My how time flies, I can not believe that it has been 12 months since I was jolted awake by contractions, with no idea that you'd be making your appearance a short hour and 7 minutes later.
This past year has been amazing, you have taught me so much, shown me that even when a heart feels full, there is always enough love to go around, that being a sister is an amazing joy for Natalie, that babies come when they are ready, and that one house can never have too much laughter.
You, my dear are a ham, you love to make others laugh, and get an special joy out of making your sister laugh. You are stubborn and have your mothers temper (sorry about that one), you HATE to wait for anything and love to do things yourself.
You are a joy to be around, and make people smile everywhere we go. You smile at everyone and beam when they smile back.
I can not imagine my life without you, you are an amazingly special little girl. Every day your daddy and I love you more, and you have your sister wrapped around your little finger. You have completed our family in a way we never knew possible and I count my blessings every day that you are mine.
I love you to the moon and back and wish you the happiest of birthday's today.

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