I'm quite sure I've posted about pregnancy rage before...it is after all, one of my favorite side effects of being pregnant.
When I was pregnant with Natalie my rage was mainly focused on Dan, and the fact he was sleeping through the nights while I was up about 10 times a night to pee. It took all my self control to not punch him after my 5th trip to the bathroom every night.
This time I've done a good job of keeping my rage in check. Even when the sales lady at the Select Comfort store was a raging bitch and Dan came over to try to diffuse the situation because he thought I was going to throttle the woman. But I restrained myself and very calmly verbally bitch slapped her and left the store (it felt great by the way...I think I'll post more about that later).
Anyhow, fast forward to today, I'm currently 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I'm hot and uncomfortable and generally short fused. I am on a committee at work called the Customer Service Committee...somehow I got appointed to this committee because I was a member of a different committee and the two went hand in hand (it clearly wasn't because of my excellent customer service....trust me).
Well the committee is in charge of putting on events for the office quarterly, today was our final meeting before the event on Thursday. Today was apparently not a great day for the meeting since my pregnancy rage was in full effect. By the end of the meeting I had set one woman straight multiple times and was being treated with kid gloves so as to not lash out again.
It doesn't help that I'm not a big "rah rah" type (despite my years of cheer leading experience) so I'm not one to kiss other peoples asses for doing their jobs....which apparently is the entire job of the customer service committee....I'm currently waiting to be "let go" from the committee...I figure one more pregnancy rage episode should do it. So stay tuned.
I find it hilarious you're on the "Customer Service Committee" - pregnancy rage or not!
Yeah, anyone who knows me at all finds it hilarious that I'm on the committee.
Irony is huge in my office.
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