Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Damn you motorcop.....

One of the many blogs I follow is that of Motorcop, link he is not only hilarious but a great writer as well....which helps the humor (humor... satire whatever) come across better.
Anyhow, he wrote a great post about Firefighters that of course made me cry. An easy feat these days, but not always awesome at work...yeah I read blogs at work...whatever.
Being that my father was a firefighter for almost 30 years, I already knew how wonderful they are but to know that others (especially those in similar fields) know how great they are is nice.

So thanks motorcop, for all you do and for recognizing greatness when you see it.

And if you don't read motorcop's blog already, add it to your reader....trust me it's worth it!

1 comment:

MotorCop said...

That scared me...

I googled "motorcop blog" and your site was the first hit. All I saw was "damn you motorcop" and I thought, "Ah, shit...what'd I do now?"


Thanks for the kudos...I didn't know we both have Dads with Fire background! Very cool indeed. He's still my hero!