As you know Dan is currently unemployed, so he spends his days leisurely watching TV, and hanging around the house....mind you Natalie is at Daycare all day....but that's an entirely different post.
So the other day I'm at work and I get a call from Dan telling me that he just talked to a telemarketer (apparently the highlight of his day as it was imperative to share with me right away rather than wait until I got home but whatever) and he has made an appointment with a salesman to come to our house to discuss some sort of lifetime guarantee paint. Hmmmm....the red flag should have been "lifetime guarantee" but he was hooked, he was all chatty about how great it would be and blah blah blah. So I reminded him that some people are actually working and that if we want to eat I had better get back to that little thing called a job.
Fast forward to last night, I get home from work after working overtime...which means I've put in about 10 hours of work plus my commute and dropping Natalie off a I've been out of the house going on 12 hours now, and Dan reminds me that we have our appointment with the salesman that evening.
Now let me take a break to tell you that Dan was supposed to cook dinner last night, but when I got home he hadn't started dinner yet. Natalie had eaten cupcakes at daycare because they had some type of birthday party, so her hair was standing on end from wiping frosting in it and she was coming down from her sugar melting down. So I had to cook dinner, eat dinner and hopefully bathe a sticky baby all before the guy got to our house at 8....uh yeah right.
So, at 8 on the dot the salesman gets there, Natalie is still eaten and I'm feverishly trying to clean up the kitchen and whatnot.
The guys sits down and begins to lay out his stuff, yeah that's right he had a whole display going on. He wanted to wait for me to sit down but I couldn't do that so I "listened" from the kitchen. I KNEW I wasn't buying any lifetime guaranteed paint....
Blah blah blah I'll spare you his HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTE presentation....all the while I have to keep taking breaks to do things like bathe a kid, and put said kid to bed....but Dan is listening intently to the entire presentation.
And then we get to the bottom line.....$21,000....BUT if you act now you can get it for the low low price of $14,500.....yeah FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!
Uh sure guy lemme just whip out my check book.
After about 15 minutes of us saying no and him trying to come up with financing options etc he finally about 10pm.
Needless to say I've banned Dan from answering the door, the phone, mail and any other soliciting means.
Oh and did I mention that this is the second time I've come home to him having salespeople in our house.....last time it was Kirby...ugh!
I'm going to start calling you Saint Kelly.
WOW! That is expensive paint.
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