In years past Labor Day weekend marked the end of summer and we always went out with a bang. We'd go camping, or have huge parties, and pretty much drink for an entire 3 days.
But my how times have changed, this year for Labor Day weekend we decided to potty train Natalie, transition her into a big girl bed and feed Addison rice cereal. All things went amazingly well, but the fact that I was up WAY before 8 am on a "holiday weekend" and by 8 had done laundry, and cleaned up after a meal already made me feel a pang of nostalgia for those carefree days of yore.
Which made me think of all the Then vs Now moments I've had lately....and man there have been a few.
Then, my apartment was constantly clean, everything had a place and it was always perfect...Now I clean my house and within 15 minutes you can't tell at all. Nothing has an official place other than the middle of the floor here and there, and I don't own one single perfect thing anymore.
Then, weekends were spent getting dolled up to go out and get drunk, then sleeping until late in the afternoon, waking up and getting dolled up again to go out and get drunk again. Now, I wake early, get dressed, get two other people dressed, fed and entertained all before 8 in the morning, and they're going down for naps before I used to even get out of bed. Not to mention my multiple outfit changes that are a result of sticky fingers, spit up, and other various gross kid things.
Then, I'd gladly drop $100+ on a new outfit for a night out, get accessories, shoes and makeup for big events, and never left the house looking less than put together. Now, I gladly spent $100+ on clothes for my kids while I shop the clearance racks everywhere. I never wear accessories, slap on a bit of makeup and never look put together.
But I have to say I wouldn't trade the stains my kids have left on my clothes, the scars they've left on my body, the spots on my carpet, nor worry lines they've left on my face, or the gray hairs they've given me for anything in the world. I'm more blessed than I've ever been before and can't imagine my life any other way.