My kid has been cracking me up lately...of course I think everything she does is funny, but I'm a bit biased.
Her latest demand has been to "nuggle" she treats this like her get out of jail free card. When it's bedtime she asks to "nuggle on couch" to put off going to bed, when she's in trouble she says "nuggle mama" like it will keep her from time out, and in the mornings she demands to "nuggle mommy bed" so she can climb all over us while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
She's also been really into the Olympics, I have to admit she liked the Xgames better...but the Olympics will do. She loves anything with jumping, and will stand in front of the TV yelling "go, go, jump, go wow!" and then she tries to jump...although her feet never leave the floor.
She has also become obsessed with wearing boots, she loves her rain boots and demanded to wear them every day for weeks...until I finally put them up in the closet...since she wanted to wear them without socks...gross! So now she wants to wear her ugg type boots.....and as proof here is a picture

This was on Saturday, she had just gotten out of the shower and wanted to wear her boots, I told her after lunch but she protested, climbed up on the bed herself and put both boots on...and on the right feet. She's a genius I tell you.