This is a thought I have on occasion....when I'm talking to someone I think to myself "know your audience" meaning are my feeling on this topic so opposite from the other person's that I might offend them...if so than I probably should discuss that topic with them.
This is a general thought, but obviously more prevalent in my mind when discussing politics, religion and a few other things.
During election season, I knew that my feelings on some of the propositions and presidential candidate differed from those of some of my more conservative family I refrained from discussing politics with them. These are the same family members who I don't discuss religion with because we have vastly differing opinions on the subject.
BUT as much as I try...I apparently don't get the same courtesy. I was having lunch one day last week with a family member and we got on the topic of church...just general talk about people in this person's church etc. Not going to church, cause this person doesn't broach that subject with me anymore...they know the response they'll get.
Anyhow, apparently along with the discussion of church they felt that this was an appropriate time to tell me their thoughts on women's roles.
Um..hello have you met me, this is not a topic you want to discuss with me. I'm pretty pro-equality in all aspects of life not the least of which is gender equality. So I sit back and listen to this person's explanation of why men and women were created different, and what their purposes were meant to be, and how women aren't equal to men and really shouldn't try to be.
I literally had to keep my hand over my mouth to keep from yelling, I asked for clarification a couple times, ya know like "are you saying different anatomically, or in another way" and "so you're not saying different but equal...just different" to which the answers continued to preach that women are different from, not equal to and shouldn't try to hold positions of power over men. Um yeah...again, do you know me?!?
I was proud of myself for not "sharing" my beliefs, as clearly I knew my audience.....I just wish my lunch mate would have know their audience....
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