me, and or shitting all over everything....and I spent 3 days doing laundry and spraying everything with Lysol....
Oh and I almost forgot....Sunday morning we (Dan and I) spend 4 hours in the ER where we learned that his giant kidney stone, which had been blasted into many many smaller kidney stones had decided to get stuck in his ureter and was causing pee to back up into his kidneys and cause excruciating pain.
As sympathetic as I am towards him, I was totally pissed that this left me alone to clean barf and shit while he laid passed out on the couch from all the "great pain meds" they gave him in the hospital.
So, as awesome as Christmas was....I'm glad it's over and hope that our household can remain shit free for the foreseeable future.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
We have a date!
Surgery is scheduled for January 6....just over a week from now.
Holy Shit! I knew that it would be here soon since it had to happen before the 13, but having that date on the calendar is kind of freaking me out.
And after how crazy my kid have gotten after being couped up in the house for only 3 days I'm a little nervous about how they'll do being in the house for 2 weeks...yikes!
Let the count down begin!
Holy Shit! I knew that it would be here soon since it had to happen before the 13, but having that date on the calendar is kind of freaking me out.
And after how crazy my kid have gotten after being couped up in the house for only 3 days I'm a little nervous about how they'll do being in the house for 2 weeks...yikes!
Let the count down begin!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Awesome mom moment of the week....
Natalie has been waking up in the middle of the night, most nights she comes to our room and I put her back to bed. Well at 3am this morning I heard (what I thought was) her door opening, I decided to try to cut her off before she even made it into our room.
So I jumped out of bed to rush to her room....upon my "jump" out of bed I kicked something....I thought it was the dog.... WRONG.
I kicked Natalie in the face, she went flying back and hit her head on my dresser. Shit! Well of course I couldn't put her back in her bed at that once again she ended up in bed with us....
Nothing like kicking your kid in the face to give you a bit of mom guilt.
So I jumped out of bed to rush to her room....upon my "jump" out of bed I kicked something....I thought it was the dog.... WRONG.
I kicked Natalie in the face, she went flying back and hit her head on my dresser. Shit! Well of course I couldn't put her back in her bed at that once again she ended up in bed with us....
Nothing like kicking your kid in the face to give you a bit of mom guilt.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I should start getting dressed at work...
I think I might actually have better luck if I wore my pjs to work and then changed.
I got dressed this morning, got the kids ready, dropped them off at daycare, came to work and worked for a good chunk of the morning before I looked down and realized that my shoulder was totally covered in baby slime. Slime that had now dried and looked like gross crusty white stuff on my shoulder. Freaking awesome. Oh and then I proceed to continue to examine my outfit and see a foot print on my jeans....apparently my toddler's shoe was a bit dirty and left a mark today when she used my leg as a spring board.
I guess the bags under my eyes, the half-assed makeup, the perma-ponytail and the extra lbs just weren't now my kids are marking their territory on my clothing too.
I really love my life, sometimes I just wish I didn't look like life was kicking my ass.
I got dressed this morning, got the kids ready, dropped them off at daycare, came to work and worked for a good chunk of the morning before I looked down and realized that my shoulder was totally covered in baby slime. Slime that had now dried and looked like gross crusty white stuff on my shoulder. Freaking awesome. Oh and then I proceed to continue to examine my outfit and see a foot print on my jeans....apparently my toddler's shoe was a bit dirty and left a mark today when she used my leg as a spring board.
I guess the bags under my eyes, the half-assed makeup, the perma-ponytail and the extra lbs just weren't now my kids are marking their territory on my clothing too.
I really love my life, sometimes I just wish I didn't look like life was kicking my ass.
Anyhow, we prepped her and I was okay with not getting a picture or getting another of those crying pictures...because I'm mean mom and I LOVE those pictures.
For days she had been telling us that she wanted to ask Santa for a "camera toy" she has been obsessed with taking pictures and wants to use our camera but isn't allowed to regularly.
So the night comes that we're taking the girls to Santa, before we leave daycare my mom asks Natalie what she's going to ask Santa for and she replies "a TV book" what?! So I ask her to tell me what a TV book is....and she points to my mom's Mac book. Uh nice try kid.
Seriously where does she get this stuff.
So I explained that Santa doesn't bring little girls TV books, which resulted in crying and " but I want it" screams. Aaaaahhh to be 2.5.
But low and behold we get to Santa and she asks for a candy which he gladly gives her a candy cane...and now she thinks that Santa only brings candy.
I guess it's going to be a cheap Christmas for us if all we have to buy is candy....
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Within the next 30 days...
Per the surgery scheduler we are the books and the surgeries will happen within the next 30 days...actually the next 24 days since I'm a bit late on this update.
We met with the "other" surgeon and he was great! I feel really comfortable with either of them. Dr. P is the chief of the department but is seriously lacking in personality...but I know he's one of the best, he's highly respected in his field and all that jazz. Dr. Z is also great, his education is just as high or higher than Dr. P, but he's less published. However his bedside manner and his personality was light years above Dr. P.
Ultimately I am happy with my decision of taking whomever could fit the girls in first.
The surgery scheduler is allowing us to have the surgeries done on the same day. The PA was originally against this but Dr. Z seems to think it's a fine idea and once the PA heard our reasoning she was on board. Dan is still out of work so we can both be home for the entire 2 week recovery period. Also my brother will be home from college, so we'll have lots of support.
The pre-op appointments went well...all except for getting urine samples from an infant and a toddler....but some surgical tape, U bags, and a lot of mess later we got pee samples in cups and they made it to the lab! When we get a surgery date we'll do the blood work for the girls...another part I'm not looking forward.
I'm very hopeful that in a short few months this will all be behind us and we'll be no worse for the wear.
We met with the "other" surgeon and he was great! I feel really comfortable with either of them. Dr. P is the chief of the department but is seriously lacking in personality...but I know he's one of the best, he's highly respected in his field and all that jazz. Dr. Z is also great, his education is just as high or higher than Dr. P, but he's less published. However his bedside manner and his personality was light years above Dr. P.
Ultimately I am happy with my decision of taking whomever could fit the girls in first.
The surgery scheduler is allowing us to have the surgeries done on the same day. The PA was originally against this but Dr. Z seems to think it's a fine idea and once the PA heard our reasoning she was on board. Dan is still out of work so we can both be home for the entire 2 week recovery period. Also my brother will be home from college, so we'll have lots of support.
The pre-op appointments went well...all except for getting urine samples from an infant and a toddler....but some surgical tape, U bags, and a lot of mess later we got pee samples in cups and they made it to the lab! When we get a surgery date we'll do the blood work for the girls...another part I'm not looking forward.
I'm very hopeful that in a short few months this will all be behind us and we'll be no worse for the wear.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I posted earlier this week about how much choosing a Neuro-Surgeon sucks. Well I finally decided to go with the one who had a bit more availability in December/January. It was really hard to make the decision. I polled friends, family, I threw darts, I consulted doctors and nurses, I stopped random strangers on the side of the road...okay well maybe it wasn't that extream but it was hard, okay!
I decided to go against my gut (which was leaning toward the Chief of the dept) and go for the doctor who had kids, and a little more personality...and was a micro vascular surgery specialist.
So as soon as I made the decision a pre-op appointment was made...for a week from Monday no less. And we are officially on the cancellation list. The girls could be having their surgeries as soon as the end of December!
I also decided to have both kid done at the same time. We made this decision for multiple reasons, and I think that as stressful as it will be, having the entire process behind us at once will be so worth it.
So that is the most up to date update I have. Hopefully in 2011 I won't have to think about tethered cords, neuro-surgeons or hospitals at all.
I decided to go against my gut (which was leaning toward the Chief of the dept) and go for the doctor who had kids, and a little more personality...and was a micro vascular surgery specialist.
So as soon as I made the decision a pre-op appointment was made...for a week from Monday no less. And we are officially on the cancellation list. The girls could be having their surgeries as soon as the end of December!
I also decided to have both kid done at the same time. We made this decision for multiple reasons, and I think that as stressful as it will be, having the entire process behind us at once will be so worth it.
So that is the most up to date update I have. Hopefully in 2011 I won't have to think about tethered cords, neuro-surgeons or hospitals at all.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I've even amazed myself!
Way back in September I posted a Thursday Thirteen with a list of 13 books I'd read since the start of 2010. I'd never been much of a reader, I claimed to hate it...but in reality I think I was just sucky at choosing books. I decided to read some different types of books this year to try to find my passion...and man did I find it!
This year I have read the following books:
1. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
2. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
3. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
4. Something Blue by Emily Giffin
5. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
6. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
7. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
8. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
9. Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella
10. The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicloa Kraus
11. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
12. Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
13. Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner
14. Can you Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella
15. Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin
16. A Total Waste of Makeup by Kim Gruenfelder
17. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
18. Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
19. Misery Loves Cabernet by Kim Gruenfelder
20. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
That's right folks 20 books read by the girl who "hates to read"...I think I found my passion in chick lit! I did branch out a little from chick lit and read some vampire romance (really not that different) and a some murder mysteries. I'm currently almost finished with Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich, and I'm reading The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson...and think I may just finish those by the end of the year....but we'll see.
I read so much this year that I decided to put a Kindle at the top of my Christmas list! I'm so excited to be able to have books at my fingertips all.the.time! Granted it will cost me a little more than my current love but that's okay. I'm still in shock at how much I've begun to LOVE reading...and now if I can just get into running I can amaze myself again....but hey one thing at a time right?!?!
This year I have read the following books:
1. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
2. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
3. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
4. Something Blue by Emily Giffin
5. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
6. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
7. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
8. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
9. Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella
10. The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicloa Kraus
11. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
12. Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
13. Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner
14. Can you Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella
15. Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin
16. A Total Waste of Makeup by Kim Gruenfelder
17. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult
18. Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
19. Misery Loves Cabernet by Kim Gruenfelder
20. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
That's right folks 20 books read by the girl who "hates to read"...I think I found my passion in chick lit! I did branch out a little from chick lit and read some vampire romance (really not that different) and a some murder mysteries. I'm currently almost finished with Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich, and I'm reading The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson...and think I may just finish those by the end of the year....but we'll see.
I read so much this year that I decided to put a Kindle at the top of my Christmas list! I'm so excited to be able to have books at my fingertips all.the.time! Granted it will cost me a little more than my current love but that's okay. I'm still in shock at how much I've begun to LOVE reading...and now if I can just get into running I can amaze myself again....but hey one thing at a time right?!?!
Choosing a neuro-surgeron...
Can now be added to the list of things I never thought I'd have to do.
And it's fucking hard!
And it's fucking hard!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Follow up to dread...
I posted last week about how I was dreading taking Natalie to get an MRI. We had to get an MRI of her spine since Addison had tested positive for tethered cord syndrome. So bright and EARLY on Tuesday morning we headed out to Oakland since that is where they do the sedated MRIs for kids.
Natalie did great! She was a total champ, went right to the doctors and was happily talking to them. She did great getting the sedation and woke up a happy camper. The nurses were great and Natalie actually didn't want to leave after she woke up.
On Wednesday afternoon I got the call from the physicians assistant, she had reviewed the MRI with the neuro-surgeon and they had determined that she does indeed have a tethered cord and we need to discuss surgery.
I was devastated, I had put on a strong front that I was prepared for this news, but in reality I was in no way prepared for this information. I had come to terms with Addison having surgery, I know that she will be fine, and I know that she will have no memory of the surgery. But Natalie on the other hand may remember the surgery and the recovery. I was prepared to deal with a baby that needed to be kept calm for two weeks, but I am in NO way prepared for keeping a 2.5 year old calm for two weeks.
So, that's the latest news on our health....I was really hoping for better news, but am beyond thankful for good health insurance.
Natalie did great! She was a total champ, went right to the doctors and was happily talking to them. She did great getting the sedation and woke up a happy camper. The nurses were great and Natalie actually didn't want to leave after she woke up.
On Wednesday afternoon I got the call from the physicians assistant, she had reviewed the MRI with the neuro-surgeon and they had determined that she does indeed have a tethered cord and we need to discuss surgery.
I was devastated, I had put on a strong front that I was prepared for this news, but in reality I was in no way prepared for this information. I had come to terms with Addison having surgery, I know that she will be fine, and I know that she will have no memory of the surgery. But Natalie on the other hand may remember the surgery and the recovery. I was prepared to deal with a baby that needed to be kept calm for two weeks, but I am in NO way prepared for keeping a 2.5 year old calm for two weeks.
So, that's the latest news on our health....I was really hoping for better news, but am beyond thankful for good health insurance.
Monday, November 22, 2010
is the only word I know of to define how I'm feeling about tomorrow. Tomorrow we take Natalie to Oakland for her MRI to see if she too has a tethered cord. I'm not so much dreading the outcome of the MRI, as I have prepared myself for her to have a tethered cord based on the way the neurosurgeon mentioned how often they see it in siblings. I am however dreading waking her up at the crack of dawn and not letting her eat until after the MRI. Having to explain that she can't eat or drink, and that she has to go with the doctors and we can't go with her. With Addison is was easy, she was so little and trusting that she just went with the nurse and didn't even look back. I have a pit in my stomach anticipating that tomorrow won't be quite so easy.
I'm hoping that her MRI is clear, because having to deal with spinal surgery for one child is bad enough but the thought of both of them having to have it is just too much for my brain to comprehend at the moment.
I'm hoping that her MRI is clear, because having to deal with spinal surgery for one child is bad enough but the thought of both of them having to have it is just too much for my brain to comprehend at the moment.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday Thirteen...
In honor of the holidays being right around the corner, thirteen things I want right now!
1. A Kindle...or Nook, or eReader...whatever just so I don't have to lug a book (or two) around in my purse anymore.
2. A big Amazon gift card so I can load #1 up!
3. A dutch oven, if you're like my husband you'd be laughing about a dutch oven right now...but har har har, I'm actually talking about a real Dutch Oven, I'm thinking one like this or this.
4. New flooring for our house...something easy to clean and durable...
5. A Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM
6. A right hand ring that I can design to incorporate my kids birthstones...which just happen to both be Diamonds. Um how freaking perfectly did I plan that!
7. A Nikon D5000 so I can document all of the amazing things going on in my life right now.
8. A housekeeper...need I say more.
9. A new coat, my Old Navy pea coats have seen better days and I guess I must have a coat.
10. A Ju Ju BFF in Midnight Eclipse....I swoon over this bag every time I see it.
11. New furniture for my bedroom....okay actually I want an entire bedroom make over...hey a girl can dream right?
12. Someone to come in to my house and put up all the pictures that I haven't hung yet, as well as all the sconces that are sitting in boxes.
13. A Job for my husband.
1. A Kindle...or Nook, or eReader...whatever just so I don't have to lug a book (or two) around in my purse anymore.
2. A big Amazon gift card so I can load #1 up!
3. A dutch oven, if you're like my husband you'd be laughing about a dutch oven right now...but har har har, I'm actually talking about a real Dutch Oven, I'm thinking one like this or this.
4. New flooring for our house...something easy to clean and durable...
5. A Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM
6. A right hand ring that I can design to incorporate my kids birthstones...which just happen to both be Diamonds. Um how freaking perfectly did I plan that!
7. A Nikon D5000 so I can document all of the amazing things going on in my life right now.
8. A housekeeper...need I say more.
9. A new coat, my Old Navy pea coats have seen better days and I guess I must have a coat.
10. A Ju Ju BFF in Midnight Eclipse....I swoon over this bag every time I see it.
11. New furniture for my bedroom....okay actually I want an entire bedroom make over...hey a girl can dream right?
12. Someone to come in to my house and put up all the pictures that I haven't hung yet, as well as all the sconces that are sitting in boxes.
13. A Job for my husband.
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's not a tooma
Imagine I'm talking in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice a la Kindergarten Cop....see it kinda makes sense then right.
Since my last post was all about the medical woes of my children I thought it only fitting that I devote an entire post to my own medical woes. Now let me preface this with that I know I'm lucky to have my health, that my issues are minor and blah blah blah.
After Addison was born I was kind of shocky, I just laid there unable to talk or move, and shaking etc. I thought this was totally normal having just pushed out a 10 lb baby with no drugs but in hindsight maybe it wasn't. Once home I started to notice that I was getting dizzy often, I found that if I bent over I'd have to steady myself on a wall when I stood up. I chalked it all up to having just had a baby and lack of sleep. Then I started seeing spots, again I figured it was just sleep deprivation. Then my hair started falling out, normal postpartum hormonal stuff I thought, until it started coming out in clumps. For 4 months I brushed off these issues, blaming my diet, hormones, lack of sleep, etc. Finally when I came back to work and got back on a normal schedule that included regular sleep and started working on my diet....and realized that my symptoms hadn't gone away or even lessened, I thought I should see a doctor.
I LOVE my doctor, he listened to me and didn't automatically say "you must just be stressed" like I thought he would with a 2.5 year old,a 4 month old and an unemployed husband at home. Instead he ordered a ridiculous amount of blood work and called an endocrinologist for a consult. I had a phone consult with the Endocrinologist right then and there(where my Dr referred to my hair loss as "male pattern baldness" but I forgave him). The Endo took an interest in my "case" and decided he wanted to see me and had another ridiculous amount of blood work done.
After donating about a gallon of blood to the lab, I met with the Endo....and low and behold they don't know what's wrong with me. So we talk, he orders more blood work and sends me on my way. When he got my blood work back, it still didn't show him what he thought so he put me on some meds anyhow and decided to order a brain MRI. So I went for a brain MRI, oh yeah and more blood work.
The brain MRI revealed a 3mm adenoma on my pituitary glad, which my doctor assures me is "no big deal" but considering that a normal pituitary gland is only 9mm to start with, a "growth" 1/3 the size of the gland seems big to me.
Anyhow, right now we're in a sort of wait and see phase, I have done more blood work, and take medication, my current diagnosis is Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. Which basically means that my Adrenal glands work, but aren't working because they aren't being stimulated...because the hormone that stimulates them should be produced by my pituitary gland, and that gland is damaged.
I go back in a month or so for another brain MRI to make sure that the adenoma hasn't grown and isn't putting pressure on any other parts of my brain. They're working on tapering me off of some of the medication since I've been feeling better and my endocrinologist hopes that my pituitary gland can start working on it's own soon. I guess these meds can just jump start it...but honestly I have no idea.
So, long story short...they have no freaking idea what is wrong with me.
Since my last post was all about the medical woes of my children I thought it only fitting that I devote an entire post to my own medical woes. Now let me preface this with that I know I'm lucky to have my health, that my issues are minor and blah blah blah.
After Addison was born I was kind of shocky, I just laid there unable to talk or move, and shaking etc. I thought this was totally normal having just pushed out a 10 lb baby with no drugs but in hindsight maybe it wasn't. Once home I started to notice that I was getting dizzy often, I found that if I bent over I'd have to steady myself on a wall when I stood up. I chalked it all up to having just had a baby and lack of sleep. Then I started seeing spots, again I figured it was just sleep deprivation. Then my hair started falling out, normal postpartum hormonal stuff I thought, until it started coming out in clumps. For 4 months I brushed off these issues, blaming my diet, hormones, lack of sleep, etc. Finally when I came back to work and got back on a normal schedule that included regular sleep and started working on my diet....and realized that my symptoms hadn't gone away or even lessened, I thought I should see a doctor.
I LOVE my doctor, he listened to me and didn't automatically say "you must just be stressed" like I thought he would with a 2.5 year old,a 4 month old and an unemployed husband at home. Instead he ordered a ridiculous amount of blood work and called an endocrinologist for a consult. I had a phone consult with the Endocrinologist right then and there(where my Dr referred to my hair loss as "male pattern baldness" but I forgave him). The Endo took an interest in my "case" and decided he wanted to see me and had another ridiculous amount of blood work done.
After donating about a gallon of blood to the lab, I met with the Endo....and low and behold they don't know what's wrong with me. So we talk, he orders more blood work and sends me on my way. When he got my blood work back, it still didn't show him what he thought so he put me on some meds anyhow and decided to order a brain MRI. So I went for a brain MRI, oh yeah and more blood work.
The brain MRI revealed a 3mm adenoma on my pituitary glad, which my doctor assures me is "no big deal" but considering that a normal pituitary gland is only 9mm to start with, a "growth" 1/3 the size of the gland seems big to me.
Anyhow, right now we're in a sort of wait and see phase, I have done more blood work, and take medication, my current diagnosis is Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. Which basically means that my Adrenal glands work, but aren't working because they aren't being stimulated...because the hormone that stimulates them should be produced by my pituitary gland, and that gland is damaged.
I go back in a month or so for another brain MRI to make sure that the adenoma hasn't grown and isn't putting pressure on any other parts of my brain. They're working on tapering me off of some of the medication since I've been feeling better and my endocrinologist hopes that my pituitary gland can start working on it's own soon. I guess these meds can just jump start it...but honestly I have no idea.
So, long story short...they have no freaking idea what is wrong with me.
MRIs, Neuro-surgeons, and diagnoses...
I've been in a bit of denial about this so I've avoided blogging about it and mentioning it on facebook though putting it out there would make it more real. But I feel that I've wrapped my head around it enough to be able to put it out there.
When Addison was 2 months old her pediatrician noticed that she had a sacral dimple, basically a small hole at the base of her spinal cord. He said the hole seemed deep and that he wanted her checked out by Neurosurgery to see what they thought. I was concerned but since Natalie had a similar dimple and she's fine I figured it was no big deal. So in June we headed down to Oakland where the closed Pediatric Neuro Surgery department is for Kaiser. We met with a Physicians Assistant who explained that what they were concerned about was a tethered spinal cord and that the dimple can be an indication of a tethered cord. She examined Addison and immediately decided she wanted to get an MRI to be able to check for a tethered cord, she also looked at Natalie and decided to wait to see what Addison's MRI showed before we took further action with Natalie.
We had to wait until Addison was at least 4 months old to get the MRI since she had to be sedated. We trekked back down to Oakland in September for her MRI and she was a champ, she handled the sedation fine, and was flirting with the anesthesiologist and nurse the whole time. The PA wouldn't give me any information over email or the phone so we had to wait two LONG weeks to be able to have a follow up appointment. Finally in early October we headed back down to Oakland to meet with the PA.
The minute she came in the room I knew the diagnosis was going to be a tethered cord, she was very nice and talked through my crying, and let me just process things slowly. Dan was great and took over asking questions about the surgery, hospital stay, recovery, medication etc. And the discussion of bringing Natalie down for an MRI.
The PA indicated that they definitely wanted to get Natalie in for an MRI to rule out a tethered cord for her but to know that they won't schedule both girls for surgery at the same time, and that many parents ask for that but they just can't do it. So of course my first thought is "Shit, "all the time" that means that this happens often that 2 kids have it".
We haven't scheduled Addison's surgery yet, they'd like to do it between 9-12 months so it will likely happen sometime between January and March. Natalie's MRI is scheduled for November 23, and I'm just keeping good thoughts for now that her MRI is clear. I think I can handle Addison needing surgery better since she's so little, she will have no memory of the surgery, the sedation, the pain, the hospital etc. But Natalie is 2.5 and has a memory like a steel trap. I have no idea how we're going to explain to her that she needs to be sedated for a MRI let alone have surgery.
So there it is. I'm holding it together, I'm staying positive, I'm trying to live in the moment. I know the surgery is routine, they do it all the time. But it is still spinal surgery, on my baby.
All this on top of my "we don't know what the hell is wrong with you" shit that is going on now it a bit much for one person...but I'll save that drama for another post.
When Addison was 2 months old her pediatrician noticed that she had a sacral dimple, basically a small hole at the base of her spinal cord. He said the hole seemed deep and that he wanted her checked out by Neurosurgery to see what they thought. I was concerned but since Natalie had a similar dimple and she's fine I figured it was no big deal. So in June we headed down to Oakland where the closed Pediatric Neuro Surgery department is for Kaiser. We met with a Physicians Assistant who explained that what they were concerned about was a tethered spinal cord and that the dimple can be an indication of a tethered cord. She examined Addison and immediately decided she wanted to get an MRI to be able to check for a tethered cord, she also looked at Natalie and decided to wait to see what Addison's MRI showed before we took further action with Natalie.
We had to wait until Addison was at least 4 months old to get the MRI since she had to be sedated. We trekked back down to Oakland in September for her MRI and she was a champ, she handled the sedation fine, and was flirting with the anesthesiologist and nurse the whole time. The PA wouldn't give me any information over email or the phone so we had to wait two LONG weeks to be able to have a follow up appointment. Finally in early October we headed back down to Oakland to meet with the PA.
The minute she came in the room I knew the diagnosis was going to be a tethered cord, she was very nice and talked through my crying, and let me just process things slowly. Dan was great and took over asking questions about the surgery, hospital stay, recovery, medication etc. And the discussion of bringing Natalie down for an MRI.
The PA indicated that they definitely wanted to get Natalie in for an MRI to rule out a tethered cord for her but to know that they won't schedule both girls for surgery at the same time, and that many parents ask for that but they just can't do it. So of course my first thought is "Shit, "all the time" that means that this happens often that 2 kids have it".
We haven't scheduled Addison's surgery yet, they'd like to do it between 9-12 months so it will likely happen sometime between January and March. Natalie's MRI is scheduled for November 23, and I'm just keeping good thoughts for now that her MRI is clear. I think I can handle Addison needing surgery better since she's so little, she will have no memory of the surgery, the sedation, the pain, the hospital etc. But Natalie is 2.5 and has a memory like a steel trap. I have no idea how we're going to explain to her that she needs to be sedated for a MRI let alone have surgery.
So there it is. I'm holding it together, I'm staying positive, I'm trying to live in the moment. I know the surgery is routine, they do it all the time. But it is still spinal surgery, on my baby.
All this on top of my "we don't know what the hell is wrong with you" shit that is going on now it a bit much for one person...but I'll save that drama for another post.
Happiness is...
My girls

I am so beyond blessed to have these two little angels in my life, they make me laugh every day, they make me want to be a good person, they make me want to do more, be more, and love more. Some days when I'm feeling down, or feeling like I can't do anything more...all I have to do is look at these little faces and remember that to them I am the whole world, to them I can do anything, fix anything, be anything. If only I could think half as highly of myself as they do of me.

So this is a note to remember that perception can be reality, remember that to someone you are the most amazing person in the world, to someone you can do try to be that person!
Monday, October 11, 2010
75 days until Christmas!
Holy Shit, only 75 days until Christmas.
I don't know about you guys but once Halloween comes it's all down hill from there. I feel like the Holidays snowball and next thing you know it's January.
I am a huge fan of early Christmas shopping. I use the excuse that it helps me save money since I spread it out over a few months, but in reality I probably spend more but just spread it over a few months.
That said, I have already done about 25% of my Christmas shopping, and I did get a couple of really great deals.
So, have you all out there in blogger land started Christmas shopping yet?
Any amazing deals to pass along?
I don't know about you guys but once Halloween comes it's all down hill from there. I feel like the Holidays snowball and next thing you know it's January.
I am a huge fan of early Christmas shopping. I use the excuse that it helps me save money since I spread it out over a few months, but in reality I probably spend more but just spread it over a few months.
That said, I have already done about 25% of my Christmas shopping, and I did get a couple of really great deals.
So, have you all out there in blogger land started Christmas shopping yet?
Any amazing deals to pass along?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Dan!
Happy Happy Birthday to my husband, who is the kindest man I know. I know I don't tell him often ever for that matter, but he is an amazing father, husband, and friend. I am so incredibly lucky to have found him and we are beyond blessed to have two beautiful little girls.
So Happy Birthday Dan! I love you!!
I tried to find a picture of Dan to put in this post but all the pictures I have on my phone are awful! So instead I'll include a picture of Addison looking super cute! 
Product Rave! Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo
As a working mom of two, I have seriously limited time in the mornings, and frankly my hair takes a backseat to say getting dresses or making coffee. On top of that I HATE washing my hair. It isn't so much the washing aspect that I hate, but the blow drying, flat ironing, etc etc that seems to take way too much time.
So a couple years ago I started washing my hair less, this was a win-win for me since I was having to blow dry my hair less, thus saving me time and saving my hair from getting too dried out. Well then came kids, and my time to get ready got even I tried to figure out a way to wash my hair even less than every other day. I decided to buy some dry shampoos to see if that would help. I tried every drug store brand, and they either left a powdery residue on my hair, or had a crazy overpowering scent, or just didn't work.
So I decided to bite the bullet and go for the slightly pricier dry Shampoo by Oscar Blandi ...and OMG I am in love! Not only does it work amazingly well, it is virtually clear when it goes on and totally clear when it opposed to the drug store brands that went on white, and dried even worse, and the fresh lemon scent is great but not overpowering.
My hair looks great, seriously almost better than if I had washed and dried it today, and the best part is that I only had to spend like 5 minutes on my hair this morning! 5 freaking minutes!!! How awesome is that?!?!?
Anyhow, I just thought I'd share for all of you out there who can use a little extra time in the mornings, and who love a good hair day!
So a couple years ago I started washing my hair less, this was a win-win for me since I was having to blow dry my hair less, thus saving me time and saving my hair from getting too dried out. Well then came kids, and my time to get ready got even I tried to figure out a way to wash my hair even less than every other day. I decided to buy some dry shampoos to see if that would help. I tried every drug store brand, and they either left a powdery residue on my hair, or had a crazy overpowering scent, or just didn't work.
So I decided to bite the bullet and go for the slightly pricier dry Shampoo by Oscar Blandi ...and OMG I am in love! Not only does it work amazingly well, it is virtually clear when it goes on and totally clear when it opposed to the drug store brands that went on white, and dried even worse, and the fresh lemon scent is great but not overpowering.
My hair looks great, seriously almost better than if I had washed and dried it today, and the best part is that I only had to spend like 5 minutes on my hair this morning! 5 freaking minutes!!! How awesome is that?!?!?
Anyhow, I just thought I'd share for all of you out there who can use a little extra time in the mornings, and who love a good hair day!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A different kind of Labor Day weekend...
In years past Labor Day weekend marked the end of summer and we always went out with a bang. We'd go camping, or have huge parties, and pretty much drink for an entire 3 days.
But my how times have changed, this year for Labor Day weekend we decided to potty train Natalie, transition her into a big girl bed and feed Addison rice cereal. All things went amazingly well, but the fact that I was up WAY before 8 am on a "holiday weekend" and by 8 had done laundry, and cleaned up after a meal already made me feel a pang of nostalgia for those carefree days of yore.
Which made me think of all the Then vs Now moments I've had lately....and man there have been a few.
Then, my apartment was constantly clean, everything had a place and it was always perfect...Now I clean my house and within 15 minutes you can't tell at all. Nothing has an official place other than the middle of the floor here and there, and I don't own one single perfect thing anymore.
Then, weekends were spent getting dolled up to go out and get drunk, then sleeping until late in the afternoon, waking up and getting dolled up again to go out and get drunk again. Now, I wake early, get dressed, get two other people dressed, fed and entertained all before 8 in the morning, and they're going down for naps before I used to even get out of bed. Not to mention my multiple outfit changes that are a result of sticky fingers, spit up, and other various gross kid things.
Then, I'd gladly drop $100+ on a new outfit for a night out, get accessories, shoes and makeup for big events, and never left the house looking less than put together. Now, I gladly spent $100+ on clothes for my kids while I shop the clearance racks everywhere. I never wear accessories, slap on a bit of makeup and never look put together.
But I have to say I wouldn't trade the stains my kids have left on my clothes, the scars they've left on my body, the spots on my carpet, nor worry lines they've left on my face, or the gray hairs they've given me for anything in the world. I'm more blessed than I've ever been before and can't imagine my life any other way.
But my how times have changed, this year for Labor Day weekend we decided to potty train Natalie, transition her into a big girl bed and feed Addison rice cereal. All things went amazingly well, but the fact that I was up WAY before 8 am on a "holiday weekend" and by 8 had done laundry, and cleaned up after a meal already made me feel a pang of nostalgia for those carefree days of yore.
Which made me think of all the Then vs Now moments I've had lately....and man there have been a few.
Then, my apartment was constantly clean, everything had a place and it was always perfect...Now I clean my house and within 15 minutes you can't tell at all. Nothing has an official place other than the middle of the floor here and there, and I don't own one single perfect thing anymore.
Then, weekends were spent getting dolled up to go out and get drunk, then sleeping until late in the afternoon, waking up and getting dolled up again to go out and get drunk again. Now, I wake early, get dressed, get two other people dressed, fed and entertained all before 8 in the morning, and they're going down for naps before I used to even get out of bed. Not to mention my multiple outfit changes that are a result of sticky fingers, spit up, and other various gross kid things.
Then, I'd gladly drop $100+ on a new outfit for a night out, get accessories, shoes and makeup for big events, and never left the house looking less than put together. Now, I gladly spent $100+ on clothes for my kids while I shop the clearance racks everywhere. I never wear accessories, slap on a bit of makeup and never look put together.
But I have to say I wouldn't trade the stains my kids have left on my clothes, the scars they've left on my body, the spots on my carpet, nor worry lines they've left on my face, or the gray hairs they've given me for anything in the world. I'm more blessed than I've ever been before and can't imagine my life any other way.
Getting on the Potty Train
For a while now Natalie has been asking to use the potty, most of the time this just means that she sits on the potty talking to me while I wait and wait for nothing to happen. And if I indulged this game once it meant countless trips to the potty throughout the day.
I hated the idea of potty training since it meant that we would be housebound for an entire weekend...and I HATE staying home all weekend.
But I finally decided to bite the bullet and jump on the potty train this weekend...and it went great!
Saturday morning I put Natalie in training pants, we discussed going to the bathroom countless times and within an hour she went on the potty....and from then on it was about a 50-50 success rate. Which I was please with, Dan was irked by the peeing on the floor but I told him it was par for the course.
Anyhow, we even *warning TMI* got a poop on the potty on the first day! Wooo Hoo!
Day 2 and 3 went pretty much the same, with only one major accident while I was out shopping and Natalie was home with Dan (man I love that she saved it for him) which resulted in him cutting the undies off of her and throwing them away. Hilarious if you ask me!
But all in all I'm thrilled that we decided to do it and, I'm hoping that we can say goodbye to diapers (for Natalie at least) once and for all soon!
I hated the idea of potty training since it meant that we would be housebound for an entire weekend...and I HATE staying home all weekend.
But I finally decided to bite the bullet and jump on the potty train this weekend...and it went great!
Saturday morning I put Natalie in training pants, we discussed going to the bathroom countless times and within an hour she went on the potty....and from then on it was about a 50-50 success rate. Which I was please with, Dan was irked by the peeing on the floor but I told him it was par for the course.
Anyhow, we even *warning TMI* got a poop on the potty on the first day! Wooo Hoo!
Day 2 and 3 went pretty much the same, with only one major accident while I was out shopping and Natalie was home with Dan (man I love that she saved it for him) which resulted in him cutting the undies off of her and throwing them away. Hilarious if you ask me!
But all in all I'm thrilled that we decided to do it and, I'm hoping that we can say goodbye to diapers (for Natalie at least) once and for all soon!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My new passion...a Thursday Thirteen of sorts
I've never been much of a reader, I always like to read but hated carving out the time for it. But I was feeling like I was watching too much TV (not that I've cut down on the TV) and had heard of all these great books that my friends were reading, so I decided to dive back in.
I started slow with the Twilight Saga....I know, I know just like all the other sheep. I liked the books they were entertaining, but more than that they got me excited about reading again. So this year I decided to make an attempt to read more. I've done a pretty decent job keeping up with it and have read the following books this year:
1. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
2. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
3. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
4. Something Blue by Emily Giffin
5. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
6. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
7. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
8. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
9. Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella
10. The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicloa Kraus
11. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
12. Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
13. Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner
My goal was to read 10 books this year, since it had been quite a while since I read at all. But now considering I've already read 13 and it's only September I think I'll shoot for 20....although I'd be happy with just 15. We'll see.
I started slow with the Twilight Saga....I know, I know just like all the other sheep. I liked the books they were entertaining, but more than that they got me excited about reading again. So this year I decided to make an attempt to read more. I've done a pretty decent job keeping up with it and have read the following books this year:
1. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
2. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
3. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
4. Something Blue by Emily Giffin
5. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
6. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
7. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
8. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
9. Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella
10. The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicloa Kraus
11. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
12. Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
13. Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner
My goal was to read 10 books this year, since it had been quite a while since I read at all. But now considering I've already read 13 and it's only September I think I'll shoot for 20....although I'd be happy with just 15. We'll see.
An epidemic?
Of babies! I swear everyone I know is pregnant. There are babies coming left and right!
Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration, but in all seriousness, I've been to a shit load of baby showers, sprinkles, or meet the baby parities recently! I LOVE babies, I love the new baby smell, the cuddly mushy phase....all of it!
I'm so very happy for all of my friends who are popping out kids lately, and I am even more excited for the days to come where we are all totally out numbered by kids at every social gathering. It's a good think I don't own anything nice so I won't have to worry about things getting ruined at parties. See I was thinking ahead when I only bought cheap crap....or at least that's what I tell myself.
Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration, but in all seriousness, I've been to a shit load of baby showers, sprinkles, or meet the baby parities recently! I LOVE babies, I love the new baby smell, the cuddly mushy phase....all of it!
I'm so very happy for all of my friends who are popping out kids lately, and I am even more excited for the days to come where we are all totally out numbered by kids at every social gathering. It's a good think I don't own anything nice so I won't have to worry about things getting ruined at parties. See I was thinking ahead when I only bought cheap crap....or at least that's what I tell myself.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Little Miss Bossy
Natalie has become increasingly bossy these days, she tells the dogs what to do, she tells the cat what to do, she tells Addison what to do, she tells Dan and I what to do...oh but she's apparently the worst at daycare.
I get a daily report of her bossiness from my mom. The other day she told another kid at daycare "Travis, stop it NOW, I NOT tell you again" all while pointing her finger at him. Hmmm I wonder where she heard that before.
She has also recently realized that I call Dan by his first name, whenever she hears this she tells me "It's DADDY not DAN!"
Oy, I'm so in for it.
I get a daily report of her bossiness from my mom. The other day she told another kid at daycare "Travis, stop it NOW, I NOT tell you again" all while pointing her finger at him. Hmmm I wonder where she heard that before.
She has also recently realized that I call Dan by his first name, whenever she hears this she tells me "It's DADDY not DAN!"
Oy, I'm so in for it.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The people I work with are CRAZY!
A while ago I wrote a Thursday Thirteen post about why my life resembles Office Space, today I must relay a story of what I heard in my office lunchroom...I'm not kidding I really honestly overheard this story...
The names have been changed to protect the innocent...
Loco Lady (LL)"So I brought the stuff in for the Elephant White sale (mind you she meant the White Elephant sale...but I couldn't help but snicker thinking of an Elephant Linen sale a la the Macy;s White they even do that anymore) where should I put it?"
Nice co-worker #1 (NC#1): "Uh in the conference room, what did you bring?"
LL: "Just some old VHS tapes"
NC#1: "VHS?!? Really. Nobody wants your old dirty movies ha ha!"
LL: "uh they're not dirty movies...I don't like nudity....especially public nudity"
NC#1: "I was just kidding"
LL: "No I really don't like nudity, well not outside my home. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to a nude beach on accident?"
NC#1 & NC#2 "no, how'd you go on accident?"
LL: "Well I was on vacation with so-in-so and we went to this beach to have lunch, and after I while I noticed that everyone was naked, so I said "hey so-in-so, do you notice that everyone is naked?" She said yeah she had just noticed and maybe we were at a naked beach, and when I looked around I realized we were the only ones with clothes on. So then this guy came up to us and was talking to us....ya know like hitting on us. But he had the wrong parts so we weren't interested, but we asked if he wanted to sit down and eat lunch with us, and he did. It was weird but fun."
NC#1: "Huh, I'd go to a nude beach if I had a banging body ha ha ha "
LL: "Well I have a banging body but I still don't want to be naked"
NC#1 & NC#2 *roll eyes*
Meanwhile I'm sitting at the next table trying as hard as I possibly can to contain my laughter. LL is by no means hawt, and DOES not have a "banging body". And why would you invite some naked stranger to have lunch with you. WTF!
The names have been changed to protect the innocent...
Loco Lady (LL)"So I brought the stuff in for the Elephant White sale (mind you she meant the White Elephant sale...but I couldn't help but snicker thinking of an Elephant Linen sale a la the Macy;s White they even do that anymore) where should I put it?"
Nice co-worker #1 (NC#1): "Uh in the conference room, what did you bring?"
LL: "Just some old VHS tapes"
NC#1: "VHS?!? Really. Nobody wants your old dirty movies ha ha!"
LL: "uh they're not dirty movies...I don't like nudity....especially public nudity"
NC#1: "I was just kidding"
LL: "No I really don't like nudity, well not outside my home. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to a nude beach on accident?"
NC#1 & NC#2 "no, how'd you go on accident?"
LL: "Well I was on vacation with so-in-so and we went to this beach to have lunch, and after I while I noticed that everyone was naked, so I said "hey so-in-so, do you notice that everyone is naked?" She said yeah she had just noticed and maybe we were at a naked beach, and when I looked around I realized we were the only ones with clothes on. So then this guy came up to us and was talking to us....ya know like hitting on us. But he had the wrong parts so we weren't interested, but we asked if he wanted to sit down and eat lunch with us, and he did. It was weird but fun."
NC#1: "Huh, I'd go to a nude beach if I had a banging body ha ha ha "
LL: "Well I have a banging body but I still don't want to be naked"
NC#1 & NC#2 *roll eyes*
Meanwhile I'm sitting at the next table trying as hard as I possibly can to contain my laughter. LL is by no means hawt, and DOES not have a "banging body". And why would you invite some naked stranger to have lunch with you. WTF!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Back to the grind...
I'm now in my third week of being back at work post maternity leave...and it is getting easier. I tend to really relish my time with the girls now that I am away from them for about 10 hours per day. Although it is really depressing to break it down in time. I spend roughly 10 hours away from them between my 9 hour work day and my commute etc, they sleep for about 11 hours...which means I get to see them about 3 hours a day....and part of that time is spent in the car driving them to and from the time we get home from daycare it's about 6 and Natalie goes to bed at 8:30
No wonder I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person. I have to fit in cooking dinner, eating dinner, cleaning up after dinner, bath time, getting ready for bed, playing, reading and so on into just 2.5 hours.
Recently some of the fellow moms on my moms board did a "day in the life" where they documented in pictures a day in the life of their kid. As much as I want to participate I think it might just depress me when I think of how much time I spend away from them a day.
Why oh why can't I just be independently wealthy......
Okay back to reality, and for good measure here's a recent picture of my little darlings....they love each other so much...I have to enjoy it while I can. In a few short years they'll HATE each other. Notice Natalie has stolen Addison's binky...and so it begins.
No wonder I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person. I have to fit in cooking dinner, eating dinner, cleaning up after dinner, bath time, getting ready for bed, playing, reading and so on into just 2.5 hours.
Recently some of the fellow moms on my moms board did a "day in the life" where they documented in pictures a day in the life of their kid. As much as I want to participate I think it might just depress me when I think of how much time I spend away from them a day.
Why oh why can't I just be independently wealthy......
Okay back to reality, and for good measure here's a recent picture of my little darlings....they love each other so much...I have to enjoy it while I can. In a few short years they'll HATE each other. Notice Natalie has stolen Addison's binky...and so it begins.
A give away and something that makes life easier.....yes please!
So I just started following this AMAZING blog of a local gal who makes cakes, cupcakes oh and super cute kiddos...and she's having a give away. So I thought all my friends out there in blogger land would like to know about it too.
The blog is The Cake-at-Home Mom and she's giving away a My Breastfriend breastfeeding pillow. This is an amazing tool for breastfeeding me it will make your life easier...I mean anything with a pocket for the remote control has to be awesome right?
Anyhow, head on over to her blog to learn more about the give away and drool over some amazing looking desserts while you're there! Do it you won't be sorry!
The blog is The Cake-at-Home Mom and she's giving away a My Breastfriend breastfeeding pillow. This is an amazing tool for breastfeeding me it will make your life easier...I mean anything with a pocket for the remote control has to be awesome right?
Anyhow, head on over to her blog to learn more about the give away and drool over some amazing looking desserts while you're there! Do it you won't be sorry!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Back to work...
The past 4 months has just flown by and now I am back at work...and let me tell you it blows.
Work isn't so bad in and of itself, but the time spent away from my kids is harder than I thought it would be.
I'll be the first to admit that my kids drive me bat shit crazy on a daily basis, but when you're forced to be away from them for 9+ hours a day you miss those little crazy tendencies.
And just to prove how in denial I was about returning to work, I failed to even print any photos of Addison to have at work...ugh.
I know it will get better, but man it sucks!
Work isn't so bad in and of itself, but the time spent away from my kids is harder than I thought it would be.
I'll be the first to admit that my kids drive me bat shit crazy on a daily basis, but when you're forced to be away from them for 9+ hours a day you miss those little crazy tendencies.
And just to prove how in denial I was about returning to work, I failed to even print any photos of Addison to have at work...ugh.
I know it will get better, but man it sucks!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Maternity leave...half way over already?!?!
I'm shocked that my maternity leave is already half way over, when it began I kept thinking 4 months is so long, I'll feel so rested etc etc....but now after 2 months I'm realizing how fast time flies....and getting sad about how fast the second half will fly by.
I had grand plans of getting a lot done while out on leave...but so far I've done very little. I've organized a few cabinets and closets, made one trip to the East bay to visit friends and that's about it.
Holy crap I need to get moving on my long list of to dos....or do I. I'm quite torn between doing nothing and enjoying every minute of it...and getting really organized but not spending nearly as much time snuggling my little ones.
I must keep reminding myself how quickly this time flies and try to enjoy those snuggles while I can...and remind myself that being unorganized isn't the end of the world...right?!?
I had grand plans of getting a lot done while out on leave...but so far I've done very little. I've organized a few cabinets and closets, made one trip to the East bay to visit friends and that's about it.
Holy crap I need to get moving on my long list of to dos....or do I. I'm quite torn between doing nothing and enjoying every minute of it...and getting really organized but not spending nearly as much time snuggling my little ones.
I must keep reminding myself how quickly this time flies and try to enjoy those snuggles while I can...and remind myself that being unorganized isn't the end of the world...right?!?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Being home all day is going to cost me money...
You'd think that being home all day would be a good way to save money, I mean if I don't leave the house how can I spend money right?!?!
WRONG! Besides online shopping...I have come to realize that I hate all my stuff. I guess when I'm at work all day I don't have time to hate my stuff so much...but being here looking at it all day makes me realize how awful it is.
I've decided I want to paint and redecorate just about every room in my house. Right now I'm trying to talk myself out of painting the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom...really it's not necessary considering we painted when we moved in just over a year ago. But now I HATE the colors. It wouldn't be so bad if it was only paint, but with paint comes new textiles etc etc.
Someone please stop me!!!
WRONG! Besides online shopping...I have come to realize that I hate all my stuff. I guess when I'm at work all day I don't have time to hate my stuff so much...but being here looking at it all day makes me realize how awful it is.
I've decided I want to paint and redecorate just about every room in my house. Right now I'm trying to talk myself out of painting the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom...really it's not necessary considering we painted when we moved in just over a year ago. But now I HATE the colors. It wouldn't be so bad if it was only paint, but with paint comes new textiles etc etc.
Someone please stop me!!!
My beautiful girls
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The camera is my nemesis
I have a couple cameras, they're nice and cost a decent chunk of change...nothing like a DSLR (which my husband won't allow me to'll get it later) but decent.
I buy them, they are great, I play with them, take pictures, send them to family blah blah blah...for like a week. And then it's into the case never to be touched again...okay that's an exaggeration but really I SUCK remembering to use them.
I had Addison 6 weeks ago now, and besides the hospital pictures that Dan took, I have not even taken one picture of her...not one. How horrible is that. In the first 6 weeks of Natalie's life I took no less than 500 pictures...granted in the subsequent almost 2 years I only took another like 25 photos of her...but still.
So at the rate I'm going with Addison, she'll think we just picked her up somewhere around age 5 or so since we'll have no photos to document her early years.
I really have no idea how to take more pictures, I leave the camera out so I'll remember to use it, I try to make plans to take pictures daily etc etc...but nothing. So now you can see why Dan won't allow (ha ha) me to buy a DSLR.
I buy them, they are great, I play with them, take pictures, send them to family blah blah blah...for like a week. And then it's into the case never to be touched again...okay that's an exaggeration but really I SUCK remembering to use them.
I had Addison 6 weeks ago now, and besides the hospital pictures that Dan took, I have not even taken one picture of her...not one. How horrible is that. In the first 6 weeks of Natalie's life I took no less than 500 pictures...granted in the subsequent almost 2 years I only took another like 25 photos of her...but still.
So at the rate I'm going with Addison, she'll think we just picked her up somewhere around age 5 or so since we'll have no photos to document her early years.
I really have no idea how to take more pictures, I leave the camera out so I'll remember to use it, I try to make plans to take pictures daily etc etc...but nothing. So now you can see why Dan won't allow (ha ha) me to buy a DSLR.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The newborn stage, the second time around...
Turns out somethings are easier the second time around...and for me this newborn stuff is one of those things.
I think having been through it once allows me to be more relaxed and thus enjoy it more. With Natalie I remember being stressed about every little thing, and worrying that I wasn't doing things right or that I was going to do something wrong. But with Addison I feel at ease I know that the likely hood of doing something wrong is slim and that babies are resilient.
Breastfeeding Natalie was akin to torture, she never had a good latch, I was in pain for weeks, she thrashed and cried during feedings, didn't gain well, etc etc etc. I was a stressed mess, and when my milk dried up at 2.5 months I was relieved to say the least.
When I got pregnant with Addison I dreaded nursing more than labor. I was so worried that I'd have a repeat performance of Natalie's nursing, I even bought formula so that I could quit as soon as things got too tough.
BUT, I am happy to say that nursing this time is a walk in the park compared to Natalie. My supply is better, my pain only lasted a day or two and was much more manageable, and nursing is the bonding experience that I had been told it would be (this was not the case with Natalie). I am actually enjoying it and hoping that I can make it longer than I did with Natalie...but if I can't I will be happy with the nursing experience I had with Addison and know that it can be a good thing.
I'm thrilled that the sour taste I had left in my mouth from Natalie is now gone...I feel so much better the second time around.
I'm hoping that this easier the second time around thing holds true with other aspects of the newborn phase...but only time will tell.
I think having been through it once allows me to be more relaxed and thus enjoy it more. With Natalie I remember being stressed about every little thing, and worrying that I wasn't doing things right or that I was going to do something wrong. But with Addison I feel at ease I know that the likely hood of doing something wrong is slim and that babies are resilient.
Breastfeeding Natalie was akin to torture, she never had a good latch, I was in pain for weeks, she thrashed and cried during feedings, didn't gain well, etc etc etc. I was a stressed mess, and when my milk dried up at 2.5 months I was relieved to say the least.
When I got pregnant with Addison I dreaded nursing more than labor. I was so worried that I'd have a repeat performance of Natalie's nursing, I even bought formula so that I could quit as soon as things got too tough.
BUT, I am happy to say that nursing this time is a walk in the park compared to Natalie. My supply is better, my pain only lasted a day or two and was much more manageable, and nursing is the bonding experience that I had been told it would be (this was not the case with Natalie). I am actually enjoying it and hoping that I can make it longer than I did with Natalie...but if I can't I will be happy with the nursing experience I had with Addison and know that it can be a good thing.
I'm thrilled that the sour taste I had left in my mouth from Natalie is now gone...I feel so much better the second time around.
I'm hoping that this easier the second time around thing holds true with other aspects of the newborn phase...but only time will tell.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Addison's Birth Story...
Ms. Addison Novella made her appearance in a fast and furious manner on April 7th 2010 just 5 days past my due date. It was crazy and at times a bit scary but all worked out and she's a happy healthy baby.
Here's how it all went down.
On Tuesday 4/6/10 I had a regular OB appointment, I was hoping to have made some progress and possibly be sent over to Labor and Delivery to be induced. But I was still only 3.5 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. So my OB scheduled me for an induction on Friday 4/9/10 since that would be his next time in L&D. I left the appointment a bit disappointed but at least there was an end in sight. The contractions that I'd been having over the last 3 weeks continued but never got much stronger, so I figured that we'd at least have a baby on Friday and all would be good.
On Wednesday 4/7/10 at 4 am I woke up to some stronger contractions, but still nothing too intense. I got up to go to the bathroom and went back to bed, but after tossing and turning for a few minutes with the contractions getting a bit stronger I got up to go to the bathroom again...I thought the contractions were getting stronger but I had in in my head that the baby wasn't coming until Friday so I dismissed them and tried to go back to bed. By 4:13 I woke Dan up to tell him I think we needed to go to the hospital. So he jumped up and started getting ready, I told him to wait to call his parents until I'd talked to L&D and was sure I was going in. He got into the shower and I called L&D.
I was on hold waiting for a nurse when my water broke at 4:20, Dan got out of the shower and called his parents to come stay with Natalie at 4:24. The contractions were a bit stronger but I could still move around so I decided to take a shower. While in the shower the contractions got stronger and by the time I got out of the shower they were so strong that I could barely talk through them (other than to say "ouch, ouch, ouch") so I hurried to finish getting ready while Dan got all our stuff into the car.
By 4:35 I was in a lot of pain and the contractions were right on top of each other. I started to get anxious about how long it would take his parents to get to our house. I decided to go outside to wait for his parents and so that I wouldn't wake Natalie...since my "ouch, ouch ouch" had turned into a loud "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" I stood in the driveway trying to breath through the pain and telling Dan that if his parents didn't hurry I'd be birthing that child in the driveway. Of course he thought I was just being dramatic and kept telling me I was fine and that everything would be fine.
Finally at 4:45-ish, my father in law turned the corner and I jumped in the truck and told Dan to go, we didn't have time to chat. I could barely sit in the truck and Dan was driving like a bat out of hell, we only hit 2 red lights, one we stopped at and the other we didn't. By the time we pulled into the parking lot I was crying and telling him he had to get them to give me drugs ASAP when we got to L&D. Since it was about 4:55 we had to go through the ER entrance, I was walking as fast as I could and doing pretty well between contractions but during a contraction I could hardly move. We got through the ER and up to L&D at just about 5 AM.
I threw my ID at the security guard who, realized the urgency and buzzed us in without any questions, I made it 3 steps down the hall at L&D and had to stop and hold onto the wall while yelling "I can't walk any farther" Dan tried to coax me to the desk saying it was only a couple more steps. Since I was so loud, all the nurses came running around the corner and yelled for me to go into the room directly on my right. I walked into the room and went straight for the bathroom, thinking they'd need a urine sample, I sat down and said "I can't pee, oh I think I'm going to be sick" I reached for the trash can. Dan came in and said he was going to move the truck since he'd parked in the ambulance parking. I said "I don't care what you do!!" and he left. Not even 30 seconds later I said "oh shit this baby is coming now" the nurse helped me to the bed. I was laying on my side trying not to push pleading with them to go find my husband, that I needed him there. They sent a nurse to go find him, meanwhile my nurse got a glove on and moved my leg to check me and said " oh you are having this baby now....WE NEED A DR!!!"
Immediately a group of people entered the room, I was still begging for them to find my husband and saying that I can't do it without him there, but the nurse and OB told me they were looking for him and that I had to relax.
The urge to push was so strong that I couldn't stop and before the Dr. could even get completely gloved and masked I the baby was being born. The nurses finished getting the Dr.s mask on and she told me to push once more and there she was at 5:07 AM. The Dr. quickly cut the cord and handed the baby to the nurse, she was blue and not responsive. I was in such shock that I couldn't register that she wasn't crying. I just laid on the bed shaking and in shock, I asked if she was okay and the nurses told me she was fine, but I still hadn't heard anything.
About this time Dan came walking into the room holding his coffee cup looking confused. I said "I'm sorry, I tried to wait, I'm so sorry" he just looked at me confused and said "what are you talking about?" I pointed to the nurses and said "She's here" to which he replied "WHAT?!?!" and then realized that the nurses were working on her, they immediately told him she was fine, just taking a little while to pink up. After about 5 minutes I was able to hold her and take her all in.
My nurse told me that according to their time they clocked it as 4 minutes from the time I hit the L&D floor to when she was born...and it was the fasted delivery the OB had ever preformed.
Luckily once the birth trauma wore off Addison was fine (she spent a little over an hour in the NICU), as was I. I suffered a 2nd degree tear and took some stitches but not too bad considering how fast I had her and that she was 10 lbs 1 oz.
All things considered it was a very successful delivery, and I am so in love with my little one!
Here's how it all went down.
On Tuesday 4/6/10 I had a regular OB appointment, I was hoping to have made some progress and possibly be sent over to Labor and Delivery to be induced. But I was still only 3.5 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. So my OB scheduled me for an induction on Friday 4/9/10 since that would be his next time in L&D. I left the appointment a bit disappointed but at least there was an end in sight. The contractions that I'd been having over the last 3 weeks continued but never got much stronger, so I figured that we'd at least have a baby on Friday and all would be good.
On Wednesday 4/7/10 at 4 am I woke up to some stronger contractions, but still nothing too intense. I got up to go to the bathroom and went back to bed, but after tossing and turning for a few minutes with the contractions getting a bit stronger I got up to go to the bathroom again...I thought the contractions were getting stronger but I had in in my head that the baby wasn't coming until Friday so I dismissed them and tried to go back to bed. By 4:13 I woke Dan up to tell him I think we needed to go to the hospital. So he jumped up and started getting ready, I told him to wait to call his parents until I'd talked to L&D and was sure I was going in. He got into the shower and I called L&D.
I was on hold waiting for a nurse when my water broke at 4:20, Dan got out of the shower and called his parents to come stay with Natalie at 4:24. The contractions were a bit stronger but I could still move around so I decided to take a shower. While in the shower the contractions got stronger and by the time I got out of the shower they were so strong that I could barely talk through them (other than to say "ouch, ouch, ouch") so I hurried to finish getting ready while Dan got all our stuff into the car.
By 4:35 I was in a lot of pain and the contractions were right on top of each other. I started to get anxious about how long it would take his parents to get to our house. I decided to go outside to wait for his parents and so that I wouldn't wake Natalie...since my "ouch, ouch ouch" had turned into a loud "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" I stood in the driveway trying to breath through the pain and telling Dan that if his parents didn't hurry I'd be birthing that child in the driveway. Of course he thought I was just being dramatic and kept telling me I was fine and that everything would be fine.
Finally at 4:45-ish, my father in law turned the corner and I jumped in the truck and told Dan to go, we didn't have time to chat. I could barely sit in the truck and Dan was driving like a bat out of hell, we only hit 2 red lights, one we stopped at and the other we didn't. By the time we pulled into the parking lot I was crying and telling him he had to get them to give me drugs ASAP when we got to L&D. Since it was about 4:55 we had to go through the ER entrance, I was walking as fast as I could and doing pretty well between contractions but during a contraction I could hardly move. We got through the ER and up to L&D at just about 5 AM.
I threw my ID at the security guard who, realized the urgency and buzzed us in without any questions, I made it 3 steps down the hall at L&D and had to stop and hold onto the wall while yelling "I can't walk any farther" Dan tried to coax me to the desk saying it was only a couple more steps. Since I was so loud, all the nurses came running around the corner and yelled for me to go into the room directly on my right. I walked into the room and went straight for the bathroom, thinking they'd need a urine sample, I sat down and said "I can't pee, oh I think I'm going to be sick" I reached for the trash can. Dan came in and said he was going to move the truck since he'd parked in the ambulance parking. I said "I don't care what you do!!" and he left. Not even 30 seconds later I said "oh shit this baby is coming now" the nurse helped me to the bed. I was laying on my side trying not to push pleading with them to go find my husband, that I needed him there. They sent a nurse to go find him, meanwhile my nurse got a glove on and moved my leg to check me and said " oh you are having this baby now....WE NEED A DR!!!"
Immediately a group of people entered the room, I was still begging for them to find my husband and saying that I can't do it without him there, but the nurse and OB told me they were looking for him and that I had to relax.
The urge to push was so strong that I couldn't stop and before the Dr. could even get completely gloved and masked I the baby was being born. The nurses finished getting the Dr.s mask on and she told me to push once more and there she was at 5:07 AM. The Dr. quickly cut the cord and handed the baby to the nurse, she was blue and not responsive. I was in such shock that I couldn't register that she wasn't crying. I just laid on the bed shaking and in shock, I asked if she was okay and the nurses told me she was fine, but I still hadn't heard anything.
About this time Dan came walking into the room holding his coffee cup looking confused. I said "I'm sorry, I tried to wait, I'm so sorry" he just looked at me confused and said "what are you talking about?" I pointed to the nurses and said "She's here" to which he replied "WHAT?!?!" and then realized that the nurses were working on her, they immediately told him she was fine, just taking a little while to pink up. After about 5 minutes I was able to hold her and take her all in.
My nurse told me that according to their time they clocked it as 4 minutes from the time I hit the L&D floor to when she was born...and it was the fasted delivery the OB had ever preformed.
Luckily once the birth trauma wore off Addison was fine (she spent a little over an hour in the NICU), as was I. I suffered a 2nd degree tear and took some stitches but not too bad considering how fast I had her and that she was 10 lbs 1 oz.
All things considered it was a very successful delivery, and I am so in love with my little one!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Full Term!
Today I am officially 37 weeks pregnant and Full Term! So now this baby can come anytime and won't technically be early.
Natalie was born at 38weeks 5 if this baby follows suit she'll be born March 24....but she could come earlier.
I'm feeling really well, still sleeping pretty well, having contractions off and on but nothing time able or really strong. I'm excited to have my appointment on Tuesday to see if I've made any progress from my 36 week appt where I was not dilated at all but was soft.
Even crazier than being full term, is that we really aren't prepared for this kids arrival at all. By this time with Natalie we had the car seat in the car, hospital bag packed, clothes washed and put away etc etc...we were just waiting for her to get here. But this time, the newborn clothes are in piles in the girls room, the car seat is in pieces after being washed, the bassinet isn't set up...nothing. I feel a bit guilty at my lack of preparation for this child...but I keep justifying it by saying I can get it all done before I go to the hospital and babies don't' need much...which may be true....but I still feel bad.
At any rate, I did finally buy some diapers so at least this kid won't just be peeing and pooping on I consider that an achievement.
Natalie was born at 38weeks 5 if this baby follows suit she'll be born March 24....but she could come earlier.
I'm feeling really well, still sleeping pretty well, having contractions off and on but nothing time able or really strong. I'm excited to have my appointment on Tuesday to see if I've made any progress from my 36 week appt where I was not dilated at all but was soft.
Even crazier than being full term, is that we really aren't prepared for this kids arrival at all. By this time with Natalie we had the car seat in the car, hospital bag packed, clothes washed and put away etc etc...we were just waiting for her to get here. But this time, the newborn clothes are in piles in the girls room, the car seat is in pieces after being washed, the bassinet isn't set up...nothing. I feel a bit guilty at my lack of preparation for this child...but I keep justifying it by saying I can get it all done before I go to the hospital and babies don't' need much...which may be true....but I still feel bad.
At any rate, I did finally buy some diapers so at least this kid won't just be peeing and pooping on I consider that an achievement.
Monday, March 8, 2010
A fun filled day in the ER
On Friday morning I come around the corner to see Natalie with my purse open and a bottle of Tylenol (adult 325 mg tablets) open and all the Tylenol all over the floor. She had opened a cabinet climbed up the shelves and pulled my purse down, and got the bottle open all within like 1 minute. Honestly I have NO idea how she got the bottle open since I can rarely open those bottles...but whatever.
So called poison control while Dan cleaned up the pills and they said that 6 or more could be fatal, I was pretty confident that she hadn't eaten any but since 18 were gone from the bottle and I had no idea how many I had taken in the months that I've had the bottle, to be safe we went to the ER. They did a blood draw, made her drink charcoal, and then another blood draw only to determine that she didn't eat any. So 5 hours of torture later we got to go home. Needless to say I felt like a shitty mom, and have found a new resting place for my purse. The cabinets that she got into are the towel cabinets so we don't have locks on them since she likes to get "blankets" (aka towels) out for her babies...but Dan was putting child locks on those cabinets today too.
So called poison control while Dan cleaned up the pills and they said that 6 or more could be fatal, I was pretty confident that she hadn't eaten any but since 18 were gone from the bottle and I had no idea how many I had taken in the months that I've had the bottle, to be safe we went to the ER. They did a blood draw, made her drink charcoal, and then another blood draw only to determine that she didn't eat any. So 5 hours of torture later we got to go home. Needless to say I felt like a shitty mom, and have found a new resting place for my purse. The cabinets that she got into are the towel cabinets so we don't have locks on them since she likes to get "blankets" (aka towels) out for her babies...but Dan was putting child locks on those cabinets today too.
Friday, February 26, 2010
That's right I am 35 weeks pregnant and have 35 days left until my due date....holy crap where did the time go.
We still have LOTS to do before this baby gets here...mostly laundry and organization...but if that doesn't get done oh well.
Here's a pic from today for you all to enjoy....please ignore the crazy look on my face and the streaky mirror.
Monday, February 22, 2010
What do you think?
I found a picture of me pregnant with Natalie wearing the same shirt I was wearing last week in my oh so amazing bathroom photo shot.
People keep asking me if I think I'm bigger this time...I have no idea so I leave it to you blog world.
Here I am at 33weeks 6days pregnant with baby #2
And here I am at 37weeks 5days with Natalie.
You be the judge.
I know it's a difference of like 3 week and that can make a HUGE difference...but I think I'm smaller this time than last time.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Cuteness from Natalie...
My kid has been cracking me up lately...of course I think everything she does is funny, but I'm a bit biased.
Her latest demand has been to "nuggle" she treats this like her get out of jail free card. When it's bedtime she asks to "nuggle on couch" to put off going to bed, when she's in trouble she says "nuggle mama" like it will keep her from time out, and in the mornings she demands to "nuggle mommy bed" so she can climb all over us while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
She's also been really into the Olympics, I have to admit she liked the Xgames better...but the Olympics will do. She loves anything with jumping, and will stand in front of the TV yelling "go, go, jump, go wow!" and then she tries to jump...although her feet never leave the floor.
She has also become obsessed with wearing boots, she loves her rain boots and demanded to wear them every day for weeks...until I finally put them up in the closet...since she wanted to wear them without socks...gross! So now she wants to wear her ugg type boots.....and as proof here is a picture

This was on Saturday, she had just gotten out of the shower and wanted to wear her boots, I told her after lunch but she protested, climbed up on the bed herself and put both boots on...and on the right feet. She's a genius I tell you.
Her latest demand has been to "nuggle" she treats this like her get out of jail free card. When it's bedtime she asks to "nuggle on couch" to put off going to bed, when she's in trouble she says "nuggle mama" like it will keep her from time out, and in the mornings she demands to "nuggle mommy bed" so she can climb all over us while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
She's also been really into the Olympics, I have to admit she liked the Xgames better...but the Olympics will do. She loves anything with jumping, and will stand in front of the TV yelling "go, go, jump, go wow!" and then she tries to jump...although her feet never leave the floor.
She has also become obsessed with wearing boots, she loves her rain boots and demanded to wear them every day for weeks...until I finally put them up in the closet...since she wanted to wear them without socks...gross! So now she wants to wear her ugg type boots.....and as proof here is a picture
This was on Saturday, she had just gotten out of the shower and wanted to wear her boots, I told her after lunch but she protested, climbed up on the bed herself and put both boots on...and on the right feet. She's a genius I tell you.
34 weeks
Here I am at 34 weeks (well I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow...but close enough) in the bathroom at work again...thank you iphone!
I'm still feeling pretty good, tired and sore but that is to be expected. Overall I've gained 1 lb (according to the scale and the if you use my home scale...but who's counting) and am still getting sick about once a week.
Natalie has figured out that there is a baby in my tummy now, and she is obsessed with lifting my shirt and pointing to the's cute most of the time.
I'm feeling quite unprepared for this kid, with Natalie at this point we had the nursery done, clothes washed and hung, and had purchased all the necessities.
This time, I haven't even so much as gotten the baby clothes out of storage, I haven't bought anything, and the nursery is still Natalie's it's not ready for the baby at all.
I plan to get some stuff done this weekend...although I've been saying that for weeks now...I'll just blame it on Dan since the baby stuff is up in the rafters and I can't get on a ladder.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Good times...
This morning was a normal day...Natalie didn't want to get out of bed, protested wearing jeans, demanded a blanket while in the car...same old stuff.
Until about 2 blocks from my house when I had the sudden uncontrollable need to throw up. Shit!
So I'm debating what to do, pull over, turn around, keep going, hold back the barf....decisions, decisions.
So the uncontrollable need became so bad that I had to pull over and throw up all over the side of the road. Awesome! Cars are driving by, I barely got my seat belt off and the door open...and there I am puking my guts out on the corner.
At 31 weeks I really didn't think this would be something I'd be dealing with...but such is life.
Oh and my kid finds throwing up hilarious, so this made her morning.
Until about 2 blocks from my house when I had the sudden uncontrollable need to throw up. Shit!
So I'm debating what to do, pull over, turn around, keep going, hold back the barf....decisions, decisions.
So the uncontrollable need became so bad that I had to pull over and throw up all over the side of the road. Awesome! Cars are driving by, I barely got my seat belt off and the door open...and there I am puking my guts out on the corner.
At 31 weeks I really didn't think this would be something I'd be dealing with...but such is life.
Oh and my kid finds throwing up hilarious, so this made her morning.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Buying a down comfortor...aka the bitch at the Select Comfort store.
For Christmas we asked my MIL for a new down comforter, our old one was really worn out and we couldn't think of anything else we wanted or needed so it seemed like a great gift.
My MIL decided to get us a comforter at the Select Comfort store, we have a sleep number bed and love it (as do our ILs) so it seemed a good fit, plus it's two separate pockets so each person can choose their own insert and warmth rating.
So in early January we headed to the mall to visit our local Select Comfort store. Dan hates the mall so it was quite an outing for him to go to the mall. We get to the store and tell the sales gal that we're looking for two inserts for a down comforter (MIL had already bought the cover and some gift cards to put towards the inserts).
The girl is helpful and we decide on which inserts we want (of course we choose the same so it sort of defeated the purpose but whatever) and started looking at the other things they sell since they were having a buy one get one free sale on accessories.
I've been trying to find a duvet set that I love to replace ours, and they just happened to have a gorgeous blue duvet set.
At this point we're pawned off on another sales woman...fine whatever. It should have been a red flag that as soon as she started helping us she oh-so-kindly pointed out that Natalie needed to have her nose wiped. Uh okay thanks but it's not really your business (and it wasn't bad at all)...but I guess since we were letting her jump on the beds she felt the need to point out the snot faucet my kid had going on.
Then, I tell her I'm interested in the duvet set, she looks at me blankly, I again say that I'm interested in the comforter cover set (thinking maybe she doesn't know what a duvet is), to which so replies "you already have a comforter cover...your MIL bought it for you" (apparently she helped MIL buy this stuff). I reply that I know we have the cover, but I'm interested in the decorative covers, and gesture to the display. Again she snottily tells me that I already have the comforter cover, at which point I start getting peeved...WTF lady do I need to spell it out for you I've said it 3 different ways and I'm speaking clearly. So I walk over (er waddle cause ya know I had to play up how difficult she was making this for me) to the duvet cover and hold it up for her to see. She says "oh you mean the bedding sets", at this point I'm fuming, Dan is watching me from the other side of the room ready to run over to diffuse the situation if need be. So I calmly reply "yes the bedding sets otherwise known as a duvet right?!?" she looks at me and says "uh yeah sure", then looks at the price tag and says in a condescending tone "Um you know this is a $500 bedding set"
At this point I'm choosing my words carefully as there are other customers in the store and my kid is sitting only a couple feet away, so I say "yes I know, can you tell me what is included in that set" Dan is now inching towards me since apparently he can see the future.
Again she snidely replies " well it IS $500, is that really workable for you". Are you fucking kidding me lady, I've been trying my hardest to hold back but now you're just baiting me. Who are you to assume how much I can afford to spend on something. At this point she must be able to read my face and the fact that I'm about to rip her fucking face she starts back peddling...with things like "oh well it is very nice, what size would you be looking at?, it includes xy&z etc"
Dan has now made it across the room and is fully prepared to hold me back. But I take a deep breath and say "I think we're done here" she keeps trying to smooth over the issue, and finally sternly I tell her "I'll gladly pay for the inserts, but I won't be buying anything else from you."
Finally she stops, walks to the register and begins processing the order, then she starts trying to make small talk with me....of course I'm in no mood for that so I tell her "I've had enough, I'd like to just pay, no need for you to try to butter me up now"
Dumbfounded she looks at me and stammers "umm, err, uh..." I tell her to just complete the order so I can leave, and she does so in silence.
See...I'm making progress....I may not need anger management after all.
My MIL decided to get us a comforter at the Select Comfort store, we have a sleep number bed and love it (as do our ILs) so it seemed a good fit, plus it's two separate pockets so each person can choose their own insert and warmth rating.
So in early January we headed to the mall to visit our local Select Comfort store. Dan hates the mall so it was quite an outing for him to go to the mall. We get to the store and tell the sales gal that we're looking for two inserts for a down comforter (MIL had already bought the cover and some gift cards to put towards the inserts).
The girl is helpful and we decide on which inserts we want (of course we choose the same so it sort of defeated the purpose but whatever) and started looking at the other things they sell since they were having a buy one get one free sale on accessories.
I've been trying to find a duvet set that I love to replace ours, and they just happened to have a gorgeous blue duvet set.
At this point we're pawned off on another sales woman...fine whatever. It should have been a red flag that as soon as she started helping us she oh-so-kindly pointed out that Natalie needed to have her nose wiped. Uh okay thanks but it's not really your business (and it wasn't bad at all)...but I guess since we were letting her jump on the beds she felt the need to point out the snot faucet my kid had going on.
Then, I tell her I'm interested in the duvet set, she looks at me blankly, I again say that I'm interested in the comforter cover set (thinking maybe she doesn't know what a duvet is), to which so replies "you already have a comforter cover...your MIL bought it for you" (apparently she helped MIL buy this stuff). I reply that I know we have the cover, but I'm interested in the decorative covers, and gesture to the display. Again she snottily tells me that I already have the comforter cover, at which point I start getting peeved...WTF lady do I need to spell it out for you I've said it 3 different ways and I'm speaking clearly. So I walk over (er waddle cause ya know I had to play up how difficult she was making this for me) to the duvet cover and hold it up for her to see. She says "oh you mean the bedding sets", at this point I'm fuming, Dan is watching me from the other side of the room ready to run over to diffuse the situation if need be. So I calmly reply "yes the bedding sets otherwise known as a duvet right?!?" she looks at me and says "uh yeah sure", then looks at the price tag and says in a condescending tone "Um you know this is a $500 bedding set"
At this point I'm choosing my words carefully as there are other customers in the store and my kid is sitting only a couple feet away, so I say "yes I know, can you tell me what is included in that set" Dan is now inching towards me since apparently he can see the future.
Again she snidely replies " well it IS $500, is that really workable for you". Are you fucking kidding me lady, I've been trying my hardest to hold back but now you're just baiting me. Who are you to assume how much I can afford to spend on something. At this point she must be able to read my face and the fact that I'm about to rip her fucking face she starts back peddling...with things like "oh well it is very nice, what size would you be looking at?, it includes xy&z etc"
Dan has now made it across the room and is fully prepared to hold me back. But I take a deep breath and say "I think we're done here" she keeps trying to smooth over the issue, and finally sternly I tell her "I'll gladly pay for the inserts, but I won't be buying anything else from you."
Finally she stops, walks to the register and begins processing the order, then she starts trying to make small talk with me....of course I'm in no mood for that so I tell her "I've had enough, I'd like to just pay, no need for you to try to butter me up now"
Dumbfounded she looks at me and stammers "umm, err, uh..." I tell her to just complete the order so I can leave, and she does so in silence.
See...I'm making progress....I may not need anger management after all.
Pregnancy Rage...
I'm quite sure I've posted about pregnancy rage is after all, one of my favorite side effects of being pregnant.
When I was pregnant with Natalie my rage was mainly focused on Dan, and the fact he was sleeping through the nights while I was up about 10 times a night to pee. It took all my self control to not punch him after my 5th trip to the bathroom every night.
This time I've done a good job of keeping my rage in check. Even when the sales lady at the Select Comfort store was a raging bitch and Dan came over to try to diffuse the situation because he thought I was going to throttle the woman. But I restrained myself and very calmly verbally bitch slapped her and left the store (it felt great by the way...I think I'll post more about that later).
Anyhow, fast forward to today, I'm currently 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I'm hot and uncomfortable and generally short fused. I am on a committee at work called the Customer Service Committee...somehow I got appointed to this committee because I was a member of a different committee and the two went hand in hand (it clearly wasn't because of my excellent customer me).
Well the committee is in charge of putting on events for the office quarterly, today was our final meeting before the event on Thursday. Today was apparently not a great day for the meeting since my pregnancy rage was in full effect. By the end of the meeting I had set one woman straight multiple times and was being treated with kid gloves so as to not lash out again.
It doesn't help that I'm not a big "rah rah" type (despite my years of cheer leading experience) so I'm not one to kiss other peoples asses for doing their jobs....which apparently is the entire job of the customer service committee....I'm currently waiting to be "let go" from the committee...I figure one more pregnancy rage episode should do it. So stay tuned.
When I was pregnant with Natalie my rage was mainly focused on Dan, and the fact he was sleeping through the nights while I was up about 10 times a night to pee. It took all my self control to not punch him after my 5th trip to the bathroom every night.
This time I've done a good job of keeping my rage in check. Even when the sales lady at the Select Comfort store was a raging bitch and Dan came over to try to diffuse the situation because he thought I was going to throttle the woman. But I restrained myself and very calmly verbally bitch slapped her and left the store (it felt great by the way...I think I'll post more about that later).
Anyhow, fast forward to today, I'm currently 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I'm hot and uncomfortable and generally short fused. I am on a committee at work called the Customer Service Committee...somehow I got appointed to this committee because I was a member of a different committee and the two went hand in hand (it clearly wasn't because of my excellent customer me).
Well the committee is in charge of putting on events for the office quarterly, today was our final meeting before the event on Thursday. Today was apparently not a great day for the meeting since my pregnancy rage was in full effect. By the end of the meeting I had set one woman straight multiple times and was being treated with kid gloves so as to not lash out again.
It doesn't help that I'm not a big "rah rah" type (despite my years of cheer leading experience) so I'm not one to kiss other peoples asses for doing their jobs....which apparently is the entire job of the customer service committee....I'm currently waiting to be "let go" from the committee...I figure one more pregnancy rage episode should do it. So stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
3/4s of the way done
On Friday I'll be 30 officially 3/4 of the way done with this pregnancy. Which has gotten me thinking, this pregnancy went by much faster than my pregnancy with Natalie....likely because I was busy with Natalie and unable to just sit and enjoy all of the little pregnancy moments.
It's now the final stretch, so to speak, and I've really got to get on the ball with the things I need to do. But for some reason doing all those little things makes this all feel more real and I can't quite deal with that right I'll procrastinate.
I officially have 37 more days to work...but counting all the time I have to take off for doctors appts, the various off site things I have to do and the likely hood of me taking at least one or two of those days off....I'm really getting down to the wire....but that's not stopping me from the count down.
It's now the final stretch, so to speak, and I've really got to get on the ball with the things I need to do. But for some reason doing all those little things makes this all feel more real and I can't quite deal with that right I'll procrastinate.
I officially have 37 more days to work...but counting all the time I have to take off for doctors appts, the various off site things I have to do and the likely hood of me taking at least one or two of those days off....I'm really getting down to the wire....but that's not stopping me from the count down.
Name game...
When we had Natalie we had a hell of a time deciding on a name, we finally narrowed it down to two names and decided to wait and see what she looked like. When she was born the nurse asked us what her name was and Dan replied "Natalie" to which I started crying, and said "no that's not her name" (Dan's story is that he said Caitlin...but I distinctly remember Natalie). Anyway after 2 days in the hospital as "baby girl Roberts" and being told I'd be responsible for mailing in the birth certificate and social security info...I decided I must name this child. So we named her Natalie...I blame my insane hormones for not allowing that to just be the name from the announcement in the delivery room but whatever.
So now we're faced with the same dilemma...only we've already found our "favorite" girl name and used now I have to find one we like equally as well as Natalie. And it's proving to be a difficult task.
I think we've again narrowed it down to two names, this time Addison and Isabel. Dan really prefers Isabel, and I prefer again we'll wait and see what she looks like when she's born.
I really think naming kids is the hardest part of pregnancy...yeah other things are difficult, and painful...but nothing weighs more heavily on your than choosing a name. And then you think back to the age old question (okay maybe not age old but whatever)...does the person make the name or does the name make the person? Will choosing the wrong name for her push her to be someone she wouldn't have been...ugh.
I hate making decisions!!
So now we're faced with the same dilemma...only we've already found our "favorite" girl name and used now I have to find one we like equally as well as Natalie. And it's proving to be a difficult task.
I think we've again narrowed it down to two names, this time Addison and Isabel. Dan really prefers Isabel, and I prefer again we'll wait and see what she looks like when she's born.
I really think naming kids is the hardest part of pregnancy...yeah other things are difficult, and painful...but nothing weighs more heavily on your than choosing a name. And then you think back to the age old question (okay maybe not age old but whatever)...does the person make the name or does the name make the person? Will choosing the wrong name for her push her to be someone she wouldn't have been...ugh.
I hate making decisions!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Goals for 2010...
I've decided to stop calling them resolutions...since I continuously break all of my New Years now they're goals. Hopefully I won't fail to achieve all of my goals but we'll see.
This year I'd like to
1. de-clutter the house, I want to clean out the closets, cabinets, drawers, etc etc...because we have WAY too much stuff.
2. Spend less money, this means eating out less as well as buying less unnecessary crap...which will help with #1.
3. Communicate better, I've been really working on this one already but of course I need to work a little harder. I need to pick my battles and reduce the use of words like the F bomb...which colors my speech a little too much these days.
4. Take time for myself, I want to do something for me once per month, even if it's something small like getting a pedicure or enjoying a book for an hour...I need to take time for myself so I can be a better mother.
5. And finally my biggest goal, transition to being a family of 4 smoothly. I am really hoping that the arrival of baby #2 won't be too traumatic for Natalie and that we can easily get back into our routine.
This year I'd like to
1. de-clutter the house, I want to clean out the closets, cabinets, drawers, etc etc...because we have WAY too much stuff.
2. Spend less money, this means eating out less as well as buying less unnecessary crap...which will help with #1.
3. Communicate better, I've been really working on this one already but of course I need to work a little harder. I need to pick my battles and reduce the use of words like the F bomb...which colors my speech a little too much these days.
4. Take time for myself, I want to do something for me once per month, even if it's something small like getting a pedicure or enjoying a book for an hour...I need to take time for myself so I can be a better mother.
5. And finally my biggest goal, transition to being a family of 4 smoothly. I am really hoping that the arrival of baby #2 won't be too traumatic for Natalie and that we can easily get back into our routine.
27 week pregnant...
My first belly picture of this pregnancy...taken in the awesome light of our office bathroom with my it's really high quality photography.
But I thought I'd share anyhow.
I had planned to get a better picture this weekend, but spending the majority of the weekend in yoga pants and tank tops wasn't really picture worthy.
Long time no blog
So I realized today that I haven't blogged since November...and I really need to be better about updating.
December was a busy month for us, we had lots to celebrations and fun events...all of which I failed to bring my camera to so you'll just have to believe me that I was there. I did finally get an iphone so I can now hopefully remember to take more pictures.
Christmas was a huge success, Natalie got spoiled...but lucky for us we were able to keep the gift buying to a minimum this year since she still doesn't get it...Santa brought her a couple things, and then we headed to both sets of Grandma & Grandpa's where she got a ridiculous amount of stuff...our house is overflowing with toys, and Dan really needs to get on building that toy storage thing he keeps talking about and buying tools for.
We had our annual New Years Eve party, which was also a huge success. Natalie and I made it to midnight (go right ahead and judge me for keeping my kid up until's fine), and everyone had a great time eating nachos. The kids out numbered the adults this year and it's only going to get worse...but they had a great time so we can't complain.
The remainder of the New Years weekend was filled with lots of laying around on the couch and reading, Dan and Natalie read her new book over and over, and I got through about half of my book....aka Breaking Dawn, cause I'm a dork and am finally finishing the Twilight series...FINALLY.
Here's a pic of Dan and Natalie reading for your enjoyment!
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