Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting on the Potty Train

For a while now Natalie has been asking to use the potty, most of the time this just means that she sits on the potty talking to me while I wait and wait for nothing to happen. And if I indulged this game once it meant countless trips to the potty throughout the day.
I hated the idea of potty training since it meant that we would be housebound for an entire weekend...and I HATE staying home all weekend.
But I finally decided to bite the bullet and jump on the potty train this weekend...and it went great!
Saturday morning I put Natalie in training pants, we discussed going to the bathroom countless times and within an hour she went on the potty....and from then on it was about a 50-50 success rate. Which I was please with, Dan was irked by the peeing on the floor but I told him it was par for the course.
Anyhow, we even *warning TMI* got a poop on the potty on the first day! Wooo Hoo!
Day 2 and 3 went pretty much the same, with only one major accident while I was out shopping and Natalie was home with Dan (man I love that she saved it for him) which resulted in him cutting the undies off of her and throwing them away. Hilarious if you ask me!
But all in all I'm thrilled that we decided to do it and, I'm hoping that we can say goodbye to diapers (for Natalie at least) once and for all soon!

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