Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Reading....

So far I've read 4 books and am about half way through my 5th book.
In case your interested I'll update here what I'm reading, and give a quick review of some of them.
*bold = the books that I really enjoyed.

1. Size 12 Is not Fat by Meg Cabot I really liked this book, it was a fun mystery/chick lit book. The main character Heather is hilarious. This was the first Meg Cabot book I've read, and I liked her writing, the characters were well developed and fun. The story moved along quickly and overall I really enjoyed this book.

2. Three to get Deadly by Janet Evanovich This is the 3rd in the Stephanie Plum series, and so far I LOVE these books. I'm slowly working my way through the series. The characters are all so fun, Stephanie is hilarious and totally fun.

3. Stuck in the Middle by Virginia Smith UGH! I downloaded this book to my kindle because it was free and had decent ratings, but I failed to read the reviews. This was a Christian Chick Lit, and it was LAME! I didn't realize it was a Christian book until I was about a quarter into it and by that time I wanted to know what was going to happen. I really should have just quit while I was ahead. This book was super religious, but I was able to get past that, I was not however able to get past how poorly developed the characters were. The issues that the main character faced were just ridiculous, as were her solutions. Overall a total waste of my time, but at least it was free.

4. Jemima J By Jane Green OMG I LOVED this book. I loved the characters, I loved the writing style, I loved the storyline I LOVED it. At first I was a bit put off by the disdain for fat people, but once I realized where the author was going I was able to really get into the story. I fell in love with Jemima and the other characters, and when I finished the book (in just about 2 days since I couldn't put it down) I was just happy. It was a happy, feel good book, and overall a great read!

5. Four to Score by Janet Evanovich I'm currently about half way through this book, it's hilarious like the prior 3 books and I can't wait to see what happens to Stephanie. *I finished this book, it was of course hilarious like the previous books, but this one had a little more steamy romance which was a nice addition.

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