Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Maternity leave...half way over already?!?!

I'm shocked that my maternity leave is already half way over, when it began I kept thinking 4 months is so long, I'll feel so rested etc etc....but now after 2 months I'm realizing how fast time flies....and getting sad about how fast the second half will fly by.
I had grand plans of getting a lot done while out on leave...but so far I've done very little. I've organized a few cabinets and closets, made one trip to the East bay to visit friends and that's about it.
Holy crap I need to get moving on my long list of to dos....or do I. I'm quite torn between doing nothing and enjoying every minute of it...and getting really organized but not spending nearly as much time snuggling my little ones.
I must keep reminding myself how quickly this time flies and try to enjoy those snuggles while I can...and remind myself that being unorganized isn't the end of the world...right?!?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Being home all day is going to cost me money...

You'd think that being home all day would be a good way to save money, I mean if I don't leave the house how can I spend money right?!?!
WRONG! Besides online shopping...I have come to realize that I hate all my stuff. I guess when I'm at work all day I don't have time to hate my stuff so much...but being here looking at it all day makes me realize how awful it is.
I've decided I want to paint and redecorate just about every room in my house. Right now I'm trying to talk myself out of painting the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom...really it's not necessary considering we painted when we moved in just over a year ago. But now I HATE the colors. It wouldn't be so bad if it was only paint, but with paint comes new textiles etc etc.
Someone please stop me!!!

My beautiful girls

So I know I'm quite biased, but how freaking cute are my kids...I mean really how did I get so lucky!?!?!

She smiles!

How is anyone going to say no to that smile!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The camera is my nemesis

I have a couple cameras, they're nice and cost a decent chunk of change...nothing like a DSLR (which my husband won't allow me to'll get it later) but decent.
I buy them, they are great, I play with them, take pictures, send them to family blah blah blah...for like a week. And then it's into the case never to be touched again...okay that's an exaggeration but really I SUCK remembering to use them.
I had Addison 6 weeks ago now, and besides the hospital pictures that Dan took, I have not even taken one picture of her...not one. How horrible is that. In the first 6 weeks of Natalie's life I took no less than 500 pictures...granted in the subsequent almost 2 years I only took another like 25 photos of her...but still.
So at the rate I'm going with Addison, she'll think we just picked her up somewhere around age 5 or so since we'll have no photos to document her early years.
I really have no idea how to take more pictures, I leave the camera out so I'll remember to use it, I try to make plans to take pictures daily etc etc...but nothing. So now you can see why Dan won't allow (ha ha) me to buy a DSLR.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The newborn stage, the second time around...

Turns out somethings are easier the second time around...and for me this newborn stuff is one of those things.
I think having been through it once allows me to be more relaxed and thus enjoy it more. With Natalie I remember being stressed about every little thing, and worrying that I wasn't doing things right or that I was going to do something wrong. But with Addison I feel at ease I know that the likely hood of doing something wrong is slim and that babies are resilient.
Breastfeeding Natalie was akin to torture, she never had a good latch, I was in pain for weeks, she thrashed and cried during feedings, didn't gain well, etc etc etc. I was a stressed mess, and when my milk dried up at 2.5 months I was relieved to say the least.
When I got pregnant with Addison I dreaded nursing more than labor. I was so worried that I'd have a repeat performance of Natalie's nursing, I even bought formula so that I could quit as soon as things got too tough.
BUT, I am happy to say that nursing this time is a walk in the park compared to Natalie. My supply is better, my pain only lasted a day or two and was much more manageable, and nursing is the bonding experience that I had been told it would be (this was not the case with Natalie). I am actually enjoying it and hoping that I can make it longer than I did with Natalie...but if I can't I will be happy with the nursing experience I had with Addison and know that it can be a good thing.
I'm thrilled that the sour taste I had left in my mouth from Natalie is now gone...I feel so much better the second time around.
I'm hoping that this easier the second time around thing holds true with other aspects of the newborn phase...but only time will tell.