So my
BFF Megan and I are both a bit new to the blog world, and when we are out together we find
ourselves saying things like "this is going in my blog" so often. But she is much better about bringing her camera places than I am. So she has all the pictures of the stuff that is going in my blog. So maybe someday Megan will email me the pics and I can add them to my blog. But until then you will just get the stories.
You could benefit from the use of an iPhone, it sounds like. I've decided my single most favorite thing about my iPhone is that it has a fabulous camera that is always with me, from which I can so easily email photos to myself. I can literally be out, see something I want to blog about, and have it up on my blog with pics in a few minutes. With no cords or adapters or connections. iPhone = best blog tool ever. :)
THere should be in your inbox now :-)
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