Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Years resolutions...

New Years resolutions, always something I think about this time of year. For years I told myself that I wouldn't make any resolutions, primarily since I was never able to keep them. But this year I have many that I'd like to make, if I could keep them great, if not oh well. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
So this year I have put a lot of thought into my resolutions...I am making a few. Some may be easy to attain, others not so much but we'll see.
First, I'm going to make it a priority to be on time, mostly to work but in general. I am perpetually late...but I really need to put an end to the tardiness. I'd like to make sure not to pass my tardy tendencies on to Natalie.
Second, I'm going to try to stay on top of housework, primarily laundry. I don't want to put laundry off for days and then end up spending my entire Sunday doing laundry anymore. As for the rest of the housework, I will try to stay on top of that so I don't have to spend my weekends cleaning. If I just do a bit each day, I can have free weekends to spend with Natalie...oh and Dan too.
Third, do away with clutter. My house isn't ever dirty, but I do have my fair share of clutter, and then my clutter collects clutter, and before I know it I can't walk through the garage and the storage is overflowing (which ties into resolution 4). So my third resolution is to clear out the clutter, if I haven't used it, worn it or otherwise needed it in 3 months, than to goodwill it goes! I'm trying to take a minimalist approach to life...we'll see how that goes.
Fourth, is to stop buying so much. Three and four go hand in hand. I buy things at Target (it's the biggest culprit) or other places that I don't need, and don't use and these things end up cluttering up my house. With Natalie becoming more mobile I need to make sure that there aren't things lying around for her to get into. So if I don't buy it, than it won't be cluttering my house.
And last but not least, my fifth resolution this year is to be healthier. Of course that entails losing weight, but more importantly I'd like to live a healthier live, so exercising and eating better, and getting more rest, and all that good stuff. It wouldn't be New Years with out a weight loss resolution.....so I got to keep it consistent.

That's it. I think I can stick to some of my resolutions (I'd say all of them, but let's be realistic), we'll see. But just like in years past, if I don't stick to them, there's always next year.


Nick and Crystal's Family Blog! said...

One of my New Year's resolutions is to loose some weight...so if you ever want to go for a walk or possibly join a class let me know! I would love to get back down to pre-baby weight before we try for #2.

janessa said...

I wish you luck! Sometimes typing them out can help with your accountablility. I feel ya on at least a couple of them and may adopt them myself!

have you seen www.flylady.net ? It's worked for me in the past!