Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well that was sort of rude.....

So last night I stopped at the neighborhood market to buy some beer (it was a long Tuesday) and get cash so I could pay for the burritos that Dan ordered....sick kid and a meeting means no home cooked dinner for us.
So I go to the counter to pay for the beer, and the kid (yeah that's right I said kid, I'm getting really old) working there asks for my ID. I'm sort of stuck between flattered and annoyed. I mean I by no means look younger than 21, but I know he's just doing his job. So I had over my ID, he looks at it with an odd expression and while still inspecting my ID says
"so you used to be blond..."
Now, all flattery goes out the window, and is replaced with pure annoyance. So scowling at him I mutter "Yeah I used to be a lot of things..."
He gets all flustered and hands me back my ID.

So I take my beer, now needing to drink even more than I originally anticipated, and left the store....but it got me thinking, what was I that I no longer am.
It's funny how much changes in a few years, from the little things like hair color and physical appearance, to the bigger things, like well physical appearance.
With my 10 year reunion coming up...I'm wondering how different I am now than I was when we all graduated. How different I look, act, feel, think etc. And how different all of my "friends" are now. I wonder what we'll have to talk about, aside from the daunting task of "oh hi, how have you been?" "Oh that's nice, cute kids (dog cat etc)"
I mean really, we are all different people, living different lives....and if we haven't stayed in touch there was probably a reason. The things that bonded us 1o years ago are now different.
I'm optimistic that I'll re-connect with some people that I have been wondering about, and hopeful that some relationships can be salvaged...but I can't help but wonder what people will think when they see me. Narcissistic I know, but these are the things I worry about.

1 comment:

Megan said...

This is exactly why at my reunion I only hung out with you, Dan, Dylan and Matt. The same people that I hang out with all the time!