I frequent a couple parenting boards, and I really enjoy them. I like getting feedback from other moms and hearing about things that worked or didn't work for their little ones.
But every once in a while a post comes up that makes me question things. These posts have been more frequent lately, especially on the age specific board that I frequent. I have been noticing that I am one hell of a laid back mom. Some gals on the boards are freaking neurotic. I admit I have my issues that I am neurotic about, like checking on Natalie frequently through the night, and really I don't even know what I'm checking for anymore, I know she's still there, I know she's fine in her crib...but still I have to go in there anytime I wake up in the night.
Some of the posts on the boards about compulsive diaper changes, and not allowing a child to cry for even a minute, and the various foods that "my child won't have" are ridiculous.
I mean really, forgoing a shower for an entire day cause you just can't bring yourself to let your kid sit in their crib alone for a few minutes for fear that they might cry is ludicrous. Kids are going to cry, and running to their every beckon call is...well possibly creating a monster.
As for the foods, I have seen all too often kids that were not allowed to have things like sugar, go nuts and overload on it when they finally do get some. I think letting your kids have and try things in moderation is good, allowing them to have a small taste of something that isn't on the "approved" foods list isn't going to bring the world to a screeching halt. Letting your kid have a little diluted juice isn't going to set them up for a life of pain and torment.
So people, maybe it's time to have a bit of a reality check, step away from the computer and live, enjoy your kid. Stop tying to control every single thing your kid does, and for heavens sake stop posting about how horrible other people are for letting their kid do something you frown upon.
Oh, and never say never! Cause the minute you do, you're kid will make you a liar, that much I know for sure.
I could have written this post myself. I think we are a lot alike.
I'm right there with ya, lady. Our parenting style is so laid back and old school it's bordering on negligent in comparison to what I see on the message boards!
And guess what? My kid STTN, is freaking happy and, frankly, cool.
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