Ms. Addison Novella made her appearance in a fast and furious manner on April 7th 2010 just 5 days past my due date. It was crazy and at times a bit scary but all worked out and she's a happy healthy baby.
Here's how it all went down.
On Tuesday 4/6/10 I had a regular OB appointment, I was hoping to have made some progress and possibly be sent over to Labor and Delivery to be induced. But I was still only 3.5 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. So my OB scheduled me for an induction on Friday 4/9/10 since that would be his next time in L&D. I left the appointment a bit disappointed but at least there was an end in sight. The contractions that I'd been having over the last 3 weeks continued but never got much stronger, so I figured that we'd at least have a baby on Friday and all would be good.
On Wednesday 4/7/10 at 4 am I woke up to some stronger contractions, but still nothing too intense. I got up to go to the bathroom and went back to bed, but after tossing and turning for a few minutes with the contractions getting a bit stronger I got up to go to the bathroom again...I thought the contractions were getting stronger but I had in in my head that the baby wasn't coming until Friday so I dismissed them and tried to go back to bed. By 4:13 I woke Dan up to tell him I think we needed to go to the hospital. So he jumped up and started getting ready, I told him to wait to call his parents until I'd talked to L&D and was sure I was going in. He got into the shower and I called L&D.
I was on hold waiting for a nurse when my water broke at 4:20, Dan got out of the shower and called his parents to come stay with Natalie at 4:24. The contractions were a bit stronger but I could still move around so I decided to take a shower. While in the shower the contractions got stronger and by the time I got out of the shower they were so strong that I could barely talk through them (other than to say "ouch, ouch, ouch") so I hurried to finish getting ready while Dan got all our stuff into the car.
By 4:35 I was in a lot of pain and the contractions were right on top of each other. I started to get anxious about how long it would take his parents to get to our house. I decided to go outside to wait for his parents and so that I wouldn't wake Natalie...since my "ouch, ouch ouch" had turned into a loud "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" I stood in the driveway trying to breath through the pain and telling Dan that if his parents didn't hurry I'd be birthing that child in the driveway. Of course he thought I was just being dramatic and kept telling me I was fine and that everything would be fine.
Finally at 4:45-ish, my father in law turned the corner and I jumped in the truck and told Dan to go, we didn't have time to chat. I could barely sit in the truck and Dan was driving like a bat out of hell, we only hit 2 red lights, one we stopped at and the other we didn't. By the time we pulled into the parking lot I was crying and telling him he had to get them to give me drugs ASAP when we got to L&D. Since it was about 4:55 we had to go through the ER entrance, I was walking as fast as I could and doing pretty well between contractions but during a contraction I could hardly move. We got through the ER and up to L&D at just about 5 AM.
I threw my ID at the security guard who, realized the urgency and buzzed us in without any questions, I made it 3 steps down the hall at L&D and had to stop and hold onto the wall while yelling "I can't walk any farther" Dan tried to coax me to the desk saying it was only a couple more steps. Since I was so loud, all the nurses came running around the corner and yelled for me to go into the room directly on my right. I walked into the room and went straight for the bathroom, thinking they'd need a urine sample, I sat down and said "I can't pee, oh I think I'm going to be sick" I reached for the trash can. Dan came in and said he was going to move the truck since he'd parked in the ambulance parking. I said "I don't care what you do!!" and he left. Not even 30 seconds later I said "oh shit this baby is coming now" the nurse helped me to the bed. I was laying on my side trying not to push pleading with them to go find my husband, that I needed him there. They sent a nurse to go find him, meanwhile my nurse got a glove on and moved my leg to check me and said " oh you are having this baby now....WE NEED A DR!!!"
Immediately a group of people entered the room, I was still begging for them to find my husband and saying that I can't do it without him there, but the nurse and OB told me they were looking for him and that I had to relax.
The urge to push was so strong that I couldn't stop and before the Dr. could even get completely gloved and masked I the baby was being born. The nurses finished getting the Dr.s mask on and she told me to push once more and there she was at 5:07 AM. The Dr. quickly cut the cord and handed the baby to the nurse, she was blue and not responsive. I was in such shock that I couldn't register that she wasn't crying. I just laid on the bed shaking and in shock, I asked if she was okay and the nurses told me she was fine, but I still hadn't heard anything.
About this time Dan came walking into the room holding his coffee cup looking confused. I said "I'm sorry, I tried to wait, I'm so sorry" he just looked at me confused and said "what are you talking about?" I pointed to the nurses and said "She's here" to which he replied "WHAT?!?!" and then realized that the nurses were working on her, they immediately told him she was fine, just taking a little while to pink up. After about 5 minutes I was able to hold her and take her all in.
My nurse told me that according to their time they clocked it as 4 minutes from the time I hit the L&D floor to when she was born...and it was the fasted delivery the OB had ever preformed.
Luckily once the birth trauma wore off Addison was fine (she spent a little over an hour in the NICU), as was I. I suffered a 2nd degree tear and took some stitches but not too bad considering how fast I had her and that she was 10 lbs 1 oz.
All things considered it was a very successful delivery, and I am so in love with my little one!