Sunday, March 8, 2009

Growing up so fast.....In less than 8 weeks Natalie is going to be ONE! Seriously where does the time seems like just yesterday we were driving home from the hospital with a little blobby baby who just ate and slept, and to think I complained about things being "hard" then...
Now at 10.5 months, she's amazing mastering new skills everyday. From feeding herself to cruising to mini-tantrums everyday is a whole new journey....and I wouldn't trade one minute of it for anything.
But still OMG one year old! Let the party planning begin...Dan has already put in a request for a keg, while I'm not entirely sure that it's appropriate for a one year old's birthday...we'll likely be having a nice keg of silver bullet.
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1 comment:

SmartAssMom said...

Totally appropriate. I've never been to a baby b-day party without beer.

Come to think of it, I haven't been many places without alcohol. Hmmm.