Monday, October 18, 2010

It's not a tooma

Imagine I'm talking in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice a la Kindergarten Cop....see it kinda makes sense then right.

Since my last post was all about the medical woes of my children I thought it only fitting that I devote an entire post to my own medical woes. Now let me preface this with that I know I'm lucky to have my health, that my issues are minor and blah blah blah.

After Addison was born I was kind of shocky, I just laid there unable to talk or move, and shaking etc. I thought this was totally normal having just pushed out a 10 lb baby with no drugs but in hindsight maybe it wasn't. Once home I started to notice that I was getting dizzy often, I found that if I bent over I'd have to steady myself on a wall when I stood up. I chalked it all up to having just had a baby and lack of sleep. Then I started seeing spots, again I figured it was just sleep deprivation. Then my hair started falling out, normal postpartum hormonal stuff I thought, until it started coming out in clumps. For 4 months I brushed off these issues, blaming my diet, hormones, lack of sleep, etc. Finally when I came back to work and got back on a normal schedule that included regular sleep and started working on my diet....and realized that my symptoms hadn't gone away or even lessened, I thought I should see a doctor.

I LOVE my doctor, he listened to me and didn't automatically say "you must just be stressed" like I thought he would with a 2.5 year old,a 4 month old and an unemployed husband at home. Instead he ordered a ridiculous amount of blood work and called an endocrinologist for a consult. I had a phone consult with the Endocrinologist right then and there(where my Dr referred to my hair loss as "male pattern baldness" but I forgave him). The Endo took an interest in my "case" and decided he wanted to see me and had another ridiculous amount of blood work done.

After donating about a gallon of blood to the lab, I met with the Endo....and low and behold they don't know what's wrong with me. So we talk, he orders more blood work and sends me on my way. When he got my blood work back, it still didn't show him what he thought so he put me on some meds anyhow and decided to order a brain MRI. So I went for a brain MRI, oh yeah and more blood work.
The brain MRI revealed a 3mm adenoma on my pituitary glad, which my doctor assures me is "no big deal" but considering that a normal pituitary gland is only 9mm to start with, a "growth" 1/3 the size of the gland seems big to me.

Anyhow, right now we're in a sort of wait and see phase, I have done more blood work, and take medication, my current diagnosis is Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. Which basically means that my Adrenal glands work, but aren't working because they aren't being stimulated...because the hormone that stimulates them should be produced by my pituitary gland, and that gland is damaged.
I go back in a month or so for another brain MRI to make sure that the adenoma hasn't grown and isn't putting pressure on any other parts of my brain. They're working on tapering me off of some of the medication since I've been feeling better and my endocrinologist hopes that my pituitary gland can start working on it's own soon. I guess these meds can just jump start it...but honestly I have no idea.

So, long story short...they have no freaking idea what is wrong with me.

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