Thursday, May 13, 2010

The newborn stage, the second time around...

Turns out somethings are easier the second time around...and for me this newborn stuff is one of those things.
I think having been through it once allows me to be more relaxed and thus enjoy it more. With Natalie I remember being stressed about every little thing, and worrying that I wasn't doing things right or that I was going to do something wrong. But with Addison I feel at ease I know that the likely hood of doing something wrong is slim and that babies are resilient.
Breastfeeding Natalie was akin to torture, she never had a good latch, I was in pain for weeks, she thrashed and cried during feedings, didn't gain well, etc etc etc. I was a stressed mess, and when my milk dried up at 2.5 months I was relieved to say the least.
When I got pregnant with Addison I dreaded nursing more than labor. I was so worried that I'd have a repeat performance of Natalie's nursing, I even bought formula so that I could quit as soon as things got too tough.
BUT, I am happy to say that nursing this time is a walk in the park compared to Natalie. My supply is better, my pain only lasted a day or two and was much more manageable, and nursing is the bonding experience that I had been told it would be (this was not the case with Natalie). I am actually enjoying it and hoping that I can make it longer than I did with Natalie...but if I can't I will be happy with the nursing experience I had with Addison and know that it can be a good thing.
I'm thrilled that the sour taste I had left in my mouth from Natalie is now gone...I feel so much better the second time around.
I'm hoping that this easier the second time around thing holds true with other aspects of the newborn phase...but only time will tell.


janessa said...

this is SO so encouraging! Thank you for sharing !

Alison said...

I'm so very glad to hear that!!