Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday funny from my sister.....

If you know my sister, than there is no explanation necessary...if not...well she's blond...very blond.

My sister lives with us, and a few weeks ago she announces that she's going to go take a shower, as if anyone cares. So off to the shower she goes, a few seconds later, with the water already running she re-appears in the living room.....
Sis: "Hey, you know what this bathroom doesn't have"
Me: "No, what?"
Sis: " a little sticker to tell you which way is hot and which way is cold in the shower..."
Me: *trying not to be too sarcastic* "well, it's just like every other shower or faucet in the US, hot is to the left and cold to the right"
Sis: *pauses to think about this amazing new theory, that she is hearing for the first time* "Well, whatever, could you just get a sticker....I'm tired of burning myself everyday."
Me: *trying my hardest to not laugh in her face* "Umm...yeah, I'll think about it"

As soon as she left Dan and I cracked up. First off because she had no idea that all faucets were the same, and second (and of course funnier) that she continues to burn herself with the same shower...I mean really, after one or maybe two scalding events you think you'd make a mental note as to which way was hot.


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