Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Our first trip to the ER.....
As we were wrapping up Natalie's birthday weekend extravaganza and she was playing happily with her new toys (aka the boxes the toys came in) my mom was blabbing on and on about how we need to corral off the fire place and how she's going to hurt herself on the fireplace etc etc. I told my mother that I doubted that she'd hurt herself on the one brick high hearth and that I'd worry about that when she started walking. So we're playing and not 30 seconds later *bam* Natalie face plants into the fireplace....she had apparently gotten her leg caught in the box she was sitting in....I scoop her up and realize she's bleeding. I take her to the sink to get her cleaned up and reveal a half inch long cut on her forehead. Now a half an inch seems really small but on a kid who's forehead span is only about 4 or 5 inches total...that's a pretty big cut.
So after much deliberation we decided to take her to the this time she was fine, playing happily again as long as we didn't try to ice her head.
So off to the ER we about 9:15 on Sunday evening....yeah a weekend night in the can only imagine the type of people who were there.
But luckily for us, the urgent care was still open, so they sent us up there and we were seen by a great nurse and then a great doctor in no time and had a plan...they would glue the cut closed. This is supposedly better for scaring and we don't have to take her back to get any stitches out.
So the nice Dr tells me that I'll need to hold her down while the nurse pulls the cut closed and he will apply the glue. Okay, no problem I think I can handle holding my 19 lb kid down......I think.
It literally took all three of us holding her down, me laying across her body and the nurse keeping her head still in some sort of half nelson type move.....but after much screaming and protesting from Natalie we were done....
I picked her up from the table, and of course she wanted my mom...who was smart and didn't hold her down...since I was now the enemy. And no sooner does she get into my mom's arms than she's waving and smiling at the nurse and doctor....I was still getting dirty looks.
All in all we were there for less than an hour...not to bad for our first trip to the ER. I have a feeling I'll be back at the ER with this kid...she's pretty spunky.
So after much deliberation we decided to take her to the this time she was fine, playing happily again as long as we didn't try to ice her head.
So off to the ER we about 9:15 on Sunday evening....yeah a weekend night in the can only imagine the type of people who were there.
But luckily for us, the urgent care was still open, so they sent us up there and we were seen by a great nurse and then a great doctor in no time and had a plan...they would glue the cut closed. This is supposedly better for scaring and we don't have to take her back to get any stitches out.
So the nice Dr tells me that I'll need to hold her down while the nurse pulls the cut closed and he will apply the glue. Okay, no problem I think I can handle holding my 19 lb kid down......I think.
It literally took all three of us holding her down, me laying across her body and the nurse keeping her head still in some sort of half nelson type move.....but after much screaming and protesting from Natalie we were done....
I picked her up from the table, and of course she wanted my mom...who was smart and didn't hold her down...since I was now the enemy. And no sooner does she get into my mom's arms than she's waving and smiling at the nurse and doctor....I was still getting dirty looks.
All in all we were there for less than an hour...not to bad for our first trip to the ER. I have a feeling I'll be back at the ER with this kid...she's pretty spunky.
Natalie's one year stats....
So today was Natalie's one year appointment...she was a champ as always, although she was a bit more leery of the Dr considering her Sunday night trip to the ER...which I will blog about next.
She is currently tipping the scales at 19 lbs 14.7 oz...which puts her in the 30% She's 2 feet 4 inches tall (17%) and her head a whopping 45cm in circumference.
All that and she is still wearing 6-9 month clothes....oh well.
She is currently tipping the scales at 19 lbs 14.7 oz...which puts her in the 30% She's 2 feet 4 inches tall (17%) and her head a whopping 45cm in circumference.
All that and she is still wearing 6-9 month clothes....oh well.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
They should have a birthday song.....
Yup, that's exactly what my sister said last night at 25 year old sister. The convo when something like Olive Garden.
Mom: "I'm going to start singing to Natalie now so she isn't scared when all 90 people start singing tomorrow"
Me: "uh okay"
Mom: "...singing happy birthday..."
Sister: "They should have a birthday song"
**silence falls on the table**
Mom: "uh they's called Happy Birthday....I think you've heard it"
Sister: "oh yeah...well they should have one you can like download off the Internet"
Me: "uh you mean like any of the versions that are currently on the Internet..."
Singing of many famous artists renditions of Happy Birthday begins...including by not limited to The Beetles, and NKOTB.'s true....I don't think I could make this stuff up.
Mom: "I'm going to start singing to Natalie now so she isn't scared when all 90 people start singing tomorrow"
Me: "uh okay"
Mom: "...singing happy birthday..."
Sister: "They should have a birthday song"
**silence falls on the table**
Mom: "uh they's called Happy Birthday....I think you've heard it"
Sister: "oh yeah...well they should have one you can like download off the Internet"
Me: "uh you mean like any of the versions that are currently on the Internet..."
Singing of many famous artists renditions of Happy Birthday begins...including by not limited to The Beetles, and NKOTB.'s true....I don't think I could make this stuff up.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The calm before the storm....
So as you know Natalie's first birthday and part are on Saturday...only 2 days away. So last night I decided I'd do a trial run of the cupcake bites for the party. I saw these great cupcake pops on the bakerella blog She does some amazing stuff with these cute cupcake I thought I'd try my hand at being Suzy Homemaker....well I failed. The pops are a bit time consuming and starting at almost 8 pm was my first mistake. Then not really reading all the key steps was my second mistake...and I think the fatal error was assuming that since it looks so easy on her blog that it would really be super easy. Well I was wrong. So there will be no cupcake bites at Natalie's party...although I doubt anyone will really notice since there will be a plethora of cupcakes in various sizes...maybe next year.
So that's my first failure in this birthday party challenge...we'll see how the rest of my tasks go. I'm feeling okay right now but I'm quite sure that tomorrow afternoon I will be a stress case...and on Saturday morning it would behove everyone to just avoid me.
So that's my first failure in this birthday party challenge...we'll see how the rest of my tasks go. I'm feeling okay right now but I'm quite sure that tomorrow afternoon I will be a stress case...and on Saturday morning it would behove everyone to just avoid me.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I love lists, I should say I love making lists...the completing things on the list is another story. I have lists at work of different projects that I'm working on, and lists of things I can do when I'm caught up on other things...uh yeah like that happens. At home I have lists of things to get done, to buy, and things I want to do...but the one list I don't have is a "honey-do" list. I don't know why, I just don't. I guess I assume he knows what needs to be done and will get it done....does this happen, not usually. So with Natalie's party coming up in less than one week...I've decided to enact the honey-do list...we'll see how that goes.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
One week to go!
In exactly one week and a couple hours we'll be having a shit load of people in our house to celebrate Natalie's birthday. So one might ask, am I prepared...uhhh no, I'm blogging and not cleaning, making goodie bags, finalizing menu, did I mention cleaning...procrastinate much.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's funny, when you're a kid you can't wait for your birthday, to be another year older, to get presents, to be the center of attention for the day. Then you get older and some birthdays are just another day while others are exciting, waiting to turn 16 so you can drive, then 17 is pretty boring unless you were really looking forward to getting into some NC-17 movies. 18 is exciting, you're an adult, no one can tell you what to do you are an adult, you can sign your own notes at school, buy cigarettes, lotto tickets, and actually be held liable for any stupid things you do. Then 19 and 20 are some what anti-climactic, as the anticipation for your 21st birthday draws nearer. Booze all the booze you want, cause you can buy it yourself. No more loitering outside the liquor store or the local Safeway waiting for some "nice guy" to buy you booze. You can march yourself right in there and buy it yourself... HELL YEAH!
Then starts another long list of birthdays that are well not super exciting...until you get to milestones, 30, 40, 50 etc etc.
BUT as a parents all this changes. Birthdays, while still exciting are also sort of sad. As the time draws near for Natalie to have her first birthday, I can't help but be a bit sad. She's not a baby anymore, although of course she is still a "baby" but it's a different kind of baby. She's now a baby that gets into things, tries my patience, and has a real personality. She's still amazing, and fun and the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I can't help but feel a longing for those days where she'd sleep on my chest for hours, and those days where I waited so long for her to open her eyes even if for just a second. The first smiles, and babbles, and kisses. I know there are so so many more first in store for us, but it's sad to thing how long ago some of those first actually were.
As a kid, teen and young adult, you hear "time flies, enjoy it while you can" from the "old people" all the time, and you think to yourself yeah whatever old guy. Now I realize that those old folks were right, something that is scares me...because if I know they're right than that means I'm turning into one of them, which I know is true as I find myself saying to my friends with younger babies than Natalie "time flies, enjoy it while you can" It is sad but true...
Then starts another long list of birthdays that are well not super exciting...until you get to milestones, 30, 40, 50 etc etc.
BUT as a parents all this changes. Birthdays, while still exciting are also sort of sad. As the time draws near for Natalie to have her first birthday, I can't help but be a bit sad. She's not a baby anymore, although of course she is still a "baby" but it's a different kind of baby. She's now a baby that gets into things, tries my patience, and has a real personality. She's still amazing, and fun and the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I can't help but feel a longing for those days where she'd sleep on my chest for hours, and those days where I waited so long for her to open her eyes even if for just a second. The first smiles, and babbles, and kisses. I know there are so so many more first in store for us, but it's sad to thing how long ago some of those first actually were.
As a kid, teen and young adult, you hear "time flies, enjoy it while you can" from the "old people" all the time, and you think to yourself yeah whatever old guy. Now I realize that those old folks were right, something that is scares me...because if I know they're right than that means I'm turning into one of them, which I know is true as I find myself saying to my friends with younger babies than Natalie "time flies, enjoy it while you can" It is sad but true...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Photo Shoot...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Rescue Me.....

I love Rescue Me, I think the show is beyond fantastic. Dan and I tend to love all FX shows, and are/were hard core fans of Rescue Me, Nip Tuck, Dirt (is it coming back?), Over there, Sons of Anarchy etc.
But in my opinion no one compares to Dennis Leary in Rescue me....he can rescue me any day. I've always liked Dennis Leary, I think he's hilarious in his stand up, and was great in movies like The Ref. But man he really brings the hotness in Rescue me.
Oh and the rest of the cast ain't too shabby either!
So if you haven't already, check out Rescue Me on Tuesday nights...or any of the various times that it's re-run on FX.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things I'd rather be doing than working..... in no particular order
1. sleeping
2. playing with Natalie
3. Lounging on the couch with Dan watching some of the stuff we have on Tivo
4. drinking
5. hanging out at the beach
6. cooking
7. watching a movie
8. reading a good book
9. pushing Natalie on the swings
10. cleaning my House
11. finishing the garage re-organization project
12. getting caught up on laundry
13. anything....literally anything see numbers 10, 11, and 12.
1. sleeping
2. playing with Natalie
3. Lounging on the couch with Dan watching some of the stuff we have on Tivo
4. drinking
5. hanging out at the beach
6. cooking
7. watching a movie
8. reading a good book
9. pushing Natalie on the swings
10. cleaning my House
11. finishing the garage re-organization project
12. getting caught up on laundry
13. anything....literally anything see numbers 10, 11, and 12.
Well that was a productive week....
So Monday I had a Dr. appointment...super exciting. Then my Dr canceled on me...poo! So I had to get fit in with some Nurse Practitioner...I appreciate nurses..don't get me wrong, but I was just looking forward to an appointment with my hawt Dr. His extreme hotness and awesome accent are really the only things that make me go to the Dr...but whatever.
So I see some woman with a Long Island accent...not super hot (sorry), and then work a half day after my appointment.
Tuesday was Caesar Chavez as a State Employee of CA I got the day off...Thanks Cesar Chavez!
Wednesday on my way to work I get a phone call that Dan has been let go...ugh great! exactly what we needed right now. So I go home to console him and be pissed about the situation and the economy...Damn you economy! And eff work, I'm not going back when I'm already home and no work on Wednesday.
Thursday, I work....normal hours..all 9 of them.
Friday is my 9/80 day. YAY! I get a day off and I'm getting my hair did. I should be blond again by 11:30 tomorrow morning...hopefully.
So lets add that up...this week I worked a whopping day and a half...super! My inbox is hating me right week is going to suck...but at least I'll be blond.
So I see some woman with a Long Island accent...not super hot (sorry), and then work a half day after my appointment.
Tuesday was Caesar Chavez as a State Employee of CA I got the day off...Thanks Cesar Chavez!
Wednesday on my way to work I get a phone call that Dan has been let go...ugh great! exactly what we needed right now. So I go home to console him and be pissed about the situation and the economy...Damn you economy! And eff work, I'm not going back when I'm already home and no work on Wednesday.
Thursday, I work....normal hours..all 9 of them.
Friday is my 9/80 day. YAY! I get a day off and I'm getting my hair did. I should be blond again by 11:30 tomorrow morning...hopefully.
So lets add that up...this week I worked a whopping day and a half...super! My inbox is hating me right week is going to suck...but at least I'll be blond.
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