Monday, November 22, 2010


is the only word I know of to define how I'm feeling about tomorrow. Tomorrow we take Natalie to Oakland for her MRI to see if she too has a tethered cord. I'm not so much dreading the outcome of the MRI, as I have prepared myself for her to have a tethered cord based on the way the neurosurgeon mentioned how often they see it in siblings. I am however dreading waking her up at the crack of dawn and not letting her eat until after the MRI. Having to explain that she can't eat or drink, and that she has to go with the doctors and we can't go with her. With Addison is was easy, she was so little and trusting that she just went with the nurse and didn't even look back. I have a pit in my stomach anticipating that tomorrow won't be quite so easy.

I'm hoping that her MRI is clear, because having to deal with spinal surgery for one child is bad enough but the thought of both of them having to have it is just too much for my brain to comprehend at the moment.

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