Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Coupons....are they really a money saving tool?
I know that in theory they are a money saving tool, and if I were talking about coupons for items I regularly purchase I would agree with their money saving super powers.
BUT in my life coupons only cause me to buy things that I didn't really need....as in "oh I had a coupon for it so I had to get it"....LAME.
So this month when I opened my August issue of Parents magazine and found a Gymboree coupon I was both excited and nervous. Excited because having a coupon meant that I just had to go there to use it, but nervous about how much I'd spend under the guise of saving money. So off to Gymboree I went because not only did I have a coupon but I also had gymbucks! So I spent an ass load of money and Natalie has an entire summer wardrobe for next year...as long as she doesn't all of a sudden have a huge growth spurt.
Then yesterday, my awesome coworker brought me another Gymboree coupon that she plucked from her Family Circle magazine.
It is currently sitting on my desk taunting me....I have checked the gymboree website like 3 times today adding things to my bag, taking things out...back and forth.
I just have to use the coupon, it would be sacrilegious for me to let it go to waste. Oh have I mentioned that I also have 2 coupon codes waiting for me on my email....CRAP.
I'm going to go broke saving money.
BUT in my life coupons only cause me to buy things that I didn't really need....as in "oh I had a coupon for it so I had to get it"....LAME.
So this month when I opened my August issue of Parents magazine and found a Gymboree coupon I was both excited and nervous. Excited because having a coupon meant that I just had to go there to use it, but nervous about how much I'd spend under the guise of saving money. So off to Gymboree I went because not only did I have a coupon but I also had gymbucks! So I spent an ass load of money and Natalie has an entire summer wardrobe for next year...as long as she doesn't all of a sudden have a huge growth spurt.
Then yesterday, my awesome coworker brought me another Gymboree coupon that she plucked from her Family Circle magazine.
It is currently sitting on my desk taunting me....I have checked the gymboree website like 3 times today adding things to my bag, taking things out...back and forth.
I just have to use the coupon, it would be sacrilegious for me to let it go to waste. Oh have I mentioned that I also have 2 coupon codes waiting for me on my email....CRAP.
I'm going to go broke saving money.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The waaaaiiiting is the hardest part....
I'm channeling my inner Tom Petty with that title as I sit her and wait (until tomorrow morning) for my beta results....and then I will have to wait until Thursday morning for the next rounds results.
I hate the gray area...
I hate not knowing the answer, I need things to be yes or no, true or false, right or wrong, black or white...none of this gray area shit.
You know that old saying "No such thing as a little bit pregnant".....well if your name is Kelly you can be.
So for the 3rd time in 2 years, and the second time in 2 months I'm searching for answers....and not only the "simple" answer of am I or aren't I...but answers to the bigger questions...like why, how, and WTF....
It's hard not to lose hope....and not to be angry....so today I will just be all the things I want to be F*ck it why not.
Today I'm bitter, sad, angry, hurt, out of hope, selfish, cynical and tired...so don't pity me pity those who come into contact with me...because I can guarantee you it won't be a pleasant experience for them.
You know that old saying "No such thing as a little bit pregnant".....well if your name is Kelly you can be.
So for the 3rd time in 2 years, and the second time in 2 months I'm searching for answers....and not only the "simple" answer of am I or aren't I...but answers to the bigger questions...like why, how, and WTF....
It's hard not to lose hope....and not to be angry....so today I will just be all the things I want to be F*ck it why not.
Today I'm bitter, sad, angry, hurt, out of hope, selfish, cynical and tired...so don't pity me pity those who come into contact with me...because I can guarantee you it won't be a pleasant experience for them.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I've always had vivid dreams, like crazy, intense, can remember every detail the next day dreams. I'll go through phases where I'll have a lot of crazy dreams then a phase where the dreams are nothing too exciting...but every once in a while I'll have a dream that I can't shake. This happened last night, and it's been with me all day. I dreamt about an old high school boyfriend...not super uncommon as I tend to have dreams about people from the past...weird I know.
But this dream was about someone who was no good for me, just a bad relationship from the begining...and while I thought I had completely forgotten about the bad that was that relationship this dream has completely brought it all back to the surface. I keep replaying the dream in my mind, it was strange like he was trying to tell me something but never spoke....
Dreams are weird...and WTF why couldn't I have dreamt about a different high school boyfriend...that at least might have been enjoyable.
But this dream was about someone who was no good for me, just a bad relationship from the begining...and while I thought I had completely forgotten about the bad that was that relationship this dream has completely brought it all back to the surface. I keep replaying the dream in my mind, it was strange like he was trying to tell me something but never spoke....
Dreams are weird...and WTF why couldn't I have dreamt about a different high school boyfriend...that at least might have been enjoyable.
Wordless Wednesday Part II
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What a sucker...
As you know Dan is currently unemployed, so he spends his days leisurely watching TV, and hanging around the house....mind you Natalie is at Daycare all day....but that's an entirely different post.
So the other day I'm at work and I get a call from Dan telling me that he just talked to a telemarketer (apparently the highlight of his day as it was imperative to share with me right away rather than wait until I got home but whatever) and he has made an appointment with a salesman to come to our house to discuss some sort of lifetime guarantee paint. Hmmmm....the red flag should have been "lifetime guarantee" but he was hooked, he was all chatty about how great it would be and blah blah blah. So I reminded him that some people are actually working and that if we want to eat I had better get back to that little thing called a job.
Fast forward to last night, I get home from work after working overtime...which means I've put in about 10 hours of work plus my commute and dropping Natalie off a daycare....so I've been out of the house going on 12 hours now, and Dan reminds me that we have our appointment with the salesman that evening.
Now let me take a break to tell you that Dan was supposed to cook dinner last night, but when I got home he hadn't started dinner yet. Natalie had eaten cupcakes at daycare because they had some type of birthday party, so her hair was standing on end from wiping frosting in it and she was coming down from her sugar high....read melting down. So I had to cook dinner, eat dinner and hopefully bathe a sticky baby all before the guy got to our house at 8....uh yeah right.
So, at 8 on the dot the salesman gets there, Natalie is still eaten and I'm feverishly trying to clean up the kitchen and whatnot.
The guys sits down and begins to lay out his stuff, yeah that's right he had a whole display going on. He wanted to wait for me to sit down but I couldn't do that so I "listened" from the kitchen. I KNEW I wasn't buying any lifetime guaranteed paint....
Blah blah blah I'll spare you his HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTE presentation....all the while I have to keep taking breaks to do things like bathe a kid, and put said kid to bed....but Dan is listening intently to the entire presentation.
And then we get to the bottom line.....$21,000....BUT if you act now you can get it for the low low price of $14,500.....yeah FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!
Uh sure guy lemme just whip out my check book.
After about 15 minutes of us saying no and him trying to come up with financing options etc he finally leaves....at about 10pm.
Needless to say I've banned Dan from answering the door, the phone, mail and any other soliciting means.
Oh and did I mention that this is the second time I've come home to him having salespeople in our house.....last time it was Kirby...ugh!
So the other day I'm at work and I get a call from Dan telling me that he just talked to a telemarketer (apparently the highlight of his day as it was imperative to share with me right away rather than wait until I got home but whatever) and he has made an appointment with a salesman to come to our house to discuss some sort of lifetime guarantee paint. Hmmmm....the red flag should have been "lifetime guarantee" but he was hooked, he was all chatty about how great it would be and blah blah blah. So I reminded him that some people are actually working and that if we want to eat I had better get back to that little thing called a job.
Fast forward to last night, I get home from work after working overtime...which means I've put in about 10 hours of work plus my commute and dropping Natalie off a daycare....so I've been out of the house going on 12 hours now, and Dan reminds me that we have our appointment with the salesman that evening.
Now let me take a break to tell you that Dan was supposed to cook dinner last night, but when I got home he hadn't started dinner yet. Natalie had eaten cupcakes at daycare because they had some type of birthday party, so her hair was standing on end from wiping frosting in it and she was coming down from her sugar high....read melting down. So I had to cook dinner, eat dinner and hopefully bathe a sticky baby all before the guy got to our house at 8....uh yeah right.
So, at 8 on the dot the salesman gets there, Natalie is still eaten and I'm feverishly trying to clean up the kitchen and whatnot.
The guys sits down and begins to lay out his stuff, yeah that's right he had a whole display going on. He wanted to wait for me to sit down but I couldn't do that so I "listened" from the kitchen. I KNEW I wasn't buying any lifetime guaranteed paint....
Blah blah blah I'll spare you his HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTE presentation....all the while I have to keep taking breaks to do things like bathe a kid, and put said kid to bed....but Dan is listening intently to the entire presentation.
And then we get to the bottom line.....$21,000....BUT if you act now you can get it for the low low price of $14,500.....yeah FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!
Uh sure guy lemme just whip out my check book.
After about 15 minutes of us saying no and him trying to come up with financing options etc he finally leaves....at about 10pm.
Needless to say I've banned Dan from answering the door, the phone, mail and any other soliciting means.
Oh and did I mention that this is the second time I've come home to him having salespeople in our house.....last time it was Kirby...ugh!
Friday, July 17, 2009
How is it that
every time I go to Target I I end up spending $100. It doesn't matter how long I'm in the store, if I bring a list or not, if I go alone or with Dan...it's always $100.
Today, for example, I ran to Target on my lunch. I only take a 30 minute lunch so in reality after I drive to Target I only have like 15 minutes to spend there before I have to take off to get back to work on time....which rarely happens. So I hit Target, I need like 3 things...oh but I have to stop in the clothing section for Natalie to see if they have anything good on sale...which of course they did. Then off to get my 3 things that I need, oh yeah lets swing by the other baby section and get Natalie some new cups.....oh and some more binkies, oh yeah and some food and snacks....oh and maybe a pacifier leash thingy.....Crap!
Then I rush to get my final "necessities" and head up to the checkout.
What do ya know...$100. CRAP!
At least I've been avoiding going to Target more than once a week...that really wasn't good.
Today, for example, I ran to Target on my lunch. I only take a 30 minute lunch so in reality after I drive to Target I only have like 15 minutes to spend there before I have to take off to get back to work on time....which rarely happens. So I hit Target, I need like 3 things...oh but I have to stop in the clothing section for Natalie to see if they have anything good on sale...which of course they did. Then off to get my 3 things that I need, oh yeah lets swing by the other baby section and get Natalie some new cups.....oh and some more binkies, oh yeah and some food and snacks....oh and maybe a pacifier leash thingy.....Crap!
Then I rush to get my final "necessities" and head up to the checkout.
What do ya know...$100. CRAP!
At least I've been avoiding going to Target more than once a week...that really wasn't good.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
For the second time in a week I picked plums off the tree in our yard. Last week I got two huge bowls of fruit, but didn't feel like getting the ladder out. Today I decided I'd better get the fruit off the tree before it got eaten by birds and bugs...or just fell off the tree and made a mess.
So now I have like 20 lbs of plums in my kitchen and no freaking idea what to do with them. I also have a mad back ache but that's because I had to do this on my own, including lugging around the huge ladder, while my "crippled" husband watched me from out the window.
I guess I'll now be forced to go make friends with some of the neighbors and deliver some plums to them...or risk getting sick from feeling like I have to eat them all on my own....hmm I wonder if that would be a good diet, the "plum diet". Hmm......
Friday, July 10, 2009
First time using a spoon...
We've been working on Natalie using spoons and forks for a while but generally all she wants to do is bang them against the plates or high chair. So we decided to try again with yogurt since I thought that would be easier. She's getting the hang of it.

Until she decided that it was much more fun to tip the bowl up and attempt to lick the yogurt out of the bowl.
Until she decided that it was much more fun to tip the bowl up and attempt to lick the yogurt out of the bowl.
As you can see it wasn't really a success...but we keep trying, plus it makes for great photos!
New kicks!
Natalie got these super cool new Vans from her Uncle Kevin & Auntie Rachelle for her birthday, and now they finally fit. I think they are awesome and now I want some hot pink Vans too.
I can't wait to get her some Top Siders too!
Patience with my patient
So Dan had surgery on Tuesday, they thought he had a torn meniscus but it turned out that was not the case and they still don't know what is wrong with him....wonderful.
So for 3 days he was unable to put any weight on his right leg, which meant that he had to basically sit on the couch and be waited on. So on Wednesday I went to work...because I'm a bitch like that. But, in my defense I got him all set up in the morning with phones, pillows, coffee, I had lunches in the house that were really easy etc etc. He was able to hobble around on his crutches. So I was feeling bad for him and waiting on him while I was home...until I found out that he had been able to go out to his truck with no assistance...down stairs. Uh yeah guy if you can manage stairs than you can fend for yourself buddy.
But he is finally able to get around more and play with Natalie a bit more which is a huge help for me. And hopefully we'll get the results from the tissue samples soon.
But man I tell ya, I am not cut out for this nurse maid stuff...sympathy isn't my strong suit.
So for 3 days he was unable to put any weight on his right leg, which meant that he had to basically sit on the couch and be waited on. So on Wednesday I went to work...because I'm a bitch like that. But, in my defense I got him all set up in the morning with phones, pillows, coffee, I had lunches in the house that were really easy etc etc. He was able to hobble around on his crutches. So I was feeling bad for him and waiting on him while I was home...until I found out that he had been able to go out to his truck with no assistance...down stairs. Uh yeah guy if you can manage stairs than you can fend for yourself buddy.
But he is finally able to get around more and play with Natalie a bit more which is a huge help for me. And hopefully we'll get the results from the tissue samples soon.
But man I tell ya, I am not cut out for this nurse maid stuff...sympathy isn't my strong suit.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Remote Control...
Dan was gone for the weekend and I got to be in control of the remote for the whole weekend....Woo Hoo!
I got to watch Bravo all.day.long. And it was glorious. I love all things bravo, really I think it's the best channel on TV. I love all the Real Housewives seasons, Millionaire Matchmaker, Shear Genius, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, Top Chef...etc etc.
But now I have found NYC Prep....OMG! Those "kids" are crazy! But I love it! LOVE IT!
Dan laughs at me and says things like "who watches this shit" but there must be more people out there who enjoy it because I highly doubt Bravo rolled this new show out for just me....
So next time you get control of the remote check it out...it's pretty great...if you like watching DRAMA unfold.
And as a side note, you know you're a TV junkie when the title of this post makes you think of that old MTV (or was it VH1) game show "Remote Control"...come on you know you remember it.
I got to watch Bravo all.day.long. And it was glorious. I love all things bravo, really I think it's the best channel on TV. I love all the Real Housewives seasons, Millionaire Matchmaker, Shear Genius, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, Top Chef...etc etc.
But now I have found NYC Prep....OMG! Those "kids" are crazy! But I love it! LOVE IT!
Dan laughs at me and says things like "who watches this shit" but there must be more people out there who enjoy it because I highly doubt Bravo rolled this new show out for just me....
So next time you get control of the remote check it out...it's pretty great...if you like watching DRAMA unfold.
And as a side note, you know you're a TV junkie when the title of this post makes you think of that old MTV (or was it VH1) game show "Remote Control"...come on you know you remember it.
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