I work in a medium sized office, there are about 140 of us. We have adjusters, attorneys, doctors, nurses, office assistants, etc.
But there is one person, who sits on the other side of the wall from me, (wall is an understatement since it's a cubicle wall) and apparently her job is to complain.
She is the assistant to the officer manager...she thinks she is the assistant office manager a la Dwight in The Office, but she is the assistant TO the office manager.
Anyhow, apparently her job is to complain. Today she called and complained, for about 15 minutes about how a box of supplies we got was dented, not the supplies themselves, but the box they came in....and due to this dent she sent the whole box back.
Then after lunch she calls the restaurant she went to and complained about that too.
Pretty much day in and day out she complains about something....be it supplies, employees, lunch, money, her bike, or work loads...which I assume aren't that high considering how much free time she has to complain.
Sometimes I feel like I am living in the movie Office Space. Next she'll be asking me about my TPS reports.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
7 months old today
Oh my how time flies. Natalie is 7 months old today. I can't believe that we are now more than half way to 1 year old...YIKES!
She amazes me more and more each day, she has mastered holding her bottle...although she likes to get us to hold it for her by faking that she can't do it. She can also get her Binky in her mouth the right way...most of the time. She is a rolling champ, and can roll to get to what she wants...and let me tell you she is a determined little thing.
She has started getting up on her hands and knees and rocking....so crawling is in our near future.
She has started to get the hang of feeding herself, and she can get the puffs into her mouth pretty well...with only 4 or 5 stuck on her face.
She has two little pearly whites on the bottom and a top tooth about to come in.
For fun she likes to throw her bottle over and over and get mommy or daddy to pick it up for her. And when we are out she likes to throw her pacifier as far as she can.
She is a crowd stopper and thinks she is the official greeter where ever we go. It's getting hard to go places because she stops traffic and it takes forever to get through the stores cause she keeps smiling at everyone.
She is tons of fun, and I can't wait to see what she does next. I'll post pics later
She amazes me more and more each day, she has mastered holding her bottle...although she likes to get us to hold it for her by faking that she can't do it. She can also get her Binky in her mouth the right way...most of the time. She is a rolling champ, and can roll to get to what she wants...and let me tell you she is a determined little thing.
She has started getting up on her hands and knees and rocking....so crawling is in our near future.
She has started to get the hang of feeding herself, and she can get the puffs into her mouth pretty well...with only 4 or 5 stuck on her face.
She has two little pearly whites on the bottom and a top tooth about to come in.
For fun she likes to throw her bottle over and over and get mommy or daddy to pick it up for her. And when we are out she likes to throw her pacifier as far as she can.
She is a crowd stopper and thinks she is the official greeter where ever we go. It's getting hard to go places because she stops traffic and it takes forever to get through the stores cause she keeps smiling at everyone.
She is tons of fun, and I can't wait to see what she does next. I'll post pics later
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wine tasting fun.
On Saturday we were invited to the Friends and Family event at Trione Winery. Dan has been working there for about 3 months.
I hadn't tried their wine yet and man have I been missing out. Dan had to work the event, pouring and talking about the winery, which was just built (well most of it) so I spent the day with his parents.
We left Natalie with my parents since I thought this was an adult event...but there ended up being tons of kids there and she would have had a blast. Oh well, maybe next year.
Anyhow, their pinot was amazing, as was the Cab and the Bordeaux blend. And I'm not a big fan of whites but the Chardonay was pretty great. I missed tasting the Sauvignon Blanc but I'm sure I'll get to try it some other time.
The winery is beautiful, and I told Dan that I am quite disapointed we are already married because I'd love to get married there.
So if you're looking for a beautiful winery to visit in Geyserville, or just want to drink some amazing Pinot...then you should check Trione out.
I hadn't tried their wine yet and man have I been missing out. Dan had to work the event, pouring and talking about the winery, which was just built (well most of it) so I spent the day with his parents.
We left Natalie with my parents since I thought this was an adult event...but there ended up being tons of kids there and she would have had a blast. Oh well, maybe next year.
Anyhow, their pinot was amazing, as was the Cab and the Bordeaux blend. And I'm not a big fan of whites but the Chardonay was pretty great. I missed tasting the Sauvignon Blanc but I'm sure I'll get to try it some other time.
The winery is beautiful, and I told Dan that I am quite disapointed we are already married because I'd love to get married there.
So if you're looking for a beautiful winery to visit in Geyserville, or just want to drink some amazing Pinot...then you should check Trione out.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday Thrirteen
Since it is finally feeling like Fall, I have been wanting to stay in at night and watch TV. We only get to watch an hour or so of TV a night since having Natalie. We used to be TV junkies and had a major line-up but we don't have that luxury anymore.
Anyhow, these are my thirteen favorite TV shows (that are on TV right now...I have lots of other "off season" favorites too)
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Sons of Anarchy
4. The Office
5. Worst Week
6. CSI: NY
7. CSI
8. How I Met Your Mother
9. New Adventures of Old Christine
10. Always Sunny in Philadelphia
11. Intervention
12. The Hills
13. 30 Rock
Now if you asked Dan what his favorite shows were the list would look a bit different...but I am not a fan of Terminator or Night Rider.
Anyhow, these are my thirteen favorite TV shows (that are on TV right now...I have lots of other "off season" favorites too)
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Sons of Anarchy
4. The Office
5. Worst Week
6. CSI: NY
7. CSI
8. How I Met Your Mother
9. New Adventures of Old Christine
10. Always Sunny in Philadelphia
11. Intervention
12. The Hills
13. 30 Rock
Now if you asked Dan what his favorite shows were the list would look a bit different...but I am not a fan of Terminator or Night Rider.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My little flower...
Isn't she just the cutest thing you have ever seen. She has started really hamming in up for the camera. Now when we get the camera out she is all smiles. It has gotten pretty bad, the other day I was texting and I noticed that she was all smiles and looking right at me...she must have thought I was taking her picture on my cell phone. Maybe we take too many pictures of her.
The best inventions
On the radio yesterday they were talking about the best inventions ever. I will preface my favorite by saying it is the best modern invention, I think the Tivo (or any other DVR) is the best modern invention. I love that I can watch an hour long show in only 40 minutes. I barely get 40 minutes a day to relax and there's no way I can devote an entire hour to any one thing these days so the Tivo is the most awesome thing in my house.
This got me to wondering what everyone else thinks is the best invention.....so what is it? What do you think is the best modern invention?
This got me to wondering what everyone else thinks is the best invention.....so what is it? What do you think is the best modern invention?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Some random thoughts on pregnancy and babies
I've been thinking about pregnancy a lot lately, maybe because Natalie is a little bigger and I miss being pregnant and having a brand new baby...although she is only 6 months old.
So here are my thoughts
So here are my thoughts
- A baby shower isn't as much for the gifts or the celebration as it is the last time that anyone will pay any attention to you...once you have that baby no one cares about you. It's all about the baby. If that baby could drive herself over to the grandparents house that would be just fine by them...you are only a mode of transportation for people to see the baby.
- Maternity pants are button less not because they need to be stretchy and buttons hinder the stretch...but because you need to be able to take them off quickly as you run to the bathroom due to your incredibly shrunken bladder.
- Everyone wants to talk to you when you're pregnant...but this is just to prepare you for random strangers talking to you everywhere you go about your baby...how cute your baby is, how happy your baby is, how loud your baby is...blah blah blah.
- Waking every hour while pregnant to re-position or go to the bathroom is just another preparation for waking to feed a hungry newborn every hour or so.
- A king sized bed gets really small when you add all those pregnancy pillows and a flopping pregnant lady to the mix.
- But it gets even smaller when you add a tiny little baby flailing around the bed at all hours of the night as you plead for them to sleep.
- Everything you say "I'll never do...." you will do. This is true of being pregnant and being a mom. I can't begin to remember all the times I said "I'll never" that I now actually do....including let my kid make a huge mess in a restaurant.
- And lastly....you'll never be able to just run out of the house. While pregnant you couldn't just run out of the house cause every time you got to the car you'd realize you forgot something. But once you have a kid, you can't just run out cause you have to get loaded down like a Sherpa to go anywhere.
It's all worth it, and I'd do it again in a heart beat but people should really tell you the truth.....maybe they do but you just can't remember it cause you're pregnant and you can't remember anything....who knows.
Hmmm...not much luck that we'll be moved in by turkey day
I had originally wanted to be moved in to the new house by Thanksgiving....but as you can see from the prior post that is NOT going to happen.
I'm currently hoping to be moved in by Christmas, well hopefully a week or so before so I can decorate for Christmas.
I'm currently hoping to be moved in by Christmas, well hopefully a week or so before so I can decorate for Christmas.
3 down only about 100 to go
Well we have officially finished 3 of the tasks at the new house. The title of this post should be 1 project 100% done, 2 projects 90% done and 100 projects in various other states of chaos...but who would want to read that post.
Anyhow, I finished painting the fireplace, which had previously had a hideous red and white paint job, which included fire engine red painted bricks and painted white grout...ugh it was pretty bad. It looked a lot like those toy bricks that kids have...like these. *I don't know who that kid is*

But now it is a soothing neutral brown color. Which looks nice with the tan walls. In my house we do not do as Ikea commercials once said and "Live bold not beige" we very proudly live beige. Seriously if you don't like beige don't come to my house.
Dan, with the help of his dad put overhead lighting in all the rooms, which is fantastic, cause we hate lamps....I wish I could say a la Ron Burgundy "I love Lamp" but I can't.... I do how ever love scotch...scotch, scotch, scotch..I love scotch!!
Okay, back to the blog post...(ADD much) we also got the two bathrooms almost all the way painted, and I lined all the shelves and drawers in the kitchen and bathroom....but not the laundry room or the linen closet....see what I mean about various degrees of finished.
This week, we are going to try to at least finish one room...even if it is just a bathroom. I want one room done, I mean stick a fork in it DONE...wish me luck.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Great Grandma!
Great Grandma is 88
. We went over to Dan's grandfathers house last night for some pie to celebrate Dan's great grandmother's birthday, so this is a picture of Natalie with her great great grandmother...wow.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Always be prepared
A while ago an email went out that was a parody on ready.gov.
Ready.gov is a website that helps people to be prepared against a terrorist attack or pretty much any other horrible thing.
But the parody was awesome, so I'll share some of my faves...in case you want to see the whole thing here's the link http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blductandcover.htm

Do not drive a station wagon if a power pole is protruding from the hood.

Check the website out....it's hilarious.
How does this stuff always happen to me
On our way to Home Depot last night my mom and I decided to swing by Starbucks. I love their pumpkin spice lattes. Well I thought I'd be a good wife and order Dan some coffee, since ya know I'm an amazing wife.
Well we went through the drive through, cause I didn't want to get Natalie out of the car. So I pull up to the window and my conversation with the Starbucks gal goes like this:
Sbux: "Um..Hi, if you wait a sec I'll be right with you"
Me: "Okay:
Sbux: "Um, okay what can I get for you"
Me: "We'll have a grande non-fat pumpkin spice latte with only 2 pumps (yeah I'm one of those annoying people who modifies their drink...whatever)...a grande hot water and a Vente Coffee with cream"
Sbux: "uhh okay, a grande PSL, and a hot water and ...oh wait can we start over"
Me: "sure, --repeat order--"
Sbux: "okay....what was the last drink..."
Me: "A vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " a vente what?"
Me (getting frustrated) " a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux" what"
Sbux "ohhhh coffee....ha ha"
Me: "um yea, coffee...." (you work at a coffee shop dumb ass)
Sbux: "um do you want milk cream or sugar in your coffee"
Me: "Um...yeah it was a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " oh yea...ha ha"
So I pull to the window all the while thinking, damn this girl had better be cute...cause brains aren't her thing
And she gives me my order....but it's missing the coffee.
This stuff only happens to me.
Well we went through the drive through, cause I didn't want to get Natalie out of the car. So I pull up to the window and my conversation with the Starbucks gal goes like this:
Sbux: "Um..Hi, if you wait a sec I'll be right with you"
Me: "Okay:
Sbux: "Um, okay what can I get for you"
Me: "We'll have a grande non-fat pumpkin spice latte with only 2 pumps (yeah I'm one of those annoying people who modifies their drink...whatever)...a grande hot water and a Vente Coffee with cream"
Sbux: "uhh okay, a grande PSL, and a hot water and ...oh wait can we start over"
Me: "sure, --repeat order--"
Sbux: "okay....what was the last drink..."
Me: "A vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " a vente what?"
Me (getting frustrated) " a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux" what"
Sbux "ohhhh coffee....ha ha"
Me: "um yea, coffee...." (you work at a coffee shop dumb ass)
Sbux: "um do you want milk cream or sugar in your coffee"
Me: "Um...yeah it was a vente coffee with cream"
Sbux " oh yea...ha ha"
So I pull to the window all the while thinking, damn this girl had better be cute...cause brains aren't her thing
And she gives me my order....but it's missing the coffee.
This stuff only happens to me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I was so right.....
On Monday I posted that it was gonna be one of those weeks....and boy was I right.
I am done....just done.
At least I have Friday off....but crikey....I don't know how much more I can take.
So far this is how my day has gone...
I am done....just done.
At least I have Friday off....but crikey....I don't know how much more I can take.
So far this is how my day has gone...
- I was late this morning...whatever it happens all the time...but before I can even get my computer turned on my boss is asking me all kinds of questions about a file.
- I finally get my computer on and a sip of coffee just in time to deal with another problem ...which I apparently can not appease so that call gets escalated to management.
- Then I decide that I should see what will be on sale on the day after Thanksgiving...cause you know I deserved it after that call...so I type in black Friday dot com (DON'T DO IT) ....which I thought was the name of the site that had been emailing me updates to sale fliers...but it was the wrong site and up pops some "hard core girl on girl action"...um thanks...now I'm probably on the watch list with IT.
So in a nut shell by noon, I had pissed off a bunch of claimants, and visited restricted websites and had my work questioned by management....what does the rest of the day have in store for me.....I don't even want to know.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Why do I torture myself
Maybe it's just my Wal-mart, but ugh I have never been in more dirty store...well except maybe for Kmart (but that's another vent all together)
Is you Wal-mart dirty?
I should have known that Wal-mart was a bad idea when I was in the parking lot this crazy old person was stopped in the middle of the isle and proceeded to make a u-turn. not just a stop and put it in reverse to get to the desired parking spot an actual u-turn. Then there were the toddlers running alone in the parking lot....I mean really who lets their 3 year old run laps in the Wal-mart parking lot. And don't get me started on the seagulls and other random dirtiness. Ugh...apparently I'm an idiot for even trying to go there.
So I get inside and they were playing Christmas music...ugh it was November 7! I navigate to the back of the store, dodging homeless looking people and get to the baby department...where I am met with what you ask....oh I'll tell you. Flies, that's right flies. Mind you there is no produce department or even grocery department in this wal-mart, and I am standing among clothing and strollers and the like, and there are flies just hanging around. Now I know that they are about a penny or so cheaper on most things, and maybe that's enough for some people but I'd rather spend a little bit (and it's such a little bit) to shop at Target.
So after all that, navigating through the parking lot full of obstacles, and braving the dirty dirty store they didn't' even have what I went for.
Lesson learned again...until the next time I lose my mind.
Is you Wal-mart dirty?
I should have known that Wal-mart was a bad idea when I was in the parking lot this crazy old person was stopped in the middle of the isle and proceeded to make a u-turn. not just a stop and put it in reverse to get to the desired parking spot an actual u-turn. Then there were the toddlers running alone in the parking lot....I mean really who lets their 3 year old run laps in the Wal-mart parking lot. And don't get me started on the seagulls and other random dirtiness. Ugh...apparently I'm an idiot for even trying to go there.
So I get inside and they were playing Christmas music...ugh it was November 7! I navigate to the back of the store, dodging homeless looking people and get to the baby department...where I am met with what you ask....oh I'll tell you. Flies, that's right flies. Mind you there is no produce department or even grocery department in this wal-mart, and I am standing among clothing and strollers and the like, and there are flies just hanging around. Now I know that they are about a penny or so cheaper on most things, and maybe that's enough for some people but I'd rather spend a little bit (and it's such a little bit) to shop at Target.
So after all that, navigating through the parking lot full of obstacles, and braving the dirty dirty store they didn't' even have what I went for.
Lesson learned again...until the next time I lose my mind.
Holiday Season has begun
I got a red cup at Starbucks this morning. I mean everyone knows that the "Red Cup" is the universal sign of the Holiday Season....don't they?
Soon enough we'll be hearing Christmas songs on the radio.
Soon enough we'll be hearing Christmas songs on the radio.
My silly baby...
has begun kissing. If I kiss her on the cheek she turns to me with a wide open mouth and tries to kiss my face. It is quite possibly the cutest thing in the world...well except for the massive amounts of slobber that she leaves on my face.
It's gonna be one of those weeks....
I can just feel it. I came in this morning (late due to a Dr.s appointment...and some procrastination that included Starbucks) to four voicemail messages, I was only 2 hours late.
And they were all people complaining about something, no "Hi how ya doing" voice mails, just complaining griping, and general "poor Me's". Now usually I have sympathy for these folks but since it began so early in the week I can't use up all my sympathy so early on....sorry folks.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everyone...or in my case anyone this week.
And they were all people complaining about something, no "Hi how ya doing" voice mails, just complaining griping, and general "poor Me's". Now usually I have sympathy for these folks but since it began so early in the week I can't use up all my sympathy so early on....sorry folks.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everyone...or in my case anyone this week.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Something funny for your Saturday morning
I have begun a love affair with failblog, and from that stemmed a love affair with punditkitchen. People are so cleaver with their comments. I've tried, I look at the picture and I try to think of cleaver or witty comments but alas nothing...I guess there is no future for me as an Internet comedian. I guess I'll just stick to cracking myself up on a regular basis.
Anyhow, here it my current fave from punditkitchen.com
Hilarity at it's finest.

Anyhow, here it my current fave from punditkitchen.com
Hilarity at it's finest.

Christmas Shopping has already begun...
So I usually try to get most of my shopping done by Thanksgiving. Some years I have had it all done by Turkey day. Those years I sit back and relax while all the crazy procrastinators rush to the mall and try to find the "perfect" gift in a picked over store...but not me, my perfect gift is at home and already wrapped.
So this year, I am trying to be "done" by Turkey day again...I say done in quotes cause I know that even if I fulfil my list, as I near Christmas I'll see something that I just have to get for someone...so it's never really done.
Anyhow, it's the first weekend in November and I've already gotten my brother's gift and my Mother-in-law's gift. Two down only fourteen more to go....well fifteen if you count me cause I'm sure I'll end up buying my own gift again this year since Dan avoids shopping all together.
So this year, I am trying to be "done" by Turkey day again...I say done in quotes cause I know that even if I fulfil my list, as I near Christmas I'll see something that I just have to get for someone...so it's never really done.
Anyhow, it's the first weekend in November and I've already gotten my brother's gift and my Mother-in-law's gift. Two down only fourteen more to go....well fifteen if you count me cause I'm sure I'll end up buying my own gift again this year since Dan avoids shopping all together.
WTF 7:45 am on a saturday and I'm up and Natalie isn't
I used to be the queen of sleeping in, I would sleep all morning on Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday's too.
But not now. It's 8 am and I've already been up for over an hour, I fed Natalie got her back to sleep and now, here I am....up...at 8 on a Saturday....for no real reason...WTF!
But not now. It's 8 am and I've already been up for over an hour, I fed Natalie got her back to sleep and now, here I am....up...at 8 on a Saturday....for no real reason...WTF!
So much to do, so little motivation
If you recall, we're moving....and moving sucks. Especially with a 6 month old and especially into a house that needs some fixing up.
So today Dan and his dad and brother and installing overhead lighting in all the room and some ceiling fans in a few of the rooms too. I'm lucky to have a husband who is so handy. But that means that I should be doing something too...ugh.
My Mother-in-law offered to watch Natalie so that I can get some stuff done, but honestly Natalie is my excuse for not having to go over there and paint or clean....of heaven forbid clean at our current house.
Hmmm...would it be awful if I just blew it all off and went shopping? I mean Natalie is out of baby food and I can't deprive my kid of food...and if I go to Target I have to go to the Mall and if I go to Target and the Mall, I have to stop at Starbucks (duh) and if I go to Starbucks I'll have to go to Safeway cause...we'll I don't really know why...but you see where I'm going here.
I guess the responsible thing would be to take Natalie to Grandma's house so I can clean....but I think we all know what I'm really going to do.
Target here I come!
So today Dan and his dad and brother and installing overhead lighting in all the room and some ceiling fans in a few of the rooms too. I'm lucky to have a husband who is so handy. But that means that I should be doing something too...ugh.
My Mother-in-law offered to watch Natalie so that I can get some stuff done, but honestly Natalie is my excuse for not having to go over there and paint or clean....of heaven forbid clean at our current house.
Hmmm...would it be awful if I just blew it all off and went shopping? I mean Natalie is out of baby food and I can't deprive my kid of food...and if I go to Target I have to go to the Mall and if I go to Target and the Mall, I have to stop at Starbucks (duh) and if I go to Starbucks I'll have to go to Safeway cause...we'll I don't really know why...but you see where I'm going here.
I guess the responsible thing would be to take Natalie to Grandma's house so I can clean....but I think we all know what I'm really going to do.
Target here I come!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things I love about Fall
1. The changing colors
2. Starbucks red cups
3. Pumpkin spice lattes
4. Sweaters
5. Prime time TV
6. Thanksgiving
7. The crisp air
8. Windy days
9. Cooler nights
10. Rainy days
11. Extra blankets on the bed
12. Soup
13. It's almost Christmas!!
1. The changing colors
2. Starbucks red cups
3. Pumpkin spice lattes
4. Sweaters
5. Prime time TV
6. Thanksgiving
7. The crisp air
8. Windy days
9. Cooler nights
10. Rainy days
11. Extra blankets on the bed
12. Soup
13. It's almost Christmas!!
I've become one of those "Wackos"......
So I know I spend too much time on a certain message board, and mostly cause I like the gals and love to get input about parenting and all that stuff.
But I have officially become one of those "wackos" who is getting just too wrapped up in message board drama.
Most of it stems from the election and a difference of opinions which I think is great. Dan won't debate with me, and my friends all have the same political views so I was all about debating on said board....but alas it has gone too far.
So, it's time for an intervention. I need an intervention for my Message board usage.
Time to take the first step...
"My name is Kelly, and I'm addicted to the nest...and I need a break*"
*I think a break is easier said than done, but we'll see.
But I have officially become one of those "wackos" who is getting just too wrapped up in message board drama.
Most of it stems from the election and a difference of opinions which I think is great. Dan won't debate with me, and my friends all have the same political views so I was all about debating on said board....but alas it has gone too far.
So, it's time for an intervention. I need an intervention for my Message board usage.
Time to take the first step...
"My name is Kelly, and I'm addicted to the nest...and I need a break*"
*I think a break is easier said than done, but we'll see.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Okay, I'm all for debate and open conversations where people have differing opinions especially when it comes to politics.
But if you are going to argue with me, than get your facts straight....or STFU.
You know who you are.
But if you are going to argue with me, than get your facts straight....or STFU.
You know who you are.
A great day to be an American

Today (well actually Yesterday) is a great day to be an American. We rocked the vote and our voices were heard.
It is amazing to know that Natalie will never know a country in which only a white man can be president. I am proud of our decision, proud to be an American.
Things are about to change and I can't wait!
A sad day for California
Today is a sad sad day for California. To say that I am disgusted with the results of prop 8 would be a gross understatement. I am sad, angry, disgusted, scared, sick...the list goes on and on.
I am sad that in this day and age we as a state can vote for discrimination. We are called one of the most progressive states in the union, yet we allow our citizens to be stripped of rights and discriminated against. I am not proud to live in California today. I am not proud of the fact that scare tactics can sway an election, I am not proud that out of state funding can buy off another states constitution.
I asked someone last week who was a prop 8 supporter how prop 8 would really affect her, her church and her marriage. And guess what her answer was....."It doesn't"
That's right IT DOESN'T....IT DOESN'T affect you, your church, or your marriage....so why the hell do you feel the need to discriminate and steal happiness from people it does affect. WHY?
I am sad that in this day and age we as a state can vote for discrimination. We are called one of the most progressive states in the union, yet we allow our citizens to be stripped of rights and discriminated against. I am not proud to live in California today. I am not proud of the fact that scare tactics can sway an election, I am not proud that out of state funding can buy off another states constitution.
I asked someone last week who was a prop 8 supporter how prop 8 would really affect her, her church and her marriage. And guess what her answer was....."It doesn't"
That's right IT DOESN'T....IT DOESN'T affect you, your church, or your marriage....so why the hell do you feel the need to discriminate and steal happiness from people it does affect. WHY?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today's the day!!!
Get out there and vote people.
I dropped off my absentee ballot this morning and there were quite a few people there voting, but no long lines.
And make sure you rock your "I voted" sticker so you can get some free Starbucks.
I dropped off my absentee ballot this morning and there were quite a few people there voting, but no long lines.
And make sure you rock your "I voted" sticker so you can get some free Starbucks.
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