I've come to learn that in life some people are just plane old bitches...no rhyme or reason to it just a fact. Now I don't know if these said bitches save their bitchiness for the Internet or if they are really just total bitches in life...I choose to believe the later.
I try to go through life just being myself, I tend to call it like I see it and I sure as hell won't back down from a fight....it's just not me. And if I see an injustice or someone being bullied I'll step up, because I think that kind of stuff is bullshit...but for the most part I don't go out of my way to be a bitch to anyone.....yet somehow I get people who feel the need to be a total bitch to me. Fine, if that's what makes you feel good knock yourself out.
But honestly after a while it gets old....especially when it wasn't warranted. If warranted I'll take it, I'm a firm believer in if you dish it out you had better be able to take it...so I do. But when there is literally no reason for it I guess I just don't get it.
So to all you bitches out there who have literally no reason for it, stop...it isn't becoming on you.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Talk dirty to me.....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Vacationing National Lampoons style...part dos
After our three nights at the train depot aka "oceanside condo" we went to San Diego for one night and stayed with our gracious host Dan's BFF.
Finally some real beaches...we had a great time visiting Dan's friends in San Diego and then it was on to Morro Bay.
Well of course we don't have navigation so we had to get a map....yeah we were kickin it old school.
So, I map out our travels up I-5 an then over on Hwy 166 to Hwy 101.....sounds easy right.
Well Hwy 166 comes into I-5 at just north of the grapevine...in the middle of BFE. But my trusty map indicates that in just 27 miles there will be a town...no doubt they'll have a diner of some sort.
About 10 miles into the drive I start to worry, there is no sign of civilization...there are farms and fields but no one working in them and no one on the road...hmmm. Finally we cruise into the one town on the map...Maricopa. Ahh Maricopa, not to be confused with Mariposa (which I did) Maricopa, is a tiny little town, with approximately one stop sign....so I tell Dan, there must be a diner here...while desperately hoping for something resembling a Dennys so we can at least be somewhat safe....uh wrong again.
We drive down the main street and see a sign, "Tina's Diner"...hmm alright how bad can it be right?
As we get out of the car, we notice that all the other shops on the road are boarded up and gone, there are no other cars, no other people....nothing....
By this time we had already gotten Natalie out of the car so there was no turning back, as we entered the diner we were ENTHUSIASTICALLY greeted by who I can only assume was Tina...no turing back now.
After much senseless banter about how cute my kid is (which she really is) we sit down and start to look over the menu. I'm sort of freaking out at this point, since this place is about 100 years old...it was clean but freaking old and somewhat dilapidated.
We decided on some hamburgers...well done (just incase) and salads.
The salads come one what can only be described as platters, and Dan digs in....and then says "There's a potato in my salad" at which point we realize that our salad is a green salad over potato salad, macaroni salad and carrot salad...sneaky.
The food was fine, although I was too nervous to eat much of it.....but don't worry Tina had pleanty to say to keep me from actually eating. She must have been thrilled to have people stop by because she actually sat down with us while we ate and told us all about Maricopa and their industry...which is apparently oil and mining kitty litter (who knew right?!!?)
So finally at a break in the conversation *read monologue* we informed Tina that we needed to hit the road and were able to get out of dodge.
After another 80 miles of desolate scenery and 2 more boarded up towns we were finally at Hwy 101...and let me tell you I was never so happy to see traffic in all my life...civilation!
Our last stop was Morro Bay, a cute little town just north of San Luis Obispo....great shops, on the water, and tons of bars...what could be better.
All in all a good vacation, but I'm starting to believe that we cannot go on a vacation without some ridiculous travel drama....one of these days I'll have to tell out about our SWAT run in in Jacksonville FL.....
Finally some real beaches...we had a great time visiting Dan's friends in San Diego and then it was on to Morro Bay.
Well of course we don't have navigation so we had to get a map....yeah we were kickin it old school.
So, I map out our travels up I-5 an then over on Hwy 166 to Hwy 101.....sounds easy right.
Well Hwy 166 comes into I-5 at just north of the grapevine...in the middle of BFE. But my trusty map indicates that in just 27 miles there will be a town...no doubt they'll have a diner of some sort.
About 10 miles into the drive I start to worry, there is no sign of civilization...there are farms and fields but no one working in them and no one on the road...hmmm. Finally we cruise into the one town on the map...Maricopa. Ahh Maricopa, not to be confused with Mariposa (which I did) Maricopa, is a tiny little town, with approximately one stop sign....so I tell Dan, there must be a diner here...while desperately hoping for something resembling a Dennys so we can at least be somewhat safe....uh wrong again.
We drive down the main street and see a sign, "Tina's Diner"...hmm alright how bad can it be right?
As we get out of the car, we notice that all the other shops on the road are boarded up and gone, there are no other cars, no other people....nothing....
By this time we had already gotten Natalie out of the car so there was no turning back, as we entered the diner we were ENTHUSIASTICALLY greeted by who I can only assume was Tina...no turing back now.
After much senseless banter about how cute my kid is (which she really is) we sit down and start to look over the menu. I'm sort of freaking out at this point, since this place is about 100 years old...it was clean but freaking old and somewhat dilapidated.
We decided on some hamburgers...well done (just incase) and salads.
The salads come one what can only be described as platters, and Dan digs in....and then says "There's a potato in my salad" at which point we realize that our salad is a green salad over potato salad, macaroni salad and carrot salad...sneaky.
The food was fine, although I was too nervous to eat much of it.....but don't worry Tina had pleanty to say to keep me from actually eating. She must have been thrilled to have people stop by because she actually sat down with us while we ate and told us all about Maricopa and their industry...which is apparently oil and mining kitty litter (who knew right?!!?)
So finally at a break in the conversation *read monologue* we informed Tina that we needed to hit the road and were able to get out of dodge.
After another 80 miles of desolate scenery and 2 more boarded up towns we were finally at Hwy 101...and let me tell you I was never so happy to see traffic in all my life...civilation!
Our last stop was Morro Bay, a cute little town just north of San Luis Obispo....great shops, on the water, and tons of bars...what could be better.
All in all a good vacation, but I'm starting to believe that we cannot go on a vacation without some ridiculous travel drama....one of these days I'll have to tell out about our SWAT run in in Jacksonville FL.....
Lately it seems I've been continuously disappointed with my State's government...and this latest turn of events has me even more disappointed.
I've got so much to say but I am sure that it will turn into a rant that I doubt many want to read here.
So instead I will share some wonderful artwork from the talented Stinkerpants, whose blog you can check out here she has made some fabulous badges for all you bloggers out there...so check it out!

Vacationing National Lampoons style....part uno
is an adventure to say the least....and when you add my parents in the mix it's down right crazy.
But a vacation is a vacation and I would be crazy to ever pass one up....
So we left bright and early....at 6 am on Saturday headed for Sunny Southern California...which was actually great timing since the temps were in the 100s in Nor Cal.
Our plan was to leave ridiculously early so that Natalie would sleep and we could get pretty far out of the bay area...mission accomplished....but she slept so well that we ended up almost half way to LA before she woke up...ahh breakfast at a diner in the middle of nowhere...nice.
So after a nice glorified truck stop breakfast we headed towards LA...actually Calabassas to be exact.
Calabassas is much nicer than Los Angeles...or so we've been told. Uh the Kardashians live there...it must be nice...hello they're the Kardashaians...
Acutally it was quite nice, clean and beautiful. It's one of those places that can *almost* entice you into living in So Cal....almost...of course the median home price is like 1.5 million..but whatev.
So we check into our hotel, wihtout seeing one celebrity...trust me I was on look out, and decide to take Natalie swimming. We get her all greased up with sunscreen and gets ourselfs ready aka me getting Natalie ready while Dan watches TV.
And all of a sudden *POP* the TV goes black...weird. Dan is feverishly working to get the TV working again, because heaven forbid we be without a TV for even one night...and all of a sudden I realize that the TV is smoking....like plumes of smoke coming out of the back of the TV.
So I tell him to unplug the TV and I call the front desk and tell them that our TV is on fire (I know a bit dramatic...sue me) after some crappy translation by me I am able to let the housekeeping staff working next door that our "television esta en fuego" which then sends her into a tissy.
Finally the maintenence guy comes and we try again to talk about the TV....but it wasn't going well. The manager comes and moves us to another room "a very nice room with a plasma." she says, like we won the lotto.....
(in hindsight I should have taken the TV fire as an omen for the direction the trip would take but I was being optomistic)
Luckily the remainder of the Calabassas stay was uneventful, no Kardashians, no more fires...just regular old vacation stuff.
Then it was on to San Diego...or so we thought. My mom reserved us an "oceanside condo....Ocean Beach CA" Now I think anyone would think that that Condo would be beachfront in Ocean Beach CA...right? Uh...no....it was a condo, near an ocean and a beach in Oceanside CA....NOT San Diego....
Now if you're familiar with Oceanside...it is NOT the same as Ocean Beach....not at all. Oceanside is about 40 miles north of San Diego, and is right at Camp Pendelton...it has beaches but they aren't quite the same as San Diego....
Okay, so we deal with this and we figure, hey theres a beach there, it will be fine....yeah...the website for the condo failed to mention the FREIGHT TRAIN that runs 100 feet from the condo 24 hours a day...blowing it's whistle at EVERY intersection.
Hmm...another sign...maybe.
But a vacation is a vacation and I would be crazy to ever pass one up....
So we left bright and early....at 6 am on Saturday headed for Sunny Southern California...which was actually great timing since the temps were in the 100s in Nor Cal.
Our plan was to leave ridiculously early so that Natalie would sleep and we could get pretty far out of the bay area...mission accomplished....but she slept so well that we ended up almost half way to LA before she woke up...ahh breakfast at a diner in the middle of nowhere...nice.
So after a nice glorified truck stop breakfast we headed towards LA...actually Calabassas to be exact.
Calabassas is much nicer than Los Angeles...or so we've been told. Uh the Kardashians live there...it must be nice...hello they're the Kardashaians...
Acutally it was quite nice, clean and beautiful. It's one of those places that can *almost* entice you into living in So Cal....almost...of course the median home price is like 1.5 million..but whatev.
So we check into our hotel, wihtout seeing one celebrity...trust me I was on look out, and decide to take Natalie swimming. We get her all greased up with sunscreen and gets ourselfs ready aka me getting Natalie ready while Dan watches TV.
And all of a sudden *POP* the TV goes black...weird. Dan is feverishly working to get the TV working again, because heaven forbid we be without a TV for even one night...and all of a sudden I realize that the TV is smoking....like plumes of smoke coming out of the back of the TV.
So I tell him to unplug the TV and I call the front desk and tell them that our TV is on fire (I know a bit dramatic...sue me) after some crappy translation by me I am able to let the housekeeping staff working next door that our "television esta en fuego" which then sends her into a tissy.
Finally the maintenence guy comes and we try again to talk about the TV....but it wasn't going well. The manager comes and moves us to another room "a very nice room with a plasma." she says, like we won the lotto.....
(in hindsight I should have taken the TV fire as an omen for the direction the trip would take but I was being optomistic)
Luckily the remainder of the Calabassas stay was uneventful, no Kardashians, no more fires...just regular old vacation stuff.
Then it was on to San Diego...or so we thought. My mom reserved us an "oceanside condo....Ocean Beach CA" Now I think anyone would think that that Condo would be beachfront in Ocean Beach CA...right? Uh...no....it was a condo, near an ocean and a beach in Oceanside CA....NOT San Diego....
Now if you're familiar with Oceanside...it is NOT the same as Ocean Beach....not at all. Oceanside is about 40 miles north of San Diego, and is right at Camp Pendelton...it has beaches but they aren't quite the same as San Diego....
Okay, so we deal with this and we figure, hey theres a beach there, it will be fine....yeah...the website for the condo failed to mention the FREIGHT TRAIN that runs 100 feet from the condo 24 hours a day...blowing it's whistle at EVERY intersection.
Hmm...another sign...maybe.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I wish I were crafty....
I mean I guess I am crafty, just not in the Martha Stewart sense....but that's a differ net story.
I wish I had some skill that would allow me to have a hobby outside of talking shit and shopping....a skill that I could put to good use like being able to make things to sell at craft fairs. I see things that people on Etsy make, and I have a few friends who are really crafty (in the traditional sense of the word) who could make good money if they sold some of their stuff....but me...uh no..not crafty.
I can sew....but I'm not creative enough to come up with a cute idea that people would want.
I need a hobby, again outside of the previously mentioned hobbies...oh and drinking, but what.....
I also know that if I did get involved in a hobby, I'd be bitching about never having the time to do said hobby, and then I'd have all this money invested into something (uh something else) that I don't do....
Maybe I should stick to my tried and true hobbies.
I wish I had some skill that would allow me to have a hobby outside of talking shit and shopping....a skill that I could put to good use like being able to make things to sell at craft fairs. I see things that people on Etsy make, and I have a few friends who are really crafty (in the traditional sense of the word) who could make good money if they sold some of their stuff....but me...uh no..not crafty.
I can sew....but I'm not creative enough to come up with a cute idea that people would want.
I need a hobby, again outside of the previously mentioned hobbies...oh and drinking, but what.....
I also know that if I did get involved in a hobby, I'd be bitching about never having the time to do said hobby, and then I'd have all this money invested into something (uh something else) that I don't do....
Maybe I should stick to my tried and true hobbies.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Guilty Pleasure.....
I LOVE the Real Housewives of New York! I loved the OC wives, and the Atlanta gals were alright, I know I'll love New Jersey too....but NY is the best.

So, on my birthday I got to catch up on some episodes I had on Tivo....and holy hell what the F was Simon wearing on the Finale. And he says he's straight...Bah!

Damn I hope they do a season 3.....that shit is too hilarious to stop!
Oh and BTW, I'm totally buying their book on parenting...LMAO!
Birthday fun....
Yesterday was my birthday, so I decided to take the day off and spend it with my little one. She was actually quite the angel yesterday. She woke up early but then went back to sleep with me...nothing better than a snuggly baby...especially since she's getting to big to want to snuggle these days. So I got to sleep in, then we watched a bit of the Today show. Lame I know but it's my little endulgence on my days off. I love Matt Lauer!
After breakfast Natalie was playing happily while I was able to play on facebook....yay. Then my sleepy baby needed another nap....and she went down like a champ. So during nap time I got to watch TWO episodes of Real Housewifes of New York...Holla! I'm super bummed that the season is over, but freaking excited for the New Jersy season to start!
Then it was time to have lunch with one of my BFFs Megan...yay for Mary's pizza.
More playing with my kid and finally dinner at Outback. It was a fab day! The only thing that could have made it better was if Dan had been home....although then I probably wouldn't have been able to watch RHoNY....
And BTW did you see Simon's outfit...Holy Hell!
After breakfast Natalie was playing happily while I was able to play on facebook....yay. Then my sleepy baby needed another nap....and she went down like a champ. So during nap time I got to watch TWO episodes of Real Housewifes of New York...Holla! I'm super bummed that the season is over, but freaking excited for the New Jersy season to start!
Then it was time to have lunch with one of my BFFs Megan...yay for Mary's pizza.
More playing with my kid and finally dinner at Outback. It was a fab day! The only thing that could have made it better was if Dan had been home....although then I probably wouldn't have been able to watch RHoNY....
And BTW did you see Simon's outfit...Holy Hell!
Monday, May 11, 2009
A great giveaway!
Heather over at Angel Face Designs has a great giveaway on her blog. She makes amazing jewelry, I have a few of her pieces and they always get major compliments....
Check it out.
And cause I suck at links here's the url
Check it out.
And cause I suck at links here's the url
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
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