So I've been ditched tonight, Dan is going to the lake with his friends and while I thought we had plans to go out to dinner and then catch up on some DVR...he apparently says we had no plans. So I'm all alone with Natalie tonight. Generally I don't mind when he wants to do something with the guys, it doesn't happen often so it really isn't a big deal but in addition to him being gone my parents are out of town watching my brother play there goes my back up.
I emailed the wife of one of the guys going tonight but she is babysitting and then heading to bed early...she's pregnant too. And while going to bed early sounds great...I really want something to do tonight.
Hmmph. I hate being ditched, even if our plan was just to watch TV.
At least I'm not as emotional as I was when he first told me...I about cried...damn pregnancy hormones.
And don't even get me started on the fact that he's leaving for a 10 day hunting trip in a couple weeks...uh yea that should be fun trying to entertain myself while he's off gallivanting around Idaho. Bastard doesn't even have a to top it off I am paying for the hunting trip. ARRRGGG!
I already told him I'm planning a spa weekend with the girls (aka my mom) and he's not going to bitch about having Natalie to himself for the whole weekend!
ahhh you should have called me! You could have brought N to see cloudy with a chance of meat balls. Damn men are bastards! Chiqui is on my shit list tonight!!!!
I agree!! I don't mind when my DH goes out... but I need warning!! To prepare myself (aka... take advantage of my alone time!).
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