Thursday, February 3, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes...

I know I think my kid is hilarious, but of course I'm biased...however at times she comes out with thing that are absolutely hilarious and often these things are said in public.

Last night while at Costco, Natalie is having a great time making Addison crack up, and laughing along with her. Then she turns to me and says in her oh so quiet toddler voice, "I see Addison's Nipples!"
Now before you get all judgy on my, Addison was in fact wearing a shirt, and it was covering her nipples. So I ask Natalie how she can see Addison's nipples, and she points to her face. Relieved I say "Oooooh you mean dimples"


Megan said...

That is too funny! I love when they say stuff like that. I remember Alyssa you say how much she loved Shrek 2 but it came out fu@$ you, lol.

Alison said...
