Monday, January 31, 2011

Kid Free Night!

It is not often that Dan and I get to go out sans kiddos, and even less often that we get to do it with our friends. It is a rare occasion that everyone can get babysitters at the same time.

BUT we succeeded in doing this on Saturday, and we went out to celebrate Kristin's last birthday in her 20's. We went to a Mexican Restaurant, ate and drank and didn't have any kids to chase after or share our food with. Then we went to a bar...a real honest to goodness bar! And we drank, and laughed and enjoyed ourselves until 1 in the morning! It was great!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I am so sad that we couldn't make it :( Insted we went to an old timer dinner at 4pm at Olive Garden then on to an exciting time at Target. It was so exciting I could not contain myself, lol!