Friday, November 26, 2010

Follow up to dread...

I posted last week about how I was dreading taking Natalie to get an MRI. We had to get an MRI of her spine since Addison had tested positive for tethered cord syndrome. So bright and EARLY on Tuesday morning we headed out to Oakland since that is where they do the sedated MRIs for kids.

Natalie did great! She was a total champ, went right to the doctors and was happily talking to them. She did great getting the sedation and woke up a happy camper. The nurses were great and Natalie actually didn't want to leave after she woke up.

On Wednesday afternoon I got the call from the physicians assistant, she had reviewed the MRI with the neuro-surgeon and they had determined that she does indeed have a tethered cord and we need to discuss surgery.

I was devastated, I had put on a strong front that I was prepared for this news, but in reality I was in no way prepared for this information. I had come to terms with Addison having surgery, I know that she will be fine, and I know that she will have no memory of the surgery. But Natalie on the other hand may remember the surgery and the recovery. I was prepared to deal with a baby that needed to be kept calm for two weeks, but I am in NO way prepared for keeping a 2.5 year old calm for two weeks.

So, that's the latest news on our health....I was really hoping for better news, but am beyond thankful for good health insurance.

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